Vampire AU~Hoseok

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Hehe, I wanted to make
Something different, it was always the members
Who were vampires or maybe werewolves etcetera.
But I wanted to make Y/n (you) the vampire.
So that maybe I could be a little more different,
I guess? Our school exams are near, so I won't be updating
For 3 or 4 days, then after that. I'm all free, and I can update
Again. Just like How I normally update now.
I actually deleted one of my stories, I was really out of
Ideas. But, right now in this imagine. I have tons of
Drafts that I saved. I'll be making them all soon.
I love you🥺🥺 (especially  to istanhobiandbts27 since she's
Been Nothing but nice and sweet to me uwu)

Vampires were monsters for other people.
And it was pretty true. Vampires kill, and They kill without mercy.
But some vampires don't, but people didn't know that. Since, they didn't
Want to believe it. They only thought of them as monsters.
Some vampires would accidentally kill people, because they didn't drink any blood. Or their thirst of blood is uncontrollable. And some doesn't want to, but once they don't drink blood. They'll die.
Even though some people doesn't know vampires are real. They would only believe it, once they see it.
You didn't wanna be one of them. You lost your family because of you.
Your 'friends' called you a 'bloodsucker' it did hurt you. But, what could you do? It was true. You really were a vampire—or a bloodsucker, as they say.
But you were the type that, 'once they wouldn't drink any blood, they're gonna die.' So it was pretty hard for you. You had to adjust with the new environment.
Even though you were turned, a hundred years ago, you still didn't like to drink human or animal blood. You were beyond disgusted with the idea.
But you had to. Or else you'll die. And it's a painful way of dying.
You were shocked by the change of the society. On how simple
Things, kids, and clothings were back then. But now, it's literally so different.
You actually felt like some kids these days really wants to strip on the streets. You were disgusted by the kids who dressed like they were matured enough to wear those stuff.
( I'm not pointing to anyone)
But, you actually coped up with it. You were turned when you were 22.
So even if you were actually Turned more than 300 years ago, you still looked, Acted, and felt like a 22 year old. So you stuck up with that age.
So you started to dress like a 22 year old would. And you had your own job.
Your own house. Your own pets. But you were single.
You actually thought that, maybe time would pass.
And you would just see how things change, and how you should cope up with the change others make. The way you dressed was very simple. But cute.
Kinda boyish at the same time. You never really thought of dating.
You were actually pretty contented with the life you had.
You still wanted to live. You didn't want to die yet.
It was gonna be painful, and you wanted to achieve more things.
You still actually don't know if there are any vampires left. Since once you bit someone, you wouldn't kill them. You would heal them at once. And erase their memory of what happened and what you did.
But you were sure, you knew there were vampire hunters, since they want to kill every vampire left. It was brutal.
They would kill you by just stabbing you, but in that stab you would burn into ashes. It sucked they had to do that, since not every vampire was like what others say. It was somehow true, but somehow..a lie.
But what could you? So you had to stick with it—once again..
You wanted to die back then once you turned into a vampire. Because you
Were still new to everything. And back then, you couldn't  control your thirst
For blood. You killed your family, everyone. Your younger sister, and
Older brother. Your mom, your dad. Everyone..
That's why when your friends knew, they hated you. And once again.
You killed them. Even when you were human you had anger issues, so you actually didn't know you could kill people once you get mad.
And sometimes you accidentally kill people when you get irritated, or mad.
It was still hard for you, even until now.
You wanted to be human again. But wanted to be vampire at the same time.
You didn't date anyone. Since, for you.
'Love was nothing' it was distraction for you..
And you were scared that they won't accept you, and leave you.
Or maybe, they'll kill you in the end. So you never tried.
You were a coward—and you still are. It's the prefect word to describe you.
A coward. Someone who looks weak on the outside, and someone who's weak on the inside.
You walk inside your one and only friend's house.
"Yeoreum! I'm here!"
