part 22

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Annabeth POV: after being flung around a bit, we finally get to the airport and hop out.

"ughh Leo why. seriously you're worse than Thalia when you drive" I groan as we walk into the airport and sit down to wait for the plane to be cleaned up for the flight. suddenly an announcement comes on over the intercom

"flight A1723 to Athens, Greece, has been delayed 2 hours. sorry for any inconveniences caused. thank you and have a great day" I groan and look at Percy who smiles comfortingly at me and hugs me gently.

2 hours later

Percy POV: "flight A1723 to Athens is now boarding at terminal 3 can anyone for that flight please go to gate A in terminal 3 please" finally. I look at Annabeth who's after falling asleep, her head on my shoulder and nudge her gently

"come on wise girl time to get on that plane" I whisper into her ear and she shoots up next to me, grinning excitedly.



"FINALLY! come on!" she cries, grabbing my hand and carry on bag.

"alright alright I'm coming" I laugh, grabbing my own bag and letting annabeth drag me towards the plane.
3 months later

Annabeth POV: I sigh as I walk exhaustedly to school.

"hey babe what's up?"

"go away Matt"

"come on. what's wrong?"

"I said GO AWAY" I yell angrily, turning around to glare at Matt who grabs my waist and tries to kiss me

"dude get away from my girlfriend"

"he's nowhere near me Percy" ugh now Lola is on the scene

"hey you! the jock and the make up face get outta here would ya?" Lola and Matt look down at Emma angrily

"you get outta here pipsqueak"

"after you" Lola goes a raddish red colour and storms away but Matt isn't easily fazed by this and tries to kiss me again.

Emma POV: got rid of the cupcake face now just the jock is left and he doesn't seem to understand so I march up and kick him where it hurts and he let's go of annabeth and waddles away. boom. easy.

Percy POV: "annabeth are you alright?" I ask nervously, pulling annabeth into a tight hug

"yes seaweed brain I'm fine but Matt isn't. gladly" I laugh and kiss the top of her head.

"I love you" I whisper softly

"I love you too" suddenly the bell rings and we head to Greek and sit down minutes before the teacher comes in and what a shock we got

"hello class I'm Ms.Athene (no points for guessing who it is :p) and I'm your new teacher now before we begin, does anyone here speak Greek either a bit or fluent?" annabeth and I exchange glances and put our hands up and so does the rest of the class.

"right. umm Mr.Dennison (Matt) and Ms.Chase" well then >:(
(convo will be translated into English)

"hey want to go out tonight?"

"no Matt"

"I bet I know more about Greek mythology than you annabeth"

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