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This entire wattpad (other than the first two chapters) was updated early May to make the story better for your enjoyment. This story was originally published in January 2020. The first two chapters are SHIT (because those are the only two I haven't rewritten) and so is the rest of the book. You have been warned😛

Marinette stumbled out of bed and threw on her casual outfit.
"I can't be late on the first day!" She thought to herself. Marinette didn't talk much, but when she did it was because she had studied being able to talk for a few years. She wasn't great at it and she struggled on some words, but overall when she spoke she sounded normal. As a matter of fact, her voice was very pretty.

Marinette ran downstairs and sped past her mother, barely being able to wave out a goodbye. "Be careful!" Marinettes mother called out, despite Marinette not being able to hear her. She was worried for her daughter. After all she had been through, Sabine wasn't sure if she would last a day in high school. Marinettes father had died in the same car crash Marinette had lost her hearing in. Both Marinette and Sabine were lucky they didn't loose their life as well. Cochlear implants were something Marinette could get to restore some hearing, yet they were much to expensive to buy off the bat. Opening her own business Paris was the only she could do at this point to earn some Euros to provide for their small family.

Marinette ran inside her new school, overwhelmed by all the people. She knew which class she had to get to, but she didn't know where. Apparently it was obvious Marinette didn't feel comfortable because an ombre haired girl soon walked up to her, her face full of concern. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new? Do you need help finding your class?" Spoke the girl. But it was all a blur to Marinette. What was the girl saying? Marinette signed something with her hands that made the girl realize she was deaf. The girl planted a smile of sorrow across her face and pulled out a notepad from her pocket.

"Hello! My name is Alya. What's your name? Do you need help finding your class?" She wrote. She softly handed the notepad to Marinette. Marinette scribbled something right under Alyas note as a response. Trading the notepad back and forth, Alya read the note.

"Nice to meet you, Alya! My names Marinette. And yes, I do need help finding my class!" Marinette handed her schedule to Alya. She was glad that she was making good first impressions already. Alya gently grabbed Marinette by the arm and tugged her around the school. Throughout the way, Marinette saw many faces she had and hadn't seen before. Most people she hadn't. She did though, notice one female blonde she had thought she'd seen before. Pheraps it was just someone famous. Then she remembered it was the all time star, Chloe Bourgeois. All she knew about her was that she was the daughter of the mayor,

And that she was a complete brat.

in the past living in Nantes, she wasn't completely familiar with the blonde. But she definitely had seen her before, whether on televisions or old news magazines.

Collège Françoise Dupont never having to worry about a deaf student before, didn't provide a professional translator. That was a concern, but seeing Marinette having already made a friend, she didn't worry much about it.

"Lucky me" Marinette thought to herself as she passed by. Hopefully she wasn't in her class, because she knew if she was if meant trouble. Alya was still tugging her when Marinette caught her eye on someone else. She had only slightly recognized him. She recalled him being featured in a couple magazines from what she could remember. He was also a blonde, somewhat tall, and had the greenest eyes she had ever seen.

Deaf [Adrienette AU]Where stories live. Discover now