( I know Yeoreum means "summer" but it's the season. )
You say excitedly, skipping steps, looking for your best friend, Yeoreum.
No answer.. you were just thinking "maybe she's out?"
But you still kept looking, going to some of her rooms.
"Yeoreum! Where are you?" You ask—more like shout, looking around.
Until, you hear shuffling sounds, groaning, and whining.
"Yeorum..?" You whisper, following the sounds.
You kept looking, until you saw your friend, clutching her chest.
She was kneeled down on her knees, the place that was her room, became into a mess. There were tears streaming down her cheeks.
She was clearly in pain. You were shocked by her state, going near her.
Rubbing her back up and down.
"Yeorum, What happened?" You ask, worriedly.
Her eyes weren't her normal brown eyes. Her eyes were turning a kind of silvery grey colour. "Y-Yeorum..What happened?" You ask, stuttering a little. Looking at her eyes.
She suddenly looks at you, full of sadness. Tears falling.
"Y-Y/n..go aren't safe here.." She says, holding your shoulders. Pushing you slightly to the door.
"Why? Tell me what happened..please.." you say, kneeling down to her level.
She leaves a breathy sigh "I-I was bitten.." your eyes widen.
"B-bitten by a..?" You ask, trying to calm down. Panting shakily
She suddenly lets out a sob, soon wiping her tears away.
"W-W-Ah!" She suddenly shouts, clutching to her chest.
Some fur suddenly grows to her skin, long nails growing on her fingers.
Her eyes Turning silver, sharp fangs growing on her mouth.
"W-werewolf..." She says, breathlessly. Your eyes widen, tears brimming in your eyes. You suddenly stand up, backing away from her.
As if it was your body that did it automatically.
"Y-Yeoreum..n-no.." you cup your mouth with your hands, your tears falling down.
She was your only friend that accepted you. For almost 7 years.
She was there for you. Why do you have to lose her all of a sudden?
"Y-Yeoreum, you'll be f-fine, I promise!" You put out a wide smile, tears still falling. Kneeling down on her, patting her back.
"N-n-no..get out, I might kill you.." Yeoreum pushes you off the door.
But you stop her. "No, I'm not..I'm gonna help you." You say sternly.
Making her sob more. "You can't! Your a vampire! You don't even know anything about werewolves!" She says shouting at you.
You shook your head, tears threatening to fall. "I-I can't..please.."
"You have to, Y/n.." You shook your head vigorously.
"No! I ca-" Yeoreum suddenly shouts. Turning into a full on werewolf.
She was a big werewolf. A black one. She can kill you in a snap.
She was clearly stronger than you.
She was growling at you, aiming to launch on you. She was gonna kill you.
She isn't herself anymore. She lost herself.
She wasn't your best friend anymore. The Yeoreum you knew was gone. Forever..
You didn't have a choice, but run away.
You were running and running, not knowing where you were going.
You were too sad, and shocked by the situation.
"I just lost my one last best friend.." you thought to yourself.
Soon, you were in a unknown aisle.
You were thirsty. You had to drink blood.
You needed it—and by the means of it. You need it
Now..or your life would end. It smelt amazing, and tasted amazing she you drank blood. But it still disgusts you to drink it. But you didn't want to die yet You don't want your life to still felt incomplete.
You can't die right now..
You were getting dizzy, you were walking around.
Soon your fangs were showing, meaning you really had to drink blood.
And you can't hunt animals to eat. It was too far. Your whole body was hurting.
And you felt like you were gonna pass out. You don't even know if you would pass out, or you'd end up dead immediately.
You suddenly see a guy, a tall guy. From the looks of it.
The guy looked handsome. Very handsome.
It's back was turning behind you. It was holding something. It was just there.
Standing there. Not doing anything. As if it was waiting for someone.
You didn't hesitate. To walk slowly, since you were gonna black out.
You were dizzy, and so it wouldn't run away.
You didn't want to, but you weren't gonna kill the person anyways.
