Mermaid AU~Jimin

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Ahh! I'm so
Excited to do this, hehe.
I'm sorry if there were some
Times I wouldn't update for 2 or 3
Days..I'm just busy for school :(
And btw, please wish me good luck,
That I passed the entrance exam in the
School I went to take the entrance exams in..
I really enjoy doing this.
And my school exams are near, I can't update for
3-4 days, o have to review! I'm sorry..
But after that, I'm free, and I can update again!
It's just that, I'm not allowed to use any gadget when
I'm having my school exams, which is 3 days,
And I have to review for 4 days..

You always never believed in any kind of
Mystic creatures, you always told yourself that "they aren't real, they never will be"
You didn't hate them and all, you just didn't believe in them.
Unicorns, vampires, werewolves, mermans and mermaids.
You never believed on those so-called "creatures"
You always thought that, people who believed on those were ridiculous.
It was never your hype. But if it was real, you always told yourself that you would regret not believing them.
It was just a bummer that you never liked them—well, you tried to.
But you always messed up on talking to those people who believed in them.
So you never forced yourself into liking them. Since it was 'waste of time' for you. So you just continued on what you like.
You walk out of your room, stretching, with a happy smile on your face.
"Good morning, Korea.." You say happily.
You walk out of your house, looking at the beautiful view of the ocean.
You lived near the ocean, more like a medium sized home, but a very very comfy one.
You were happy to be able to buy your own home. Especially near the ocean.
It gave you peace, and you were always happy and relaxed.
It was a small town, by the ocean. There were many homes there, and many shops. And a mall, and some restaurants for people to enjoy.
And every night they had beautiful lights, and decorations.
They always kept the place clean, and people on the small town kept it clean also, because everyone wants it clean and green!
You walk by the sand, playing with it with your foot.
You changed into a bathing suit,because it would be pretty embarrassing to wear just pyjamas. (That's how you really spell it)
Even though you haven't eaten, you would take a quick swim on the ocean every morning.
So that's why you would change on a swim suit, even if you haven't eaten.
Its a routine, basically.
The cold water touches your soft and delicate skin, making you shiver a little.
The water gets deeper, and deeper.
Until it was only your neck showing, you got pretty used to swimming pretty deep on the water, and it was safe, so you could swim in a deeper part.
Your body soon relaxes, your body was used to the cold water touching your skin. You get relaxed, and you start playing with the water.
Making small splashes, making you giggle to yourself.
" lonely.." you say playing with the water, a small pout evident from you mouth.
You soon go underwater, it was pretty deep. You did have goggles on, so you could literally see the beautiful view, you thought mermaids were cool, but never believed in them, just like how others did.
You were swimming, enduring the beautiful sight in front of you.
Though you couldn't breathe underwater, you would
Go up to get some air. Or else you're gonna die.
You were just swimming, when you see a large and beautiful blue green tail
Wiggling, by a a huge rock
The fish was trapped. That's what you knew for sure.
You had to go up to get air again, since you were gonna get the fish out of the rock. Soon you were back under water and you notice that the "fish" wasn't even a fish. It was a merman.
You were of course shocked, you wanted to swim back. But you saw how much the merman was struggling. You were even shocked to see that there was blood. The merman notices your presence and he tries to wiggle out more, causing more blood to come out, causing the merman to wince in pain.
You shook your hands, telling him that you were a bad person.
You soon push the heavy rock out from his tail, but this caused your arm
To get a sprain. Which was painful "Ah!" You say in a mumbled voice.
The merman was confused, and he saw you were holding your arm. So he understood.
You pulled him out of the water, where there were no people.
You were surely out of breath when you got back.
"O-ow.." you say touching your arm. "What happened?" The merman suddenly speaks, causing you to yelp a little.
"S-Sorry, it's just a sprain. I'm fine, I need to fix your t-tail though.." you say pointing to the handsome mermans tail, severing a little from the cold breeze of air, brushing through your skin.
