16. Sun And Moon

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"I was the Moon, he was the Sun. I was war, he was peace. I was disaster, he was beauty."

Next morning wasn't so bad. I woke up with a slight headache, but at least I didn't have a fever anymore. I don't remember when I fell asleep, it was probably around three in the morning. Steve was still out like a light. I let him sleep, only giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before slipping out of bed.

I took a shower since I felt absolutely disgusting and it actually helped. After that was done, I pulled on some sweatpants and one of Steve's t-shirts since the only one I owned was dirty. Yawning, I shuffled out into the hallway and drowsily went down the stairs. I heard the tv going in the living room, but didn't bother to see who was in there. I just went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of orange juice. As I looked for the carton in the fridge, I heard someone come into the kitchen and immediately groan out of what I assumed was annoyance.

"Where's Capsicle? He's supposed to be with you." Tony basically demanded. He must've not liked the fact that I was sifting through the fridge like I lived there. Though technically, I did live there.

"He's sleeping. Don't bother him." I muttered, not looking at him. I finally found the orange juice and poured myself a glass, coughing into my elbow after I had put it away. I closed the fridge and turned to face Tony, a small scowl on my face. "I think I know how to pour myself some orange juice." I huffed sarcastically, rolling my eyes and taking a sip from the glass.

Tony's frown deepened. "I bet you do, but we had an agreement. Steve is supposed to be with you 24/7." He argued, crossing his arms across his chest.

I just shook my head. I really didn't want to deal with this right now, especially with the headache I had. "Listen. I kept him up all night because I was so damn sick. He deserves some sleep. If it bothers you that much, I'll just make some breakfast and then go back upstairs. That satisfy you?"

"Sure. Just don't forget what we all agreed on. I'm not running some bed and breakfast for criminals."

That word stung me, but I didn't have the energy to get upset about it. I just waved him away with my hand and turned back to the counter.

Once I was sure he left, I started making myself some breakfast. There were some waffles in the freezer, so I popped them in the toaster. It was then I decided I would make Steve breakfast too since he helped me last night. As I made both plates, I remembered how I used to make breakfast for Steve when he was sick. He'd always want pancakes with extra butter and syrup. Occasionally he'd ask if he could have ice cream, but I only allowed him to do it once. I wanted to let him have some fun, especially since he was sick with something that could've ended his life at such a young age.

While these weren't my pancakes, they were the next best thing. Now I had another dilemma: how was I going to get both plates and both drinks upstairs without dropping anything? Steve must've read my mind because I heard him coming into the kitchen right after I finished up.

"Morning, Bucky... How're you feeling?" He asked, walking over to me and placing a quick little kiss on my cheek. His voice sounded heavy and drowsy, like he was still half-asleep. It was cute. His bed-head was even better. Soft tufts of blond hair were sticking out in every direction in one fuzzy mess. I don't think he even knew it was like that until I ran my fingers through it to smooth it down.

I smiled, chuckling a bit when he went a bit red in embarrassment. I handed him his plate and glass of milk, leading him over to the table and sitting down with my own plate and glass of orange juice. "Better. Still a bit off, but better than I was last night. Thanks for that, by the way." I replied as I cut into my waffles with my knife.

Steve shrugged and smiled, taking the seat across from me. "No problem. You needed it." He was quiet for a moment while he ate his breakfast, his gaze occasionally wandering before settling back on me. I could tell he was admiring me like I always did when he wasn't looking. The way my stormy blue eyes glimmered in the sunlight, glowing with a light that hadn't been there for decades. How my chestnut brown hair was delicately draped along the sides of my face even though I had done nothing to it besides brush it. And my smile, the very smile that had been nonexistent ever since I lost him in that swirling blizzard. He was admiring me like I admired him.

This was the gaze of love. It was beautiful, alluring, and gentle all at the same time. Although he wasn't as good as I was at being secretive while admiring, I was grateful to know that he saw me like that. I knew he didn't see me in any other way, not like everyone else did. I'm sure he knew I was the same, but I fear that he doubts my love for him. He shows so much, but I'm still unsure of how to show the same amount back.

I'll figure it out in due time.

He'll know how much he means to me. He'll know how much I love him.

Soon, he will know. I'm sure of it.

A/N: I don't know what to say anymore, every note will just end up being the same thing: I LOVE THIS SHIP SO MUCH AHHHH ❤️😂

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