While you were walking towards the guy, it suddenly faces you.
A handsome—very handsome, guy turns around you.
A mischievous smirk curved up its lips.
"Bloodsucker" He says all of a sudden, making your eyes widen.
It was a vampire hunter. It's impossible for someone to know you're a vampire, only if they're a vampire hunter.
"D-Don't kill me..please. I don't hurt people.." you say with pleading eyes.
Tears brimming on your eyes. You were desperate for this guy not to kill you.
He just lets out a dry chuckle.
"Sorry, sweetheart. You were gonna kill me, every vampire is like that.." he says, trapping you between his arms.
You were so dizzy, for sure you were gonna black out already. Or even die..
"No! P-please don't..I-I swear, I don't kill huma-"
Black.. you couldn't see anything but black.
You just felt very sharp pain by your chest. Nothing else.
Your dizziness increased. But right now you just blacked out. And you knew that. But you don't know if you were gonna die..
You flutter your eyes open, looking around.
You were in a unfamiliar place. The room looked very simple.
It was designed in a black and white furniture. The bed you were lying in was very Simple. But super comfy.
You try to stand up, soon feeling so much pain by your chest.
"Ah!" You suddenly shout. Loud enough to make the quiet room echo the words you say..
You check you chest. A gauze plastered in it.
Someone stabbed you. It was the guy, the handsome guy who was a vampire hunter. "Where am I?" "What happened to me?" "What happened to the handsome guy? Is he safe? Wait what?" Those were the thoughts running inside your head, you were clearly confused. Not knowing what to even do by your situation.
You Lay back down. Sighing deeply.
All of a sudden a guy enters the room.
Scent of blood seeking through your nostrils.
Your eyes light up, making your head shot up from where the scent was.
Your lightened face turns into shocked and nervous face.
It was the same guy earlier. He had a nicer, but guilty smile.
"Y-you.." You whisper, scooting away a little away from him.
He looks down a little. "Y-your awake, h-hello.." He says waving his hands a little. Making you a little bit more calm than earlier. But you chest still heaving up and down faster than ever. You didn't know if you were nervous to see him, or maybe because he's just too handsome.
He sits beside you. Giving you the wine glass with blood in it.
"T-thank you.." you say quietly. Drinking the blood in a flash.
His eyes widen a little on his fast you drank the blood, making you chuckle a little. But soon your face was red, embarrassed from what had happened.
"I'm sorry for what I did yesterday.." the handsome guy says with sincerity.
"It's..Fine..But, why did you do that?" you ask out of the blue.
He looks down, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Vampires killed my family, so I thought every vampire is like that. And I started to do research more about them, that's why I killed every vampire I saw." He says, looking at your eyes, full of sadness. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." You say looking at him. "It's fine, it's good you did..but what were you saying, you didn't kill humans?" He looks at you, full of curiosity.
A small smile leaves your lips.
"Not all vampires kill, some needs it, some does it on purpose, some is uncontrollable. And I'm the type that would die once I don't drink blood. I've been alive for more than 300 years, and I still don't like the fact that I have to drink human or animal blood. It's disgusting. Even though it tastes good for us, it's still so disgusting..But I'm kinda used to it." You say plainly, fiddling with your fingers. "Wah, how old are you then?" The guys suddenly says, full, of curiosity. His face lighting up.
You chuckle a little. "I was turned more than 300 years ago, but when I was turned I was 22. So I stuck up with my age as a 22 year old woman, how about you?" You ask, looking at his brown eyes. Pretty sure you were blushing.
"Ah, I'm Jung Hoseok, or Hobi. I'm 24.."  He says smiling at you.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you Hobi." You extend your Hand near his. And he gladly shakes it.
You felt yourself blush, when both your hands touch
"His hand is so soft..I wanna touch it all day..wait, what?"
You thought to yourself.
Soon both of you were hanging out. Enjoying each other's presence.
Laughing, eating. And some flustering moments.
