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Two weeks had past and Marinette was finally eligible to return back to school. Normally she would've gone back after a couple of days, but Sabine and the doctors wanted to make sure she was truly ok. Today, Alya would be walking Marinette to school. She would stick by her side no matter what.

"Hey Marinette!" Alya said cheerfully as she bounced inside the bakery. Sabine waved but Marinette just stood there. Alya frowned and turned over to Sabine. "I've been practicing sign language! I'm not the best at it, but I've been using up all my free time to learn at least some of it. I can pull off a decent conversation now!"

Sabine smiled and gave both Alya and Marinette a small brown bag. It smelt absolutely delicious. The teenagers slowly took a peek inside only to find freshly baked croissants. "Thanks! It's very much appreciated since I didn't get much to eat this morning" Alya said whilst grabbing on to the bluenettes hand. She nudged her head to the door and Marinette nodded and smiled as a response. Both girls waved as they bolted out the door, heading to school.

The two girls gasped in breath as they were finally able to be seated. They munched on their croissants as they waited for class to start. Slowly but surely, kids started making their way to class. Everyone seemed to be surrendering Marinette.

"Are you ok?"

"Are you still hurt?"

"Do you feel better?"

The entire class spat questions. Marinette was once again overwhelmed as she was confused on what was happening. She started to sweat and turn red. The classroom sympathy soon turned into confusion.

"What's wrong with her?"

It was Chloe. She wasn't amused by the attention Marinette was getting. Alya looked up angrily as Marinette still stood in confusion. It was then that Adrien walked in, just standing there. He was fased by the swarm of people. "What are they surrounding?" He thought to himself. He realized who it was when he saw a very angry Alya stand up, clenching her fists.

"Stop!" Alya demanded but nobody listened. She starting yelling more and more but her voice was drowned out by everyone else's. Marinette once again, looked around confused. There were her classmates, some turned over by Chloe obviously arguing, others with sadness in their eyes as they spoke stuff she couldn't make out. Behind her was Alya, obviously very upset. "Stop" Marinette mumbled. "Stop" she mumbled again. "Stop"
With each time she spoke, her voice got stronger and louder. But even with that, nobody seemed to care. Eventually, she broke.

"STOP IT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. It was so loud, people couldn't make out what it was. Everyone backed up and froze. Marinette pushed through all of the statued people and ran toward the door. She didn't know or care where she was going, she just ran. Everyone just turned their head and watched her leave. All except for Adrien.

"Marinette wait!" He yelled as he reached his hand out, remembering she couldn't hear him. It was then that he was the one bulging through the door, desperately running after her. Tears filled Marinettes eyes and eventually she wasn't able to run anymore. She'd barely made it outside of school, but she had felt like she was drained of energy. There she stood, at the entrance of College Françoise Dupont. She saw a world around her. She saw trees and cars and people. What came with that? Noise. A noise Marinette would never be able to hear. She would never be able to hear the beauty of the world.

"Marinette! There you are! I was so worried I-" Adrien cut himself off. He was standing directly behind Marinette. A frown fell across his face before he walked up next to Marinette. Turning over, he saw the clear tears in the girls eyes. They although started drying up due to the cold wind around them. How was he going to talk to her? He then remembered having Marinettes number. Alya had gave it to him! Now was his chance. Adrien knew sign language, but he decided to use his phone instead.

Adrien: Hey. We should get back to class or they'll be worried.

Marinette soon got a message from an unknown number. She looked at her phone confused for a second, but was reassured after Adrien showed her it was only him by tilting his phone towards her so it was in her view. On his screen, she saw her number pulled up with the one message he sent her.

Marinette: How'd you get my number?

Adrien: I have my ways of doing things. But if you'd really like to know, your friend Alya gave it to me.

Marinette: Of course she did. But I guess it doesn't matter. Why'd you come after me in the first place?

Adrien: Well because of the obvious. First of all, because I said we could be good friends, right? Friends look after each other. Just like how Alya was defending you just right now against all those students! It may have not made the situation better, but at least she tried. Also, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Especially considering the situation that last happened last time you were left alone here.

Marinette basically froze to death. Did he actually mean what he said? They'd only just met and plus they barely talked. Why would he care so much about a girl like herself? Especially one he'd barely known?

Marinette: Thanks, I guess. But I don't want to go back to class. I'm always overwhelmed and I never understand what's going on. I'm an outcast. I don't belong with people like you.

Adrien: So what? That's what makes you special, am I right?

Marinette chuckled and looked over at Adrien. Adrien noticed and turned back to face her.

"Thanks" she murmured. Adrien practically acted as if he'd seen a ghost. Marinette could.... talk? It was the first time he'd heard her voice. It was so gentle and beautiful, he had never heard anything like it. How is that even possible?

"I'm sorry... did I scare you?" Marinette frowned. Adrien regained his sense and started frantically shaking his head as to say no. Marinette chuckled again, her face full of passionate joy. She hadn't felt so happy in a while with all that's been going on. "Let's go. We don't want to make people worried!"

Marinette laughed. Adrien was still in utter shock but he once again ignored it and started following Marinette as they walked back inside. He noticed her voice was a bit off, but he didn't say anything about it because he knew the explanation behind it. Just because she could talk didn't mean she could hear, meaning she was unable to hear herself. There were some things she said that he couldn't understand, but he didn't judge her or blame her. That also must be part of the reason she doesn't speak much. Shes afraid of messing up.

"I'm so glad you're ok Marinette!" Alya spoke in relief as she ran to Marinette for a hug, the class was trailing behind her. They all smiled and got carried away by starting small conversations. Chloe just grunted and stormed away.

"How come that little brat always gets all the attention! Especially from Adrien!" Chloe screached at Sabrina. "I'm not sure, Chloe" "Well then that little deaf girl will get what's coming to her. She'll regret not staying in that little cheap hospital she stayed at while she was recovering. All I did was leave a few scratches, that's all! She acted like I broke all her bones or something!" Chloe was furious.

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