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The next day flew by pretty fast that was until it was time for auditions. I was sweating bullets, nervous that I wasn't good enough to follow in my sister's footsteps.

I walked into the theater just in time, because they were starting warm ups for the dance portion of the audition.

"Okay everybody make sure you get you audition numbers and stand in line" a boy with glasses said. "Hey I'm new here, could you tell me how this whole process goes" I say to the boy. "For sure, first get a number then I will show you a simple routine, then you will read some lines and finally sing, and I'm carlos by the way". "Thank you so much carlos!" I say.

First it was time to start the dance portion of the audition,Carlos started off with easy steps then, they progressively got harder and harder. "Holy shit I can't keep up" I thought panting heavily.

"Okay everybody now stand in a line and we will be handing out the scripts for the different characters" the teacher said. "Gabriella" for sure Ms.Jenn said to one of the girls in line.

"I'm getting major kelsi vibes from you" she said to nini " Actually I want to audition for Gabriella," nini said. She then arrived in front of me "Gabriella for sure, are sure your not Hudgens cause you look like one?" "Nope definitely not" i said, and let out a small giggle.

In the back of my mind I was wondering what happened to Ricky he said he'd audition, maybe he just bailed, but that does not seem like the person he is.

The Gabriellas were the first to read, the first one went, I found out her name was gina, she was really amazing, I was starting to really doubt myself now. The next one to go was was nini, just as she was about to start Ricky came barreling towards the stage.

"Am I to late" he said. "We're good on troys, but low on chads you can read after the Gabriella's" Ms.Jenn said. "But I only studied the troy scenes" Ricky said. "Troy would have arrived on time" Carlos said, "actually troy was late multiple times," I said. Mel flashed the boy a smile, knowing that she just saved his ass.

After that whole situation Nini started to sing and it's easy to say she killed it. Mel was the last one to go and to say she was nervous was an understatement, but all that went away once she locked eyes with the curly haired boy, "you can do this, " he mouthed. Immediately her nerves were calmed.

"Whenever your ready sweetie" ms. Jenn said. "Is it okay if I sing a different song," she said. Ms.Jen gently nodded her head in agreement. The girl took a deep breath and then started singing .

But now there's no way to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm outta my head hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you

Throughout her whole performance she couldn't help but look at ricky and he couldn't help looking at her.

My head is saying fool forget him
My heart is saying don't let go
Hold on to the end, that's what I intend to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

After she was done, a single tear rolled down her face. She immediately ran out of the auditorium and out to the hallway.

All that Ricky could think about during his audition was Mel. He should go find her and make sure she is okay and that's exactly what he did when he was done singing the song that nini made for him the day she said I love you and he couldn't say it back.

He ran out of the theater and heard the soft sobs coming from the stairwell. He rushed over there and immediately found Mel sobbing softly to herself.. "Mel" ricky said. The girl immediately popped her head up, all she could manage to say was a "hey".

"What happened back there, you did so well on your audition" the boy said wiping away her tears. "Do you ever feel like your never going to be good enough for anyone, or when you have feelings for someone but you know they will never love someone like you?" she said.

All the boy could think about was does this have to do something with him? maybe it was the fact that she feels like she's stuck in her sister's shadow.

"Do you know how hard it is when your sister famous and people don't stop talking about her and how amazing she is but you are just stuck in her shadow for what feels like a lifetime." and with that he moved closer to her and engulfed her in a hug, "it's gonna be okay" he whispered in her ear. He pulled away from the hug and looked her in the eye and said, "You should never compare yourself to your sister because you are two different people and you are good enough don't ever think you're not" He said.

They stayed there looking into each other's eyes until they heard commotion in the hallway. "The cast list is up" Carlos yelled. "Wanna go take a look" Ricky said. "Sure" she said. The two pushed through the crowd of people so they could see who was playing who. "Holy shit Ricky we did it" she said in a cheery voice. " I knew you could do it Mel you can do anything your amazing" Ricky said pulling her into a hug.

Gabriella Montez - Melanie Howard
Troy Bolten- Ricky Bowen

All the girl could think was "holy shit this can't be real". It was real alright she would be following in her sister's footsteps, she would be Gabriella, she would be keeping the legacy going.

Carlos came up to the girl to congratulate her on her getting the part, "Hey congrats on getting the part you absolutely killed it on vocals". "Thanks, it's always been a dream of mine to be Gabriella" the girl said.

"Hey weird question would you want to hang out sometime and have a movie night watching HSM, sometime soon?" Mel said. "Only if we can freak out about how hot Zac effron is" Carlos said. "Of course" the girl said. With that she said goodbye to Carlos after getting his number. She then walked outside and was about to start walking home, when Ricky came running up to her "Hey can I walk you home?" he said as a blush crept onto his face.

Melanie just nodded her head in agreement. Before she knew it, she felt a hand in hers, she realized it was Ricky's, this caused her to blush. When they arrived at the hudgens household, ricky kept telling her how good she did and that he was proud of her that she got the part."Thanks ricky that means a lot, and thanks for being there for me, even though I'm an ugly crier" she said as she laughed." Nothing about you could be ugly" he suddenly blurted out. "Well I should head inside and tell my sister the good news. "Goodbye Hudgens" "Goodbye Curly".

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