21. What Good Am I?

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"What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?"

"Well damn, Rogers. I knew Barnes meant a lot to you, but I didn't think he meant that much."

Both of us immediately froze and pulled apart. A deep red blush was spreading across Steve's face like a wildfire as he tried to compose himself. I stayed where I was, unsure of what to do. I knew I recognized the voice, but I just couldn't attach a name to it.

"I-I can explain." Steve sputtered, gently nudging me   away and pushing himself off the wall. He was incredibly flustered, as was I, but it was honestly kinda cute. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, which earned a slight look from him. "Natasha, you can't tell Tony about this."

Natasha. That's her name. I glanced at the red-haired woman and swallowed hard. Something told me she was going to tell Tony no matter what Steve said.

"Relax, Steve. My lips are sealed." She replied, her words seeming to lift a huge weight off my shoulders. At least someone was alright with our relationship. "But next time, just.... get a room or something." A laugh escaped her after that comment and I could see the horrified look on Steve's face.

After she left, it was promised that we would continue in our room after breakfast so we wouldn't be disturbed.


I hadn't even taken three steps into the room before Steve was on me, pressing his lips to mine in a kiss. I put hands on his shoulders and pulled myself up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt his hands slip around my back in order to support me as he carried me over to the bed.

After he had set me down, he straddled my hips and bent down, peppering my neck with little kisses. I allowed him to have his way for a little while before I flipped him over, pinning him on his back and straddling his hips.

"Buck..." Steve murmured, his breath warm against my cheek as I leaned down to kiss his jaw.

"What, Stevie?" I replied sweetly, pressing another kiss to his jaw before moving down to his neck.

Steve seemed to hesitate for a second, or maybe he was just caught up in the moment. "I love you... please don't ever forget that.." I could hear the emotion in his voice and I rested my head against his neck for a moment.

"I won't. I'll never forget it as long as I live. I love you too..." I murmured softly, gently kissing the side of his neck. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, essentially holding me against his chest. A small smile graced my lips and I continued peppering his neck with kisses, eventually getting a bit rougher but not hurting him. I enjoyed the little whines that he made when I kissed a certain spot.

I soon moved down to press a few kisses to his collarbone before lifting my head so I could kiss those pretty lips of his again. Oh, I would kiss them all day if I could. We kissed until we were breathless, only to come right back and begin again. It almost felt like this blissful moment would never end.

However, neither of us knew what was coming.


"What do you mean the Secretary of State is here?" I heard Steve say from the other room. He sounded aggravated, yet there was a hint of fear in the tone of his voice.

"I mean he's here and he means business. Now come on, everyone's waiting!" Tony sharply retorted and I felt a bit of anger bubbling up in my chest. I didn't like him for multiple reasons. Not one bit.

There was a heavy sigh and Steve came back into the living room, a somewhat agitated expression on his face. I just looked at him in confusion, wondering what it was about. "What's wrong?" I asked, seeming too innocent for the kind of person people took me as.

Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed again, shaking his head. "The Secretary of State is here to talk with us about.... well... us. I'll be back later, whenever this whole thing blows over. Just... try to keep yourself busy, alright?" He placed a firm hand on my shoulder and squeezed, looking me dead in the eyes.

I nodded, gazing into his baby blues and immediately melting. "Alright. Good luck." I replied quietly, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before watching him leave. I sighed, folding my hands in my lap and staring at the wall.

What was I going to do now?

A/N: I felt like writing a little cute kissy kissy scene, so I did 😂 Also, shit's about to go down. Just saying.

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