Where did we go wrong?

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A/N: Just to clarify for this chapter and future chapters Melanie and Ricky have been dating for about 2 months. I'm just too lazy to write it

Time skip to before thanksgiving break

Ricky and Mel were trying to practice the Start of something new, but there was chaos going on in the background. Before they could even finish the bell rang and interrupted the two, "Yes finally" EJ said, "What I just really like thanksgiving" he said then dashed out of the bomb shelter.

"Party at Ashlyns, everybody's invited we'll text the details" Carlos announced. "Hey, you need a ride home?" Mel asked Ricky. "Yeah, wanna practice some of the duets at your house I think I need some more practice and things at home suck right now" Ricky said. "For sure," the girl said then winked at Ricky, grabbing his hand.

The two got into Mel's car and drove to the Hudgens household. "Okay, so what song should we practice first?" the girl questioned Ricky, while she looked through all the karaoke CDs. "How about Breaking free" Vanessa chimed in from the other room. "Breaking free it is" Ricky agreed, the girl put the track in the player and that was the queue for Ricky to start singing.

"We're breaking free" Ricky sang looking at Mel, "We're soaring flying there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach" She joined in. Throughout the whole song, the two could feel the rhythm of the music. "Wow you were just amazing" Ricky gushed "Please you sound like a literal God Ricky" Mel returned the gesture.

"Hey did you hear that Ms.Jenn wants to add a kiss at the end of Breaking free?" Mel said, "well that shouldn't be a problem right?" Ricky questioned. "Of course not but I don't think it was in the original movie," Mel said. The two just shrugged, "Well I have to head home I'll see you tomorrow" Ricky said grabbing his board and giving Mel a kiss goodbye.

"Mom is it okay if I go to my friend Ashlyn's house after dinner for a party, ricky's gonna pick me up" Mel pleaded. "Sure honey but remember the curfew, and no funny business" Jane said as she winked at her daughter, knowing she just embarrassed her on that last part. "Mom!!" Mel laughed at what her mom had just said.

After the hudgens had finished dinner, there was a knock on the door indicating that ricky had arrived. "Bye Mom!" the girl shouted as she opened the door, only to find a smiling Ricky. "Ready to go Gabriella?" Ricky said extending his arm out. "As ready as I'll ever be Troy" the girl said smiling at the nicknames they had for each other.

The two decided to walk, because Ashlyn didn't live too far from Mel. "You look cold, here have my hoodie," Ricky said motioning for Mel to take his coat. "Thanks, but you know you're never getting this back right" Mel said with a mischievous smile on her face. "I kinda figured that" he said admiring the large red "East High" hoodie his girlfriend was now wearing.

The two approached Ashlyn's house but before Melanie had the chance to knock on the door Ricky grabbed her hands. "Before we go inside I have something for you, I was gonna give it too you on opening night, but I couldn't wait" Ricky said.

The boy pulled out a small box from his pocket and handed it over to the Brunette. "Aw, Ricky you didn't have to" the girl said admiring the necklace he got her that had an R on it. "It's on R necklace, just like Gabriella had in the second movie except hers was a T, I thought you would enjoy the reference" ricky stated.

Before he could say anymore Mel cut him off by giving him a kiss "I love it, do you mind helping me put it on" she said as she gave the necklace to Ricky who then attached it around her neck. "This is the nicest thing anyone's ever given me," the girl said starting to get teary-eyed. "Hey don't cry, ready to go inside," the boy asked.

With that the two knocked on the door, a smiling Ashlyn opened the door "Hey guys welcome in!" Ashlyn exclaimed. The two entered the household hand in hand and walked into the living room where they were met with the cheery faces of their friends. "I'll be right back" Mel said to Ricky then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

When the girl entered the kitchen she saw Carlos. "Carlos omg I need to show you something" the girl yelled to him as she walked over to him. "What is it, also don't think I didn't notice you come in with none other than Mr.Ricky Bowen" Carlos said raising his eyebrow in question.

"First off yes me and Ricky are dating, he asked me while we were dancing at homecoming, and lastly he gave me this before we came here," she said as she showed Carlos the R necklace Ricky had just given her. "Omg girl it's just like the necklace troy gave Gabriella in HSM 2" Carlos gushed "You're so lucky" he said.

After showing Carlos the necklace Mel, made sure it was not hidden anymore, she wanted to show it off to everybody. "Well what does everybody want to do?" Ashyln questioned. "Spin the bottle?" nini suggested glaring at Mel. Everybody was hesitant at first but then agreed, "Are you sure you're okay with this"Ricky asked, Mel just squeezed his hand in response. Big red was the first to go and the bottle landed on Ashlyn, the girl started to blush because she was secretly hoping it would land on her.

After Big Red went it was Nini's turn and Mel was pretty sure she rigged it because it landed on ricky. Ricky flashed Mel an "I'm sorry for what's about to happen" smile. Nini had no shame she grabbed ricky by the collar of his shirt and kissed him and to Mel's surprise Ricky did not pull away he seemed to kiss back and even brought a hand up to her face.

"He still loves her she thought, he used me to make nini jealous" Mel thought. "Okay that's enough" Carlos said pulling the two apart. Ricky turned back to Mel, who had tears streaming down her face, she immediately ran off to the bathroom, Ricky following in suit. "Mel let's talk please" ricky pleaded through the door.

Mel reluctantly opened the door. "You still love her don't you" Mel said, Ricky just stood there in silence "I thought I was over her but that kiss sparked something" Ricky spoke up. "Save it you've said enough, next time don't pretend you ever liked me if you're just gonna use me" Mel said then pushed past Ricky, tears streaming down her face.

She ran outside, Carlos noticing this followed her outside, to try to console his best friend. "Why Carlos, why did he have to choose me, and why did I have to fall in love with him," Mel said between sobs. "He's an idiot, he doesn't see how much better you are compared to nini, it's his loss" Carlos said bringing Mel into a hug.

"I understand if you need to drop out of the musical because you can't stand to look at his face" Carlos said "No I'm not just gonna drop out because of a stupid boy, he should have to look at me and remember what he did" Mel said finally calming down a little.

"Now I heard Ashlyn say the parties over so do you wanna go back inside and have a sleepover with me and her" Carlos asked. "I would love that" Mel said thanking god for her best friend. The two walked back inside, ricky tried to come up to the girl, but Carlos was quick to say "I think you've done enough, she doesn't want to talk to you".

Ricky couldn't stop cursing himself, he was so stupid to kiss nini and say that he was still in love with her. I mean that kiss did bring up past feelings but deep down he loved Melanie and couldn't believe he just did that. He broke her heart and seeing her like this broke his heart, because he knew he was the reason why she was like this.

I guess it's operation get Melanie back, even though I literally just broke her heart Ricky thought. "So Ricky now that you're single do you want to get back together" nini said coming up to the Bowen boy. "No nini I thought I still had feelings for you when we kissed, but I realize now that I truly don't, but it's too late now I already lost the one I love, just leave me alone" Ricky said then pushed past the girl and walked out.

With that everybody but Carlos and Mel left, Mel spent the rest of the night crying onto her two best friends shoulders.

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