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They said you weren't deaf.

Marinette could only freeze as she read the sentence. Worry began to grow upon her. "What if he believes them?" was her main concern. She slowly picked up the pen, and began to write.

It all started with a rumor, passed down from student to student.

nobody wanted to be my friend

not a single soul believed I was truly deaf,

until you showed up.

and for once in a long time,

I didn't feel ignored.

the ink lied on the paper as she wrote. Sadness filled her body, as she took a second to remember the whole situation. How she lost someone she was to think of as her best friend. By now, the school year was almost halfway completed. Last she went to public school, she was only about 6 or 7. But she never imagined her first year back would turn into this.

Most of her wanted to crawl back onto a plane and fly back to Nantes. Paris was a wreak, and by now she had no chance of fixing it. But hope struck upon her, with just one touch. She felt the hand of a teenage boy stroke the side of her cheek. Looked up Marinette, and she saw him.

The new boy that gave her slight hope. Hope that she once had before, with a blonde model. And though she only heard silence, she could see Lukas lips touch and separate as he spoke to her.

"I'm here"

Soft smiles were only let out after that. But Marinette instead of smiling, decided to say something back in return.

"Thank you"

It was the first time she had actually spoken to someone other than Adrien. Adrien of all the people. Now, her trust wasn't just placed in the hands of one person, but two.

or was it two?

[Marinettes POV]

Do you think I wanted another visit from Mister Big-Shot? No. Not after what he pulled today. He shot my hopes up, and then let them crumble to the floor once again. Most of me actually thought he wanted to be my friend again, but I guess not.

I did though, see guilt in his eyes. When I eyed him that last time today at lunch. He obviously wasn't trying to have it show, but he failed. Being deaf, my number one talent is learning to read people.

By now, I was slouched back onto my bed staring at the trap door that led to my balcony. That makes two trap doors in my room, one to the outside and the other only leading further down into my parisian home.

Today's school day was another bust, other than becoming friends with Luka. Luka made everything better. I didn't feel useless. Normally, I walk the halls wondering why the hell am I still here. Because in all honesty, everyone knows I have no purpose being alive. That's something even I know.

But now, I have one job. A reason to live.

And that reason is Luka Couffaine.

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