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[3rd person POV]
-short chapter-

Adrien gazed into her bluebell eyes, that gloomed of sadness. He tried to process and think about what she had said, but it was no use. He was left confused and dazed. Should he ask her to repeat what she had said? No. That'd only make her more insecure. So instead, he slid out his phone to view the time.

"6:14 pm" he whispered. "I have to go- maybe we can work on the project some other time." Adrien signed quickly and began to climb down her latter.

"Some other time". She didn't want there to be "some other time". If anything, she wanted nothing to do with Adrien right now. He's lucky she didn't push him off the bed, right then and there. She watched as he gently opened her trap door and went down further. And for once, she felt like she could hear the wooden door close as he shut it together. They didn't even get to work on their project, not that she wanted to anyway. She was glad he was leaving.

[Adriens POV]

Before I knew it, I was back at my own house. Key word, house. It'd be wrong for me to call it home. Because the truth is, this isn't a home. It's a house, nothing more.

This is the first time I had ever snuck out. I had this ever so slight feeling of guilt, no doubt. But the other half of me was proud. Proud that I rebelled. But what was waiting for me when I quietly slid into my room, was not just Nathalie, but my father too. Both were standing there, as if they had been waiting for me to come home this entire time.

"Adrien, may I ask what you were thinking? Sneaking out without telling me or Nathalie?" said my father in a firm, yet upset voice. I just looked down at my shoes, not knowing what to say. "I've given you multiple chances to prove yourself, Adrien. And I understand you think you can just go running off whenever. But this is unacceptable. I will not tolerate such behavior, especially from my son. You will be once again homeschooled. This is your punishment for being untrustworthy."

That's when I looked up, basically about to burst into tears. This is NOT happening. But the truth is, I have absolutely nothing to say. Because I know he's right, and there's nothing I can do about it. So I only nod in tears, and watch as they both walk past me silently. I hear my door quietly shut behind me, and that's when I realize what I've done. I'm no longer proud, nor guilty. I only feel sadness right now.

I actually normally would've expected them to say more, but I guess not. They punished me, then walked out. Demonstrates how cold my father can be.

But I'm used to it, so it doesn't bother me.

I don't even cry. I just lie down on my bed, and think. I think about what my life has turned into lately, and what I've done. Nothing good. Not one thing. And that's when I decide, I need to make things right. Need. If I never did, I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself. But now It was too late. I had the chance when I was last at Marinettes today, but considering we both were dead asleep, my chance was ruined. I don't even know if she likes me anymore.


HIII SO IM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT- IVE BEEN HEAVILY OVERWORKING MYSELF WITH EDITS AND ECT. Anyway, this is all I've had time to get out :( I'll try to get longer chapters out but expect chapters to be released less frequently. Also, thanks for almost 2k reads! I still remember when it had just reached 100 so it means alot that we've gotten so far so fast :))

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