cake fight...

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They pulled up in front of the cake shop. They both said nothing to eachother during the entire journey. Samantha stepped out of the car not paying attention. Her mind was filled with thoughts about tyler and kathy. It really bothered her. She continued walking blindly and didnt realise that a car was approaching her as she was crossing the street. Luckily tyler saw her and he ran and grabbed her on her arm and he pulled her out of the road towards him. She was left in shock. "Watch where you're going Samantha!" He yelled. Finally realizing what just happened, she looked up at him. "Damn it are you crazy?" He yelled again. "You haven't changed a bit have you? You're still the same immature, bubbly, absent minded, unrealistic, careless girl that you were five years ago!" His words hit her hard. He made it seem like her fault they fell apart. She felt like crying. She turned away and starting walking. Tyler realised that he said a little too much. "Samantha wait!" He yelled. When he caught up to her he said, "I'm sorry okay?" He said avoiding eye contact with her. "Yeah whatever, lets just get this over with." She said quietly. They were told to go into the kitchen. They met the chef. "I have over 22 samples for you two to try and then i have a brochure of designs you can choose from." The chef said in a friendly tone. "I'll leave you two to it then." "Thanks" Samantha said forcing a smile. They both picked up two forks and began sampling them. They tried, lemon, white, vanilla, carmel, chocolate, red velvet and so many more delicious options but the cake didn't change their moods. Tyler decided to apologize again. "Look Samantha, I'm sorry i shouldnt have said all those things." He sounded a bit more sorry this time. She still ignored him. "Samantha I'm sorry!" He said louder waving his fork causing a piece of cake to fall on her top. She looked at him with her mouth open. "How dare you?" She yelled. "I'm sorry that was an accident!" He said. "Right an accident!" Replied as she took her fork and dabbed it on his shirt. "You did not just do that." He said, shocked. She leaned closer to him and said, " I just did." Tyler knew he couldn't let her win, so he took some frosting in his hand and dabbed it on her face. She did same thing to him. Before they knew it, they were laughing. He took a n entire slice of cake and began chasing her around an island to dab it on her face. He finally caught her arm and he pulled her towards him and and dabbed the cake on one side of her cheeks! "Hey!" She exclaimed laughing. Her hands were around his neck and his hands around her waist. They both stared into each other's eyes wishing that old times could come back. But then things got awkaward. He quickly let go of her waist and she removed her hands from his neck. She stepped away and grabbed a napkin to wipe her face. Things seemed awfully quiet. Then the chef burst through the door. "So have you selected anything?" He asked. "Actually my cousin kathy would like to sample a few. Would you mind if i took some that i think she would like to try? She's the bride and she couldn't make it because of an appointment." Samantha explained. "Uh i guess," the chef said. "But we'll need to know soon." "Yeah that won't be a problem." Said tyler stated.

Their entire journey back to the hotel was silent until samantha turned on the radio. It just happended that the super romantic song they danced to at prom, "i do it for you" was on air. Samantha felt her heart skip a beat, and so did tyler. Again, they both looked into eachothers eyes. "What's happening to me?" She asked herself. "These feeling aren't right." She thought. "Its been years, I'm getting married to her cousin. I cant feel this this way," tyler told himself.

~later that evening~

It was 7pm. Samantha was in her room. She wanted some time to think about what happened today. "What if he still feels what i feel?" She asked herself. "What if he doesn't love kathy? Then would it be right to let him marry her and ruin her life? I meam i dont want to be with him but I'm worried he'll hurt her." She told herself. "Right? That's all!" "Maybe i should go talk to him." She said to herself.
She stepped out of her room and walk down the hallway to the other end where his room was. She knocked but no one answered. She decided to check Kathy's room but kathy wasn't there either. She then went down outside to the pool area to check. There she saw tyler and kathy. Tyler was in the pool and he pulled kathy in with him too. They were laughing and having fun. "They look so happy." Samantha thought. "I should not start any trouble, whats meant to be will be." She said. And with that, she went back upstairs to get ready for the get together that night. But for some reason she didn't feel better like she thought she would after seeing tyler and kathy together, infact she felt even worse.
"Why?" She asked herself as she picked put her dress that she would wear. "Why am I not happy for kathy?"

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