Movie nights with carlos

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She ended up finding him outside the school where he was conventionally waiting for her, so he could walk her home. "Hey Stranger" Mel said, "Hey i was waiting so I could walk you home if that's okay with you" he said reaching out his hand to her. She gratefully took the curly haired boys hand and they were off on their merry way.

"Hey so about the read through, you did amazing, I'm so happy I get to be the troy to your Gabriella" Ricky said. "Aw thanks but I couldn't do it without you being there by my side" the girl said a blush creeping onto her face. Just as the girl was about to go inside she felt ricky grab her wrist

"Oh and one more thing before you go inside, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Homecoming with me? He said. "Of course, I would be honored," she said to the boy then gave him a small kiss. "See you tomorrow night at 6:30" he called out before the door closed. Once Mel closed the door, she did a little happy dance because she was going to go to homecoming with Ricky fucking Bowen, the guy she has been looking for her entire life.

"What are you so happy about?" Jane Hudgens said to her daughter. "Oh you know I just got asked to homecoming no big deal" the girl blushed. "That's amazing! Was it that boy, who you won't stop talking about who asked you?" her mom asked. "What's going on why is everyone so excited?" Vanessa said adding herself into the conversation. "Melanie just got asked to homecoming by her boyfriend Ricky" "he's not my boyfriend mom! We just happen to like each other and be the leads together in the musical" the girl said, her face almost all pink from blushing.

"That's amazing I gotta help you pick out a dress, actually I know exactly which one you should wear, follow me" the older Hudgens said. Which made Melanie follow her sister upstairs and into the guest room. "This was the dress I wore in the HSM 3, I wore it for the song- "night to remember" Mel interrupted.

The girl stood in awe she couldn't believe, she would be wearing a dress so beautiful and with so much history behind it. "Ness I can't wear this it's too sentimental to you plus it probably won't look good on me," she said. "Come on it will look great on you, and plus i want you to wear it, in honor of you getting the part of Gabriella" Vanessa said.

"Okay,but only if you help me get ready tomorrow, oh also I'm having a friend over today and I want you to meet him, he is a huge fan of HSM" the girl said. "Sure, but only Ricky and this friend can know okay?". Mel gave her sister a nod and carefully took the dress out of her sisters hands, admiring it in all its beauty.

After that whole moment Mel went down stairs and got everything ready for the movie night with Carlos. Just as she was putting the popcorn on the table there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I yell, When the girl opened the door a smiling carlos appeared in front of her, "Come in, make yourself comfortable" the girl said motioning to the living room.

"Ready to watch?" the girl asked carlos. "For sure I can't wait to see Zac and Vanessa kill it on vocals" the boy said excitedly. "About that I have someone that's gonna watch with us, please don't freak out". Vanessa! The girl yelled, causing her sister to come down the stairs. "Carlos this is my sister Vanessa Hudgens aka Gabriella" Mel said.

All the boy could do was sit there in shock as to who stood before him. "Earth to carlos are you okay, did I break you?" the girl said in an unsure voice. "I'm perfect, I just can't believe your sister is Vanessa hudgens, wait that means your a hudgens how come you don't have the last name?" he asked confused. The girl explained how she didn't want people to give her special treatment because of who her sister is.

"Well it's nice to meet you Vanessa, I can't believe I'm actually in the same place as you, it's truly an honor" the boy with glasses said, shaking Vanessa hand. "Well shall we watch the movie" Vanessa said, "of course, I can't believe I'm watching my favorite movie with my litreal icon" Carlos said.

The three then started their movie marathon singing along to all the songs and of course dancing to all the songs too.

After they were done Mel decided she wanted to show carlos her dress for homecoming, because they had talked about how they were going, her with ricky and him with Seb.

"So carlos since i'm going to homecoming tomorrow I wanted to show you my dress I think you may recognize it" the young hudgens said. "Tada, my sister gave it to me, do you like it?" "I love it I can't believe you get to wear that your so lucky" the boy said.

"I can tell we're gonna be bestfriends" Carlos said to the girl, "Your not just saying that because of my sister right" Mel said. "Girl I loved you before I knew you were related to V hudge" Carlos said embracing the girl in a hug. This brought a smile to Mels face.

"Well in that case wanna have a sleepover, you can ask my sister all the questions you want and I'll tell you all about ricky if you tell me about you and seb" Melaine said.

With that the two headed down stairs where they gossiped, the rest of the night and Carlos got to know more about Melanie and got to talk to his idol Vanessa. Mel was in a state of glee, she can't remember the last time she had a friend like carlos. That night the girl went to bed with only one thing going through her mind, that one thing was more of a person, Ricky Bowen

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