Is there still a spark?

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After what happened over Thanksgiving break Mel was happy to have friends like Carlos and Ashlyn, who stuck by her through this whole break up. What didn't make the situation better was when the group found out that most of the theater had burned down due to an electrical accident.

"Can this week get any worse" Mel groaned to Carlos "Hey I'm sure that everything will work out, here comes miss jenn maybe she has an idea" Carlos said, hope in his voice. "Okay Wild Cats, as you can tell the theater has burned down, partially, but enough as to why we have to cancel the show" Ms.Jenn said with sadness in her voice.

"Come on there has to be something we can do" a voice spoke up. "Okay, Ricky, Mel spread the word that we will be having a meeting after school in the cafeteria" Miss Jenn said. With that all the kids returned back to what they were doing, eventhrough their spirits were down they all had hope for the future.

Mel was walking out of her last period class when someone grabbed her wrist, she turned around to see who this mystery person was and to her dismay it was none other than Ricky Bowen. "What do you want Ricky i don't want to talk to you" Mel snapped at Ricky. "Just let me explain please Mel, I owe you an explanation" Ricky pleaded.

"No, I loved you ricky but you broke my heart, now don't talk to me unless it's about the musical" Mel said " Wait you loved me" Ricky said "Yeah I did, I'm not expecting you to say it back, I mean if you didn't even say it to nini, who you have known longer than me, then I'm a fool to think you would say it to me" Mel said, then walked away to go find her friends before tears started pouring out of her eyes.

"So how'd it go?" Red said as he walked up to ricky, "Not well, she walked away from me, I didn't even get to tell her how I felt" Ricky said as his eyes became watery. "She told me she loved me, Red and she's still wearing the necklace I got for her, I guess that's a good sign" ricky stated. "Maybe, but for the meantime we have to get to the Cafeteria" Red said motioning his friend forward.

"Okay as you know we can no longer use the theater due to a small fire" "Therefore we must cancel the show, that is unless we find a different venue" Ms.Jenn said. "Maybe The community center?" someone said, "how about the El roy theater?" carlos suggested, "My uncle's the listing agent for it, and it has over 500 seats" Carlos said which caused all the theater kids to agree with the boy.

Carlos then got on the phone with his uncle, and when he was done he said that we could use it. The news caused everybody to cheer, but ms.jenn who looked petrified by the thought. The group then made their way to the theater to get it set up.

Of course Mel, Ashlyn, and Carlos all rode together. "Guys Ricky came up to after class, he said he wanted to talk about something" Mel said, her voice getting shaky . "What'd you tell him" Ashlyn questioned. "I just said that I loved him and he broke my heart, and not to talk to me unless we have too" Mel said "Wait you told him you loved him" her best friends said at the same time. "Yeah loved, as in past tense" Mel said.

After that conversation the 3 friends arrived at the theater, which they could tell had seen better days. "Okay everybody we need to get everything settled, but for the meantime, my Troy and Gabriella go find a quiet place and practice the rooftop scene" Ms.Jenn instructed. Mel gave Carlos a concerned look, about having to be alone with ricky after what had just happened.

Carlos could see the worry on his friends face "Text me if you need me or Ashlyn we'll be up there faster than you can say bop to the top" Carlos said as he gave his friend a reassuring smile. "Well looks like we have to find somewhere quiet" Ricky said approaching the girl. She didn't say anything, only walked up the stairs to the upper part of the theater, with ricky following behind her.

"This should do" Mel mumbled as they entered a small room where old props, and instruments were being stored. "Okay let's get started, the faster we get this done the faster we can go back down stairs" Mel said. "Hey, do you remember this past Halloween when we dressed up as Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago, and all we did that whole night was quote brooklyn 99" Ricky said recalling one of his favorite memories,of him and Mel when they were together.

"Yeah, we couldn't stop laughing" Mel said recalling that memory as well. "Listen Mel, I'm sorry about what happened at ashlyns party, I guess old feelings die hard" Ricky said, "It's whatever Ricky it's in the past,but I still need sometime, you know you were the first guy I ever loved, past tense so it doesn't matter anymore" Mel said as she looked down at her feet.

"Let's just get this over with" Mel said. Throughout the whole monologue ricky couldn't take his eyes off the girl, he could'nt stop thinking about how stupid he was to have done that to Mel, he needed to get her back, but how? He thought. "That was good" Mel said, a little more comfortable, "Now we should start on vocals" mel said as she gestured to the piano. "Me, Me, Me" mel sang "You,You,You" Ricky sang, this made a smile appear on Melanie's face.

"You know I always loved the times where'd we sit in my room and you'd just play the guitar and sing for me" Mel reminisced. Before either of them knew it the were leaning in, before their lips could touch, Big red opened the door " We're ordering pizza, Is pepperoni and soy cheese Okay?".

The two popped up and shouted a bunch of Yeah's to try to get rid of the tension, that was in the air from their almost kiss. "Well that's my queue to go, I gotta talk to Carlos about something" the girl said as she walked towards the door, but before she left she turned back to ricky and said "I really enjoyed talking with you about the memories Ricky, I guess you can't just throw away 2 months, but just know I don't hate you Ricky, I'm just hurt" Mel said.

With that she left Ricky and went downstairs to tell Carlos everything that had just happened. "You almost kissed!" Carlos exclaimed "shhh keep your voice down" Mel shushed the boy. "I don't know Carlos, I don't think I ever stopped loving him" Mel stated , "Well in that case maybe we can actually rehearse without you wanting to rip his head off" Carlos laughed.

"Okay everybody we're going to rehearse "the start of something new" Troy, Gabriella are you ready?" Ms.Jenn said. "Ready when you are" Ricky said to Mel the girl just nodded her head in response. Throughout the whole song everybody in the audience could see how much chemistry the two had, to Mel it felt like her heart was no longer broken when she was performing with Ricky. "That was amazing" Ashyln said.

"Okay everybody opening night is next week! Let's do this"''Run it from the top" Ms.Jenn instructed.

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