Chapter 17: The Abandoned One

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The manticore arrived at a dark, dreary, and empty village. You get off and so does the party. The manticore seemed nervous, he pawed the ground and whinpered. You look around, shivering. Looking back at the road you came from, you couldn't see anything. You could barely see your hands. It was like a fog, but so much worse.

Poppy went next to you, "What do we do now?" You adjust your backpack, "The only thing left to do. Save the king." Kae helps Jackie off the manticore and looks around. "How are supposed to move forward? I cant see my own hands in front of me."

A lantern was spotted hanging from something, five feet away. You move towards it, and stumble on some fallen bricks. You were pitched foward into darkness, but caught by strong hands. You look up to see Oliver's face, he stared into your eyes. Your first instinct was to pull away but you didnt. He leaned in and kissed you.

Chase grabbed you and shoved Oliver aside. "What are you doing here? Did you follow us? How did you get here before us?" He growled at Chase, "I truly am sick of your ignorant and jealous behavior. Your going to break someone's heart." Chase spat on Olivers shoes, "You've already done that. I'm here to heal it." Oliver sighed, "Not Leonas heart. Shes over you. I mean Poppys." Poppy froze staring at Chase and Oliver. Chase turned slowly and looked at Poppy, whose gaze shot to the ground. "P-Poppy?"

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