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Marinette walked over to Adrien, and gestured for him to sit down in one of her two pink chairs placed in front of her television. He obligated, sitting down. She then sat down beside him, not exactly knowing what to say. "What do you want to do for our project?" Adrien broke the awkwardness. "Oh I'm not exactly sure. I'm fine with whatever. Are we allowed to make it digital?" Adrien read through her fingers. "I'm not sure, but making it traditional would probably give us a better grade. Do you have anything we could use to make a poster?" Marinette looked around, in search for supplies. "Sorry, I only have things for sewing." she answered. "Oh, you sew? What kind of things do you sew?" the anger from Adrien began to slip away. "Whatever I design. I'm a designer, or at least I'd like to be." Adrien was now full on interest in her hobby. "Oh really?" a smile grew on Marinette's face. "Mhm! Your father is one of my idols. I look up to him heavily!" Marinette grinned happily. The room may have been silent, but both were conversating through the interesting way of sign language.

Adrien paused for a second. "Oh well, maybe you shouldn't look up to him." Marinette stared at Adrien confused. "But why? He's a great designer." Marinette replied. "She really doesn't understand, does she?" thought Adrien. "Whatever, it doesn't matter." He looked away angrily. "Adrien, are you ok?" "I'm fine, it's nothing."

Marinette was concerned for him, but she obviously didn't want to question him considering he clearly didn't want to talk about it. "Why are you signing so weird?" he popped the question. "What do you mean?" Marinette began to get awkward, knowing what he was referring to. "Your arms..." Marinette had attempted to cover her chest while also trying to sign, making her arms look weird. "Oh my arms? Oh it's just.... I like them this way, that's all" she lied. She was wearing a white ting top, with no bra. That just screams trouble. "I can tell you're lying, but I won't question."

Marinettes face turned bright red as she turned away. "This is the most embarrassing moment of my life" Marinette wanted to bang her head against the desk and die right then and there. "Please turn around for a second I need to do something-" she signed to him. He giggled a bit before turning around. It made Marinette a bit sad, she wasn't able to hear his giggle. But she was used to it.

Digging through her drawer, she quickly grabbed herself a bra and put it on under her ting top. Phew. She turned around, walking back over to Adrien. She lightly tapped his shoulder, indicating he could turn around again. He laughed a bit, and Marinette just blushed. Adrien even began to blush with her for a bit.

But both were interrupted by buzzes.
"I'm seriously still getting messages?" thought Marinette as she felt the vibration of her phone.

Adriens finger tapped on her lightly. "Uh, is everything alright?" Adrien looked a bit nervous. The truth was, he felt embarrassed for being so cheesy. "I'm fine, it's nothing." the room was filled by their special hand language. Marinette simply placed the device beside her, ignoring the vibrations that kept coming from it. "You sure seem popular" he added. "Not as popular as an international model" giggled Marinette. "Who's texting you so much anyway?" asked Adrien. "Oh, don't worry it's nobody." "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that." they both were signing. "Oh no it's ok, I understand where you're coming from. I'd probably ask the same if I were to be in your shoes" she smiled at him. There was something about her smile, that always made him blush. Something so special and genuine he didn't see in many other girls.

"Buzz buzz buzz"

Her phone kept going off. "You sure it's nobody?" Adrien questioned with his hands. "Yeah, don't worry about it." replied Marinette, ignoring her phone once again. "So, shall we get started? We've already wasted enough time" suggested Marinette. Adrien nodded, as both began to gather research on her laptop for the assignment. Tapping her shoulder to get her attention, he began to sign. "What subject do you think we should do for our environmental endangerment project?" "Deforestation or something." Marinette answered. "Alright, lets start looking for sources and websites."


About an hour had passed by then, and both had collected enough research today for them to be done. "Do you think we're done for now?" Adrien asked with his hands. "I mean I think. I can collect some supplies for next time so we can begin to make the project." Marinette informed him. Talking with sign language wasn't exactly easy. One would have to have the others full attention to be able to talk, and that became a project whilst they might've been trying to focus and or read something. "If you want, I can go downstairs and look for some supplies" Marinette offered. Adrien nodded, and so next thing he knew she was standing up to exit the trap door.

"I'll be right back" was the last thing she signed to him before she was stepping down the latter, exiting her room. "I can't help myself" thought Adrien as he picked up Marinette's phone, still sitting on her white desk where she left it. He knew it wasn't right to go through peoples things, but not only did Marinette sound suspicious whilst talking about it, she never mentioned who was texting her.

12 new messages

Julie: imagine pretending to be deaf🤡

Damien: kys

Sabrina: nobody likes you, attention whore.


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