Both of you knew each other more.
And you were for really liking him..a lot..
And he was too. He never ever imagined liking a vampire—like ever!
He always thought that every vampire or bloodsucker should be killed.
Since they were no help. They just kill mercilessly.
But somehow he felt some kind of euphoria with you.
He already fell in love with you. Not knowing the reason why,
Only one reason was evident why he did.
He was perfect and destined for you.
"Y/n, I enjoyed tonight, thank you.." Hobi says, smiling at you like an angel.
Making you blush "S-Sure, let's hang out again sometimes?" He nods, suddenly giving you a piece of paper. Checking it, it was his number.
Soon giving him a warm and delicate smile.
Making his heart thump faster than it ever did before.
Making his stomach have butterflies inside it.
He was about to faint in front of you. And to be honest he wants to kiss your
Lips, but he was very hesitant about it.
Both you and Hobi turned to be great best friends.
He helped you to be happier, since you lost  Yeoruem
He knew it was hard for you. And he knew everything about you. And you also knew everything about him.
Both you were in love with each other.
Every time you were together it felt like  as if you were both in cloud 9.
Something both if you don't want to end.
You both want it to last forever.
Even thought it was hard to believe that a vampire and a human would be In Love with each other..well, it happened already.
You just met a few months ago, but both of you wanted each other already,
You longed for each other, even though you met, like everyday.
"Do you like the food I cooked? I'm not the best, but I tried. Haha" He says, a cute little giggle coming out of his mouth.
You nod intently "I don't like it." You say plainly, making his happy eyes turn into a sad one. "Oh..okay.." He says, a small smile still kept on his lips.
It amazed you on how Hoseok could say he's happy. But you would know he isn't, he just wants everyone around him happy.
"Because I love it so much!" You say, excitedly. Making him sigh in relief.
You were both eating at his house. More like a small date.
Soon both of you were playing a truth or dare. sitting on his couch, by his living room.
"Dare" You say,  bravely.  A smirk curved on your lips.
Hoseok chuckles "okay.." he says, thinking. An idea popping out of his head all of a sudden. "Turn me into a vampire" he says plainly.
Making your eyebrows knit together "No Hoseok.." you tell him.
Making him Look at you straight at your eyes "Do it." He says sternly.
"You're serious?!" You ask, standing a little, he just nods with a smile.
"Why, Hoseok?" You ask, curious, but worried at the same time. "I wanna be here for you forever. I wanna love you. I don't want to end my days with you, so just turn me..please.." He says cupping your cheeks all of sudden, giving you a quick peck in the lips. Making you blush.
"Do it, Y/n.." he nears his face unto you.
"I love you, Y/n.." "I-I love you too, Hoseok.." you say, blushing. Making him smile. "Then Turn me into a vampire, will you?" Hobi says with pleading eyes. Tricking you, knowing you can't say no to him.
Making you nod. "This will hurt a little..." you say your fangs growing, nearing your face to his neck.
Soon you bite his neck. Making him grip into your shoulders because of the sudden pain. He groans a little. "Done.." you say with a little smile, going back to your normal form, your fangs going back..Making him smile even if he's in pain. "How will I know that I'm turned?" He asks. "It's gonna be visible, you'll know..well both know..wait for a few hours..." you say with a warm smile, making him nod. "I love you.." He says kissing you passionately, deeply. Making both of you smile through the kiss.
You both break it soon, Both if you panting
"I love you too, Hobi..." you say hugging him. "Thank you..Hobi..but, there isn't turning back, okay?" you say hugging him tighter.
"Of course..Y/n." He tells you, kissing your cheeks,
Bringing you to his room.
Yay! I'm done! Ahh, I feel a little satisfied with this..
I hope you all like it haha.
I'm sorry if this was very rushed!
I'll be updating again sooner or later,
If I would do double updates, it would be pretty rare.
I'm sorry! I love you all❤️❤️🥺🥺

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