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"About what father?" Adrien began to grow worried. "You left for a school project, without my consent." Gabriel responded coldly. "I wasn't informed you would be visiting your girlfriends house to complete the project, either." added Gabriel. Adriens heart sank. He did forget to tell his dad about the project, he had forgotten to say he would be going to someone's house to complete it. He thought that if he only asked permission from Natalie, everything would be fine. But apparently, he's fathers approval was also needed.

"She's not my girlfriend" was Adriens only response. Gabriel simply raised an eyebrow, and continued. "As for your punishment," he began, "violin lessons will be added into your schedule." he concluded. "father please" begged Adrien. "I promise to tell you next time, I swear. Just please, I can't keep up with this-"

"you will listen to my orders, Adrien. I'm only teaching you to be more responsible of a person."


Their conversation had concluded. Gabriel shut his door closed and began to walk away, emotionless. Adrien, on the other hand, slowly dragged himself to bed and quietly sobbed.

"The only thing these responsibilities are making me is stressed" he cried. But it was true, he couldn't keep up with being Adrien Agreste. It was too much being forced into these unnecessary activities. He could barely manage to get decent grades, therefore adding violin lessons onto his schedule was no help.
Adrien weeped, cuddling himself in his blanket. Drifting off into sleep, he thought; "Is this what it's like to be ignored?"

The next day

"Today is the day the new student arrives" remembered Adrien. Sitting beside his friend Nino. Looking behind him, he saw a very lonely Marinette. "No Adrien, you have to ignore her. If you're nice to her now, everyone will go against you too and think bad of you too." He convinced himself. Marinette was simply zoning out as kids started piling into the classroom. By the time the bell rang, the seat beside Marinette was still empty. Kids had even took up spaces in the desk the new student were to be sitting in. Mrs Bustier clapped her hands together after hearing the bell.

"Marinette knows about the new student, right Adrien?" asked Mrs Bustier. "Yeah, she does." the blonde male lied. The truth was, he never informed her about a new student. She was as clueless as ever.

"Good, because he's already here with us as we speak. Luka, you may come out now." the teacher welcomed the new student. Marinette blushed as she saw the tall boy walk in. The tips of his hair were dyed blue, also followed by a sky blue jacket with a Jagged Stone shirt underneath it. His black jeans ripped at the knees, as well as painted black fingernails followed by yellow and orange wristbands that wrapped around his wrist. He waved shyly at the class, then proceeded to introduce himself.

Marinette was confused, and it showed. Obviously she hadn't recognized whomever this was, so was he new? Either way, she was slightly offended Adrien hadn't bothered to tell her about the new student. That's when she realized, the seat next to her was the only seat available.

Looking up, she could see Mrs Bustier pointing to the seat beside Marinette. Next thing she knew, he started approaching the empty desk beside her. He sat down next to her, smiling. He let out a small wave and began to speak. "Hi, my names Luka. What's yours?" he asked the bluenette. Marinette not being able to understand him, let out a soft awkward smile after she saw his lips pause from moving and nodded. He simply looked at her, confused. "Did they seriously not tell him about my disability?" she complained in her head.

"I....I asked you for your name" he softly smiled, looking at her. Marinette again, not being able to understand him, simply nodded and pretended to understand. "She's deaf." Adrien turned around to Luka and complained harshly. "Oh, Sorry" was all Luka said before turning away from her. He didn't know how to speak in sign language, giving him no way to communicate with her. That was, until he felt the corner of a notebook nudge against his elbow that had been resting on their desk. He turned to face her, confused. Marinette had a small smile on her face and was attempting to hand him a pen to write in the notebook with. He smiled back, and grabbed the pen to write.

Hi, my names Luka. What's yours?
Was all he wrote.
My names Marinette! I'm deaf.
She added.

He nodded his head and began to write more. I don't understand sign language, I'm sorry. Shouldn't you have a translator with you? He asked the girl. Adrien is like my translator! He speaks sign language. He's also the one who usually translates class work for me. If you want, I can lend you my number to text me! The two teens bonded. Adrien who was sitting in front of them, didn't seem very amused. "Adrien, are you ok there dude?" Nino asked the blonde, noticing his pissed off expression. "I'm fine Nino." Answered Adrien. But the truth was, he wasn't fine. He was jealous. Jealous of Marinette and Luka. It was only his first day, yet he seemed to already make a strong bond with Marinette. "No Adrien, don't be stupid. You don't like Marinette. Everyone knows you like Kagami. She may not be in any of your classes, but it was her you were meant to be with. Besides, everyone will make fun of you if they knew you liked Marinette."

"You don't look fine" pointed out Nino. "Well I am fine so just do me a favor and stop asking!" Adrien finally snapped. Nino just nodded, whilst turning away.

At lunch, Marinette guided Luka over to the table in which Adrien sat at. "He seemed fine whilst we were working on the project, so he must be fine here too" she tried sitting at his table. By then, Alya, Nino, Adrien and Kagami and all been seated and were beginning to feast on their lunches. "What are you doing?" Alya questioned Marinette, as she tried to sit beside them with Luka. Marinette ignored her, not being able to hear. "She can't hear. You guys are in the same class, right? Don't you know?" added Luka. "It's all bullshit. She can hear us, she just likes attention" Alya snapped as she placed her leg over where Marinette was trying to get seated. Marinette simply backed away, realizing she still wasn't welcomed.

Taking a glance at Adrien, she frowned. He didn't know what to do. He had a look in sadness in his eyes, as he truly wasn't mad at Marinette anymore. But that's something he couldn't show too much. Luka and Marinette both walked away, and got seated at their own table. Marinette did though, bring out her notebook, so the two could chat at lunch. Luka wrote first.

what are they talking about? wrote Luka. Marinette looked up at him concerned, realizing what they must have said to him whilst they tried sitting down. what'd they tell you? she asked, already aware of what they may have said to him.

they said you weren't deaf.

Deaf [Adrienette AU]Where stories live. Discover now