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"Shit..." mumbled Adrien as he read the messages.

"This entire time...." Adrien began to realize. "This had been happening to her? And she never said anything about it?"

"Not only that...but I'm one of the many people who supported this..."

Hearing Marinette's small footsteps arising, he quickly switched off her phone and placed it back where she had left it last. She came up with barely any supplies, but she managed to find a white poster board we could use for our project. Placing it beside her desk, she went to go sit next to Adrien as she had before. "I couldn't find much" she signed to him. It took her a second to realize how off Adrien was in the moment. "You ok?" she said with her fingers. Wiping his tears, he nodded and looked away. "You" Marinette spoke, grasping his attention. "She still trusts me...?" thought Adrien as he immediately looked back at her in shock. She paused for a second, probably shy to speak again. So instead of speaking, she continued signing. "you can go home now if you want" signed Marinette. "I don't want to waste your time anymore"

"Who said you were wasting my time?" Adrien smiled. Marinette giggled, despite not being able to hear herself. "I'd imagine it'd be really cool going home to a famous designer" added Marinette. Adrien let out a fake smile, and shrugged his shoulders. Considering he began to look away, Marinette gently placed her fingers against his cheek and forced him to look over at her. "Are you ok Adrien?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Marinette just nodded as a response, despite knowing he was lying. "We still have about an hour before my bodyguard comes to pick me up. Is there anything you want to do?" Adrien suggested, because in this moment, Adrien had nearly completely forgotten about being mad at Marinette. It's as if that was in the past now, nothing he had to worry about.

But his mind fluttered away, and soon everything became blurry.
I ignored her, and I was so rude to her. Yet she still trusts me? his mind flew. Her talking was an indication of trust, she said it herself. "We could watch a movie if you like" said Marinette using her hands. But she immediately noticed blank look on his face, as if he were to drift off into space. "Adrien?" she spoke again. But her speaking didn't make him feel any better, it only made him more guilty. She brought her hands up to his face and cupped it in her hands. She was staring at him, her bluebell eyes attached to his olive green ones. A similar spark was felt, and neither both wanted to break it.

Without thinking, he began to bring his face closer to hers. She obligated and did the same. Their lips were closer than ever at this point, and their eyes had fluttered shut.

Knock knock knock

Adrien pulled away, Marinette confused as to why. It wasn't until she turned her head around that she understood. Sabine peered her head through the trap door, just late enough to miss their almost-kiss.

"Adrien, someone by the name of Nathalie is here to pick you up. She said your father wanted to come get you earlier than you were originally supposed to leave" Sabine informed him. He simply nodded, and grabbed his things to leave. He waved at a very confused Marinette, and began to follow Sabine down the white steps from her room leading to the living room. She didn't understand what had happened, but Marinette could assume he probably had to go. What a shame. She thought for a second.


Did I almost kiss....

Adrien Agreste!?

Her face lit up salmon and she began to sweat. "But wait, I thought he hated me? He's so ignorant at school, whys he being so nice now? And why'd he almost kiss me!?" The questions swarmed in her head. "How am I supposed to confront Adrien at school tomorrow?!" she panicked, but then shortly after remembered. That is, if he doesn't ignore me.

[Adriens pov]

I almost kissed Marinette! he flopped onto his bed. I almost kissed Marinette, how am I to live like this?

but then he started questioning other things.
Why'd I want to kiss her in the first place?
Why'd she almost kiss back?
Does she have feelings for me?
Do I have feelings for her?

"This is too much" he buried his face into his pillow and mumbled. But the real question was, what was he supposed to do with her at school tomorrow? He couldn't just ignore her like he did before, I mean he nearly kissed her. That's something neither of them would be able to forget. But his thinking was interrupted by a kocking noise at his door. A fierce, cold familiar knock. "One second!" Adrien called out to whomever was at his door. He got from his bed and made his way to his door. "Hello, Adrien." was the first thing he heard after opening the gigantic door. "Father? Is there something you need?" Adrien questioned the man looking down on him.

"We need to talk."
OK SO WOAH! THANK YOU FOR GETTING THIS BOOK OVER 600+ VIEWS! ITS ABOUT TO GET 700 IM SCREAMING- BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! Sorry this chapter is so long, it literally took me days to write. Anyway, I'm glad people are enjoying it so far. UwU.
But I've been busy with school and editing so expect some irregular updates. Plus I hate writing! But I'm happy to have finally gotten this chapter out.


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