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Marinette walked into school embarrassed. Adrien had saw her crying yesterday, something nobody was supposed to see. Especially Adrien. Looking around, she saw people staring at her as if she had two heads. "What's going on today?" she questioned. When she made it to class, she saw a very sad and upset Alya Cesaire at her desk. But it didn't last for long, because she quickly raised her hand and asked something to the teacher. She wasn't sure what it was at first, but she immediately understood after Alya shot up and moved to an empty seat at the back of the class.

Marinette looked up getting a perfect view of the students, realizing the entire class was staring at her. Looking at Mrs Bustier, she simply smiled and held her hand out for Marinette to sit down. "Why don't you sit down loser?" someone called out. Marinette obviously didn't hear it, but everyone else did. And almost everyone started laughing. "Not appropriate, Alix!" yelled Mrs Bustier. "What's so funny?" thought Marinette as she saw the laughing teens.

Some of the students were still starting to pour in, so not everyone was there yet. Ivan was still missing, same with Mylene and Kim. But one specific person she noticed missing, was Adrien Agreste. "Welcome Ivan and Mylene" said Mrs Bustier. "Do any of you two know where Kim is?" "Probably going to come in late, as usual." Laughed Ivan. The two lovers sat down next to each other, waiting for the class to begin. But all Marinette was waiting for was Adrien. "Kim! I'm surprised you aren't late today, but welcome!" now we only needed Adrien. Where was he?

Marinette could see the teens walk in, but she couldn't hear any of their conversations and or welcomings from Mrs Bustier. "Where is Adrien!" Marinette yelled in her head. "Ah, Adrien! You got here just in time. There's only one seat left today, so feel free to sit next to Marinette." he froze. "Are you sure there aren't any other seats?" he asked. "Why, is there some sort of problem?" "N-no it's ok, I can sit next to Marinette." Mrs Bustier smiled and nodded. The entire time, Marinette had her head down low as she doodled designs in her notebook. She didn't notice the blonde haired boy until she could see him sitting next to her with a blank expression. "A-Adrien" she whispered. He heard it, but ignored it. He was still confused, still upset.

The bell shrieked in all its glory, informing everyone it was time for class to begin. Marinette though, didn't notice a thing. She kept doodling in her notebook and occasionally looked up at Adrien. Adrien turned his head over to face her, and whispered fiercely. "Maybe you should look at the board instead of me." but Marinette just gave a troubled look. Adrien just rolled his eyes, not believing her "act". Adrien payed attention to the board for a little bit, before getting irritated at Marinette for still doodling and pulling away her notebook. Marinette was surprised, so she looked up at him in shock. He only nodded his head upward, as if to say, "look up at the board." So she did. But she was confused on why he was asking her to, since he knew she was deaf and it was pointless for her to be watching in on what's happening if he was supposed to explain it all after.

"Tomorrow students, we will be getting a new student. I expect you to treat him with respect, just as you should with any new student." the class nodded. "But Mrs Bustier, there aren't any more seats" pointed out Adrien. "Yes, I'm aware. But we still have room for one more desk in the back just like all ours. This will mean we'll actuallly have two extra seats! One for him, and one for anyone else who wants to sit next to him." the class nodded to inform Mrs Bustier they understood. Everyone but Marinette.

"So anyway, today we will be starting our projects. You will meet up with whomever you're doing the project with and begin working. Don't forget to do your best, and make this project the best it can be! Everyone knows who their partner is, right?" everyone nodded. "Mrs Bustier, is there any way we can switch our partners?" Adrien asked. "No, Adrien. Who you are with now is who you are stuck with throughout this project." "May I work alone then? I work better and faster alone." "No Adrien. You may not work alone. When our new student comes around, I'll probably end up placing him in someone else's group, meaning someone will have a group of three." Adrien and Mrs Bustier communicated.

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