20. Before You Start A War

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"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for."

Before I knew it, Christmas had arrived. I nearly forgot to wrap Steve's present the night before since Tony and the others wouldn't let me use their wrapping paper, but I managed to get it wrapped and placed under the tree before Christmas morning. I wasn't expecting anything in return. I really didn't think I deserved anything.

While everyone else laughed and gathered around the Christmas tree in the living room to open presents, I just silently sat by the window and watched. I didn't feel welcome over there.

Seeing Steve so happy put a smile on my face, but there was a hint of sadness to it. I kept it hidden so no one would notice. I watched him open his presents, which were mostly prank gifts like American flag clothes or things an actual old person would use. I couldn't help but giggle when he opened one present to find prunes. I kept eying my terribly wrapped present, which somehow got tucked far under the tree. I don't think Steve saw it. I wanted to tell him that he still had a present, but I just kept my mouth shut.

After everyone had opened their presents, they just hung out and talked. Since there was no real purpose of me being there, I sullenly shuffled into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I put my head in my hands and sighed, trying to fight off the wave of sadness that was trying to overwhelm me.


I looked up, thinking I was just hearing things at first until I saw Steve. He had my present in one hand along with another, more neatly wrapped, present in the other. He sat down at the table with me and placed both presents on the table. "Hey, Steve... I take it you enjoyed those presents you got, especially the prunes." I joked and chuckled a bit, but my happy attitude kind of fell flat. I just wasn't feeling it at the moment.

Steve snickered and nodded, brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. "Yeah. They do that every year." He sighed while lightly tapping his fingers on the table. "I saw that you got me a gift. You didn't have to, you know. I know you don't have much money."

"Of course I had to, Steve. I needed to make up for all that lost time..."

He placed a hand on mine and stroked the back of it with his thumb, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Well, I felt the need to do the same thing. Here." He nudged the small wrapped box over to me, taking his hand off of mine.

I blinked and looked down at the present. It was a cute little box, probably only as big as my palm. "Steve, I... I don't really deserve—" He silenced me by leaning over and kissing me on the cheek.

"You deserve it, Buck. Believe me, you do." He said to me, his smile growing.

I sighed softly and chuckled, shaking my head. "Alright... but you have to open your present up first."


"Just do it, you punk."

"Alright, jerk."

I watched Steve tear through the wrapping paper, smiling just a bit more as he pulled out the sketchbook and pack of pencils. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you a better gift." I mumbled, averting my gaze for just a moment. I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder and looked back at him.

"It's alright. It's the thought that matters. I needed a new one of these anyways, thank you." Steve replied with a big smile, his baby blues just lighting up like the sky at dawn. It made my heart flutter wildly within my chest. "Now, open yours."

I giggled a bit and gazed down at my present, wondering what it could be. I began tearing the wrapping paper with the greatest care, not wanting to accidentally damage the box with my bionic hand. Once all the paper was off, I slowly opened the box and nearly dropped it in surprise. Nestled inside was a beautiful golden ring. It had the words 'forever mine' carved into the side with a little heart next to it. It struck a memory deep in my mind. "Steve..."

Steve only smiled at me and held out his left hand, showing me the golden ring that was on his ring finger. "I still have mine. Remember when you gave it to me before you shipped out?"

I slowly nodded, still staring at the ring in awe. "T-That was our first kiss too, right...?" I mumbled softly, taking the ring out of the box admiring it.

Steve gently took my right hand and helped slide the ring onto my ring finger. "Mhm. It was the happiest day of my life..." He murmured, watching me with a soft gaze.

We were silent for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. I still couldn't believe Steve had kept that silly little ring all those years. Back then, it was just a promise ring. Nothing more. But now, this new ring felt like it had a whole new meaning to it. I vowed to treasure it with all my heart, just like I did with the other one up until the day I lost it in that ravine....


Sometime after that, Steve and I went over to the window to watch the city begin to wake up. I couldn't stop looking at him and those perfect lips of his, I just wanted to kiss them so badly. I didn't even care if anyone saw at this point, I just needed it. I nudged him over a bit and then pressed him back against the wall, holding him in place with one hand on his shoulder.

"B-Buck.." He sputtered in surprise, his cheeks flushing up.

I silenced him by pressing a kiss to his lips. I closed my eyes and sighed, the kiss becoming more passionate as time passed. Eventually, we pulled apart to catch our breath. I looked into his beautiful eyes, seeing that they were filled with need. He could certainly be needy when he wanted to. A small smirk crossed my face as I tilted my head to press a gentle kiss to his neck, the soft skin making my lips tingle. I left a trail of kisses up and down his neck, my smirk growing when a little whine occasionally escaped him.

I was startled a bit when I felt him grip my hips and pull me closer with his strong hands. I smiled and pressed up against him, kissing his neck more roughly. I did an experimental nip in one spot to see what his reaction would be and was pleased when I  heard him whine a bit louder. I then pulled away and went back to those perfect lips of his, working mine against his in another passionate kiss.

Of course, neither of us were aware that someone was watching us essentially make out in the kitchen.

A/N: Uh oh, they done got caught! Who do you think it is? 😂

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