He nods slowly, a little frown on his face. "Why would you do that?" He asks, full of worry evident sin his eyes. You chuckle a little.
"Why wouldn't I? You need help..and I'll gladly do it!" You say, smiling. Patting his shoulders. "Mm, Okay..I thought humans were scared of us." You suddenly burst out of laughter from his statement, making him tilt his head to the side out of confusion.
"R-really?! Humans love mermaids, they always wanna see real ones, since they say 'they're wonderful'" You say, your laugh coming out of your mouth while speaking. Making him nod. "But, well. I didn't believe that, just until..I saw you, I guess they're right." You say, a slight blush crept on your cheeks, scratching the back of your neck. "Your blushing.." the merman says, pointing to your, now more reddened cheeks. Making you cup them—more like covering them. "Sorry, I'm Y/n, by the way.." you extend your hand for him to shake, and he gladly accepts it, having a smile on his lump and kissable lips. "Jimin, I'm Jimin.." he says, smiling, making his eyes squint.
"H-how do I fix your tail? You can't wal-" he cuts you off mid sentence, "I can, all mermaids and mermans can..just watch." Jimin says, scooting over the sand. Soon his huge and beautiful tail getting exposed on your eyes. "Wah.." you say out of amazement, but soon. You suddenly see sparks of blue glitters floating around, and boom he has feet, and has swimming trunks..? Your eyes widen, but it suddenly turns into a confused look. "Why do you have swimming trunks?" You ask, pointing to his swimming trunks.
He shrugs, a small pout evident on his lips. "I don't know, mermans get swimming trunks when they turn into fully human, and mermaids would have a bathing suit. It's weird, I know.." Jimin says, also confused.
"There's blood on your legs, I, sure that hurts, let's get you fixed up."
"Thank you for taking care of me, and cleaning me up, Y/n..." Jimin says, pulling you into a sudden, tight, and warm hug. His toned chest touching your skin. Your clothes were pretty thin, so you felt it even more.
Making you blush. "N-no, problem.." you say, stuttering. Making Jimin chuckle. "Let's hang out, shall we?" You ask, smiling. Turning to your living room. "Sure!" Jimin says without any hesitation
You both hanged out for, who knows how long? You shopped him some clothes, and some other stuff men needed. Since you actually wanted it hang out with him more.
But it was sure, afternoon. You watched movies, ate snacks. And played some board games, that Jimin loved, but still kinda sucked into. Making him look
Cuter. It was getting dark and you both didn't even notice.
"I have to go, Y/n..we have to get back to the sea before 7, and it's already..6:45? If we don't, we would be forbidden to come back, and if we do..we would die. Let's just hang out tomorrow, I'll come to your house!" Jimin says, hugging you. "No problem, and sure..come back!" You say leading him u to your exit.
Soon, he was back into the water.
You honestly missed him already. "I think I'm catching feelings.." You say
(Not the song)
All of a sudden. And you realised, you had a small crush on Jimin..
And Jimin did to, once he got back from the water, he secretly watched you.
He didn't go, back yet, he could still hear what you were saying.
And he heard everything. Making him blush and chuckle at the same time.
He only left when you went back in, a smile speed accords both your faces.
A smile that could be brighter than the sun..
You were sleeping peacefully, until you hugged something that wasn't your pillow, all of a sudden. Making your eyes go wide. It felt like a human being, it was covered in your soft and thick comforters. "Ah!" You say pushing the person out of the bed "Ow, Y/n, good morning!" The person suddenly stands up. Showing Jimin, wearing the clothes you bought for him. A soft and excited smile crept on his luscious lips. "J-Jimin! You're here, sorry I pushed you off the bed. I was just shocked." You say, looking down a little. Jimin comes near you, hugging you tightly "I'm sorry, I scared you like that. I missed you by the way!" He says hugging you tighter. Making you both blush. "Ah, it's okay..the clothes look great on you, and..I missed you too!" You say looking at him.
