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The next thing Marinette remembered was slowly regaining her consciousness to a very concerned Alya. Alya had Marinette propped up so she was lying on her lap. She noticed Alyas mouth moving, but she once again wasn't sure what she was saying. Marinette slowly started to gain sense because she began noticing other people surrounding her.

It was her entire class, circled around Alya and Marinette. She once again saw the boy with the blonde hair, sorrow in his eyes. Next thing she knew she blacked out again and awakened to Alya and Blondie both carrying her with the rest of the class tagging along. It became consistent where Marinette would black out and regain consciousness again and again. Every time she awoken, she was in a new location. The nurses office. A car. A hospital.

Soon, she woke up for the final time. She shot up and realised she was in the hospital. Aside her was her mom, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh good, you're awake my dear" Sabine signed to Marinette. "Your classmates wanted me to tell you the were sorry for this happening.... and they also suspected it was Chloe who did this. Was it Chloe?" Marinette just nodded. She felt weak and dizzy, so she lied her head back down on the hospital pillow.

Sabine pulled up to her more and started to stroke her cheek with her soft hands. That's something Sabine always did to help Marinette fall asleep. She did that since she was little. Marinette drifted off in to darkness again. But this time, only because she was truly tired and needed some sleep. She wasn't sure when she'd be able to go back to school, but she knew she didn't want to.

The entire class was worried for Marinette. They hadn't known her well but they were saddened on the fact that something like this just happened so to happen on her first day.

"You think Marinette will be ok?" Adrien asked Alya. "I'm not sure" Alya frowned. From that day forward, Adrien somewhat stopped talking to Chloe knowing what she did. He also didn't feel like himself.

"Why am I so heartbroken from a girl I haven't even known a day?" He questioned himself. It wasn't like they were friends or anything. She was just another classmate. So why did he feel this way? Was it because of the eye contact? He wasn't sure. But he knew there was something after school he felt
he needed to do.

Later that evening, Adrien talked to Alya about their plan. She agreed and decided to tag Nino along with them. She told them that Marinette was actually a very sweet girl, and fun to talk to. She could probably use some other company through a time like this. Adrien didn't have much time before he needed to head home. Only 1 hour. Alya went crashing through the hospital on her way to Marinettes room, Adrien and Nino far behind.

"Marinette! I'm so glad you're ok!" Alya spoke as she went over to hug Marinette, careful not to hurt her bruises or cuts. Just because Marinette couldn't hear her didn't mean she couldn't feel a small spark of joy grow within her after seeing her friend. She returned the favor by hugging her back. But then she noticed something. Two boys whom she clearly recognized quietly walked into the room. It was Blondie and Nino.

Marinettes face grew of confusion at the fact that she was unsure of why the two boys were here. Both awkwardly waved and Marinette and Adriens eyes locked once again. She awkwardly waved back, a light shade of red starting to form on her face.
Alya pulled out her phone and messaged her.

Alya: do you know when you'll be back in school? Our classmates are worried about you!

Marinette: I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I hope to be back soon. That is, as long as an incident like that doesn't happen again.

Alya angled her phone so they boys could see their conversation. They leaned close and nodded, examining the texts. Alya switched off her phone and pulled something out from a small grocery bad she had brought along with them. It was a box of chocolates. Then Blondie pulled something out of his usual bag. Then Nino. All had brought Marinette a gift as to tell her, "get well soon!"

Nino had given her one of those large cookies you'd find at McDonald's, and Alya brought her chocolates as mentioned before. But Blondie brought something different. He brought a stuffed animal for her. A bear.

She examined all gifts before laying her fingers on the bear, feeling its soft fur. It was the average looking teddy bear with the commen brown fur and black eyes, but it didn't feel common to Marinette. It felt special. She wasn't sure why but she was extremely happy with Adriens gift. She gave it a tight hug and smiled, and so did Adrien now glad that Marinette liked the gift. But he wasn't just smiling, he was also blushing.

She realized they had to go because Alya soon waved and started walking out the door with Adrien and Nino. Marinette took another good look at the bear Blondie had gotten her, now noticing a zipper. She knew that the zipper probably only contained stuffing but she unzipped it anyway because she felt something slightly bumpy right under the fur of the zipper. She opened it carefully and noticed a small sheet of paper.

"Dear Marinette,

I hope you're ok. I haven't known you long but I hope we can become close friends. This is my gift to you, I hope you get well soon.
~Adrien Agreste"

"Adrien...." she spoke in her head. "His name is Adrien" she smiled at the thought. She liked how beautiful and unique his name was to her. He'd never met anyone with the name of Adrien before. Right then, her mother walked in.
"I hope you had fun seeing your friends. It was so kind of them to give you a visit!" Sabine made shapes with her hand which translated to what she was saying. Marinette nodded and looked back down at the bear.


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