26. It Wasn't My Fault

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"I took the blame, but we both knew it wasn't my fault."

Nearby, a small computer screen flickered to life. A date that made my blood run cold was displayed on the screen.

16 Декабрь 1991.

"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again." The man said, his gaze still focused on Steve. "But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever."

Security camera footage began to play. Steve and Tony gathered around the screen to watch. I was frozen in place. I knew what that video footage would show. A pit of dread settled in my stomach as I tried to keep my emotions at bay.

"I know that road." Tony muttered. I could hear the slight fear in his voice. "What is this?"

The video continued, now showing a crashed car and a figure on a motorcycle pulling up behind it. My gut twisted in such a way that I felt like I was going to be sick. I couldn't watch. Tony looked at me and I could see the homicidal glare in his eyes. He knew it was me. Except, he didn't understand that it really wasn't me. It was him. It was the Winter Soldier who was in control that night. I was helpless to stop him as he brutally murdered Tony's parents and made it look like a terrible car accident.

And when he walked up to the camera and aimed his pistol, I got a good look at what he really looked like. The blank expression said it all. He felt no remorse. I did.

Silence gripped the tense air. Steve was staring at Tony, whose eyes were still glued to the screen. I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. My heart was pounding in my chest.

Then Tony tried to lunge at me and I flinched. Our gazes met. His was burning with hatred, while mine was laced with fear.

Steve grabbed his arm and held him back. "No, Tony." He quickly said.

Tony turned and looked down at Steve's hand, almost like he couldn't believe that Steve had held him back. His anger was barely being contained, it was made obvious through his body language. "Did you know?" He asked, his voice barely higher than a whisper.

"I didn't know it was him." Steve responded. He was trying to stay calm, but I knew he was scared on the inside. He knew it was me. Telling Tony wasn't part of the plan until it was forced to be.

Tony roughly gripped Steve's arm and shook him. "Don't bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?" He seethed through clenched teeth.

Steve looked torn. He pressed his lips together and sighed. "Yes."

Tony shoved him away, his glare hardening. Then, after another brief moment of silence, he suddenly swung his arm and backhanded Steve. When he turned to me, I raised my gun in defense. He fired his repulsor and knocked away my gun, then lunged forward to grapple with my bionic arm.

He smacked me across the face to break my grip and grabbed my throat. His suit's thrusters ignited, sending us flying across the room. I was slammed into the floor and pinned underneath him. But before he could fire his repulsor at my head, Steve's shield clanged against his armor and caused him to fire into the floor instead.

Steve was able to knock him away from me, but not before being hit hard once again. Tony fired something from his suit that wrapped around Steve's ankles, immobilizing him for the moment. I was grabbed by my throat again and flown into the wall, where Tony tried to shoot me in the face once again. I was fighting for my life against a man in a suit of armor.

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