"Let's hang out again, let's gooo!" Jimin says, grasping your hand, pulling you to the kitchen
You both hanged out for a few months now, and he always did the same routine. Excepts if you had work, which were in Tuesday and Thursday, so he
Could only hang out with you after your work.
You both enjoyed each other's presence, you both cuddles all the time. And he would eat ice cream and other stuff with you. And you did the same.
You were both having the best time of your lives with each other's presence.
And both of you were sure catching feelings for each other.
Or most likely, you only didn't like each other, but loved each other.
It would be a lie if you didn't say that you wished Jimin would ask you out, maybe just one time.
And you would lie if you would say that Jimin didn't wish to kiss your lips, and be with your forever. He would gladly be fully human than only being able to see you for a few hours, he would sacrifice that for you.
Since he loves you the same way you love him too.
It would be a lie if you would t say that, you both wished to be in a relationship already..right?
You were both watching a movie, both huddled up in each other's warmth.
You were watching a romance movie, making both your hearts melt whenever there were sweet scenes.
Jimin would suddenly hug you for some time, or caress your hair or hug you whenever he felt like it. Which he always felt the need to do.
Or he was just addicted to doing it, since it was his first love. His first and last love. It was pretty late and you both didn't notice.
Only until you looked by the clock, making your eyes wide.
"Jimin! It's 6:58! You have to get back!" You say, shaking him.
But he just looks at you, chuckling a little, making you glare at him.
"Jimin, I'm serious! You have to!" You say heading to your door.
But he grabs your hand, making you smash until his chest. Making both of your hearts flutter. "I'm not going back" he says plainly "What? You have to! this is your home! Let's just continue the movie tomorrow!" You say pulling him, but he only grabs you tighter. Now hugging you. "I'm not going back, Y/n. I don't want to.." He says, looking your eyes.
"But, Jimin.." you say with pleading eyes. "I don't want to, I wanna be with you, I love you, Y/n. For a very long time, and I really wish you feel the same" Jimin suddenly blurts out, making your cheeks turn red, and your eyes wide.
He looks down, sadness evident "I-it's Fine, if you don't feel the sa-" "I do, I feel the same way, also for a very long time.." you say, now looking into his eyes. His lips curve into a smile, soon crashing his lips into yours.
As if it was meant to be, it moved together perfectly. It fitted perfectly.
It was a long, deep and passionate kiss. Both of you melting on the kiss every second it lasted. U too he breaks it, a smile curved on his lips. "I'm not going back, I wanna love you and love with your forever, is that okay?" He asks wit puppy eyes. "Of course..but how will you know you aren't a merman anymore? You also might regret it, I don't want you to regret anythi-" he cuts you of, planting another kiss on your lips, making you blush by his sudden action. "I'm not going to referent anything, since I'm here with your, okay?" He says, cupping your cheeks, his eyes full of love and passion in it. And it was because of you, and you were full of joy and love also because of him.
You just nod, smiling at him. "And I'll know it if I do t h are this mark anymore." Jimin shows you his hand, a small mark on it, a blue green mark, it was sparkling. And after a little bit of second of waiting, it suddenly disappears, making Jimin jump up and down. "I'm finally human! And I feel like human! I was always so thirsty for water when I was turning into a human back then.." Jimin say with a pout, making you chuckle at his cuteness. Pinching his soft cheeks. "Thank you, you.." you say kissing him in his cheeks, "I love you more, now let's cuddle?" He grasps your hand, going back to your room.
And soon, both of you were watching the movie again, cuddled together with soft blankets, with snacks and drinks. Jimin leans on your face, kissing you.
Yay! I'm finally done, I worked really hard on this.!
I'm so sorry if there are a lot of time skips, I just couldn't think of
Anything else to put. And I didn't wanna force anything to be put on the imagine, just so it could be longer. I don't wanna make it uglier.
Thank you for reading this! I love you!🥺
I'm also so sorry if I posted things that weren't even and update last night, or yesterday.. heheheh

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