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Ever since then, Adrien and Marinette started getting along very well.

"Ugh! This can not be happening! My Adrikins is hanging out with that- disgusting Baker girl!" Chloe shouted furiously. Her best friend, Sabrina, just stared at her and shot out fake nods. "Yeah, it's so ridiculous! You should get her back for taking him away from you" suggested the red head.

"You know, maybe you aren't so useless after all" Chloe smirked. "I think I know how I can get that Marinette girl back"
"Of course you know Chloe! You're the smartest of them all, they won't suspect a thing!" Sabrina spat out. She was scared of what would happen if she didn't. "I think I may just have the right idea" the blonde spoke.

Marinette noticed Adrien coming up to her and Alya. Normally he would go straight to his seat before class started, just like she did.
"Hey Alya! Do you mind if we switch seats today? Nino wants to sit next to you" Adrien told Alya. She nodded her head and started getting out of her seat.

Marinette was confused once again. She hated being the deaf girl, she never understood what was going on. It was unfair!

Adrien replaced Alya by sitting next to Marinette instead of his usual seat next to Nino. When she turned her head, she saw Alya sitting next to Nino. Looking rather.... happy?

Marinette flinched up. "Oh, it's just Adrien" she thought after he tapped her shoulder. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" he signed. Marinette stared at him for a second, confused. He knew sign language? But her thoughts were interrupted as the bell rang and class began to start.

"Alright! Today class, well be having another partner presentation!" Said Mrs. Bustier as the class groaned. "It'll be on our current topic, environmental endangerment. It will be a physical poster meaning you and your partner will have to meet in person to complete it. It's due in one week! And as some of you may know, your partner will be the person seated next to you. Adrien, please do Marinette a favor and explain the assignment"

Adrien nodded and started writing down the basics of the assignment. He handed the paper to Marinette as she read it.

That's why I wanted to sit next to you. Mrs. Bustier informed me a little earlier that we would be doing a class presentation! She always partners us up with the person sitting next to us, and I was hoping we could be partners.
one line under the instructions wrote.

"I get to be with Adrien! This is so great! I won't have to worry about being with a brat like Chloe. Plus Adrien is one of my good friends" Thought Marinette. Class was dismissed and everyone started heading to the lunch room. Marinette always brang cold lunch along with Adrien, so she and him got to be seated right away.

"Adrikins!" Marinette saw Adrien turn, so she proceeded to turn in the direction he was looking in too see what caught his eye. "Oh no." was ironically Marinettes first thought. "I need to talk to you... in private. It's important"
said Chloe, attempting to look innocent.

"Sure thing Chloe. Later today, okay? Right now I'm trying to eat lunch with Marinette." Spoke Adrien. Chloe groaned, and paused to come up with another excuse on why he should talk to her now. "Adrikins, this is very important. The sooner you know, the better." Marinette couldn't understand what she was saying, but she could tell from her face expression she was lying about something. Her face looked sad, but not genuinely sad. It was the kind of sad that you could tell was ingenue. That's when Marinette got worried. Adrien let out a sigh, and turned to Marinette. "I'll be back in one second" he signed. Marinette nodded, and soon she watched as Adrien and Chloe walked away together. Then there she was, alone. Alya and Nino were still waiting in the lunch line for their meals, and by now Adrien and Chloe had disappeared somewhere into the hallway. She knew they didn't have long before a teacher found them and escorted them back to a lunch table, but time seemed to stand still.

"Adrien, I truly didn't want to be the one to tell you this.... but.....

Marinette isn't deaf. She's doing it all for attention, all for your attention." Chloe frowned. "What are you talking about? Where did this come from? Of course she's deaf! What makes you think she isn't?"
questioned Adrien. "Adrikins, she can talk!" "Of course she can talk! She's even spoken to me before. With a lot of practice, deaf people can manage to talk, just like we can." Chloe froze for a second, realizing her excuse didn't work. "Is there anything else you have to say to me? Because I plan on going back to my lunch table before we get yelled at for standing in the hallway during a period."

"Yes! There's one other thing that makes me positive she's not actually deaf. When I came up to talk to you, Marinette turned her head towards me as if she heard me." Adrien turned his head away at her theory, questioning if she was right or not. "Not only that, but where's Marinette's translator? She came into a public school in which she's the only deaf person here, with no translator whatsoever. Is that even possible? Shouldn't she have one with her?" Chloe started raising her voice, attempting to get her point across. Sadness gloomed in Adriens eyes, as he realized Chloe was right. "I'll talk to her" was the only thing he said before he made his way back to his seat.

"Hey Adrien" Marinette said with a smile, happy for him to finally be back from talking to that brat. As usual, her speech didn't sound the best, but Adrien ignored it because he knew it was all an act. Adrien only looked up at her with an irritated yet sad glare. Marinette was confused, so she signed to him, asking if he was ok. "I'm fine" he said out loud. The sentence was short and easy to read out, so although she couldn't hear it, she knew what he said. As a deaf girl in a hearing world, lip reading was a talent she had.

"Hey you two! The lunchline was hella long today, so we're sorry we took so long!" Alya said, despite knowing Marinette couldn't hear her. As soon as her and Nino sat down, that's when she noticed something was wrong. "What's up with you two?" Alya asked Adrien. "Oh nothing, we're perfectly fine." Adrien groaned sarcastically. Alya eyed Nino, basically asking "find out what's wrong with Adrien, or else." without using words. Nino gulped and nodded. With Alya, she shot out a pen from her pocket and yanked the napkin resting in Marinette's open lunch box. "What's going on?" Read Marinette. She just shrugged and looked away sadly.

"I wish I knew Alya, I wish I knew."

Deaf [Adrienette AU]Where stories live. Discover now