Adrien's apology

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The next day, Marinette made it to school on time- for once, she walked in miss Bustier's class and she sit next to Alya.

Alya: Girl, you're on time.

Marinette: Yeah, I am.

Alya: What's up with that?

Marinette: No reason.

Alya: Hey, are you doing anything this weekend?

Marinette: Going to the beach with Luka after school.

Alya: Oooh, is it a little date.

Marinette: Maybe. *She blush a little bit.*

Alya: Aww, you like him, don't you?

Marinette: Whaaaa? What make you say that? *Soon, Adrien walked in the classroom and he spotted Marinette, on time and not late. He sit next to Nino.*

Adrien: Nino, have you noticed anything strange?

Nino: Like what?

Adrien: Marinette is early.

Nino: That is strange. Ask her about that.

Adrien: I don't think I can.

Nino: Why?

Adrien: I hurt her feelings.

Nino: Why? What happened?

Adrien: I'll tell you later. *Soon, the bell ringed and Miss Bustier walked in the classroom.*

Miss Bustier: Good morning, everybody. Let's get started on today's lesson.

After class, Marinette sit on a bench and sketch out a design on her sketch book. Adrien and Nino spotted Marinette, sitting and drawing on the sketch book.

Nino: Alright, now are you gonna tell me why you hurt Marinette's feelings?

Adrien: Well, yesterday she confessed to me and I rejected her, now she's not my friend anymore.

Nino: Dude, why would you do that?

Adrien: I'm in love with Ladybug. And Marinette is just a friend.

Nino: Dude, how could you be in love with Ladybug if you don't know who she is? That's not how it works.

Adrien: I don't know. But... maybe my chances with Ladybug might not happen.

Nino: You could apologize to her and maybe she'll be your friend again.

Adrien: I doubt it. She's still mad at me.

Nino: Do you see her mad? *He turned Adrien's head and see Marinette still sketching in her book.*

Adrien: No.

Nino: There you go. Go for it before she walks away. *He pushed Adrien up to Marinette.*

Adrien: Hey, Marinette.

Marinette: Hey, Adrien. You need something?

Adrien: Well, you see... I want to say, I'm sorry for happened yesterday. It wasn't right thing to say to you.

Marinette: It's alright, Adrien. I know you're in love with someone else who isn't me. But whoever she is, I'm sure you and her are happy with each other.

Adrien: Really?

Marinette: Yeah. But, I gotta go talk to Juleka. See you in chemistry.

Adrien: Ye-yeah, see ya. *Marinette walk away from him and go to Jukeka. Adrien then start to look sad about what happened. He go up to Nino.*

Nino: Well, how'd it go?

Adrien: She's pretty calm about it. But, in my eyes, she's still hurt over it.

Nino: Well, there's nothing I can do about it, Adrien. You got yourself into this situation, you get yourself out. *Nino walked away and Adrien sighed and go to his next class.*

The one that lost hope (A Lukanette Story)Where stories live. Discover now