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(Short chapter)

Marinette clenched onto her backpack as she pulled it out of her locker, tears streaming down her face. She was burying her face in her locker until everyone had finally left. Why? Because she didn't want to show the fact that she was crying. She didn't want anyone in her business, not even Alya. It was her fault Adrien was mad at her, not anyone else's. There was nothing anyone else could do. Besides, if Alya had found out what had been going on all day today, it would've only started more drama. Alya isn't one to keep quiet. If she knew about Marinette's troubles, no doubt Adrien would've been beaten to a pulp by now.

Alya: Hey Marinette. Ready to walk home yet? I'm waiting out front.

Marinette's phone dinged. She didn't want to meet Alya by the front because if she left now, everyone would see her messed up, teary eyed mess that lied on her face.

Marinette: actually, it's ok I'm good. I'm staying after school a bit for tutoring. My teachers want to make sure I understand the concept of our project.

Alya: you sure? You'd have to walk home by yourself.

Marinette: I'm sure. Thanks for asking, though.

Soon the locker room got quieter and quieter, and she quickly realized there was nobody else with her anymore because she stopped feeling the hard slam of the connected lockers. She was alone. Marinette started to let her cry out more, making it so anyone from the outside wouldn't be able to notice the weeping girl in the locker room. But if you were to be in the same room as her, it wasn't hard to notice her tear filled face and heavy whimpering. She was glad nobody was there with her in that room to hear her cries. She had been holding it in so much when people were there, it felt good to let it out a little. That's when she turned her head, tears still in her eyes, and realized a familiar Adrien Agreste standing next to the two brown doors that lead into the room.

Marinette gasped, making instant eye contact with him. He was also in shock, his eyes wide and his mouth partially closed. He could easily see her watery eyes and her face full of dried tears, but he didn't say anything, he only stared. Marinette didn't do anything either, she only dropped her book bag lost in the gaze. It was much like the first time they met, the stare giving out a special spark and connection. Adrien was the one who ended up turning around and walking out the door. He didn't say anything, he didn't even manage to grab his things. Marinette wiped away her tears, and later followed behind him. By the time she had walked out, he wasn't anywhere in sight. Not surprising, but Marinette was still sad and confused.

The past couple of hours, he had been ignoring her completely. If she tried to talk to him, he turned his head away and ignored her. If she tried to sit by him, he'd move somewhere else. But he had no idea whatsoever the effect it would have on her.

Marinette opened the bakery door, not bothering to look behind her. Sabine could immediately tell something was up, but she knew to wait a bit before talking to her and asking about what was wrong. Marinette slouched up the stairs as she made her way up to her room. She threw her bag onto the floor, then later climbed up the latter that led to her bed and threw herself onto the pink covered mattress. She took a minute to think about her school life, and Adrien. Did she have a crush on Adrien? She wasn't sure. But it didn't matter anymore, considering he hated her.

With Adrien

Did he have a crush on Marinette? "No, don't be silly Adrien! Marinette's just a friend." And that's when he froze. He had been lying on his back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "A..A friend" he whispered to himself. That's when he realized, he was one of Marinette's few close friends. And he had been ignoring her all day, to the point where he witnessed her crying in the locker room most likely because of him. "I really have hurt her, haven't I...." he thought. Although how Chloe proved Marinette not to be deaf made sense, he also realized Chloe has had something against Marinette since day one. She either could've genuinely believed she wasn't actually deaf and shared her theory with me to get her in trouble, or she made it up to make me hate Marinette. "The most reasonable theory, getting me to hate Marinette." he realized. Chloe had always had a crush on him, so she probably was jealous.

That's when he shot up. He questioned, who's side was he to take? Taking Marinette's side would mean he would probably be in the right, but Chloe.... Chloe had always been honest with him from what he knows. Chloe would never lie to him, would she? They had been friends since childhood, she wouldn't do that. But as for Marinette, he had been friends with her for less than a month. "There's no way Chloe's lying. Marinette is obviously faking it, all the evidence is there" though he was still hesitant. Then it was final, Chloe's side he was to take.

But was he really sure about this? He only took her side because he didn't want to hurt Chloe nor leave her. He didn't want Chloe against her, he wanted her as a friend like they'd always been. Ever since small children.

"But we aren't children anymore, are we?" his mind spun. "But am I really ok with loosing her?"

Oh my gosh- I normally don't do authors notes but I just wanna thank everyone for 100 reads! Just yesterday I was only at 60 or something so I didn't expect it to grow this fast- anyway, I'm so thankful I seriously didn't think this was going to get attention but some people seem to like it so I'm extremely glad! Also I'm sorry this chapter took a bit long to get out. I'm not one to update every day because that would be too much pressure with also having to make edits for my Instagram, so I'll update when I can/feel like it. I can't promise Itll be often.

January 20th, 2020

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