Getting the butterfly and peacock miraculouses back

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After school, everybody head home, Adrien has to see where Plagg knows where the Butterfly and the Peacock miraculouses are at.

Plagg: You ready for this, kid?

Adrien: Yeah. I think I am. *He saw Marinette sitting on a bench, he wants to say sorry to her before he head home, but he heard what Luka said to him about trying something to Marinette. But, he decided to make this quick for himself. He walk up to her.*

Plagg: Kid, what are you doing?

Adrien: I need to make this right for us. I can't just ignore it forever. *He stand in front of Marinette, Marinette looked up and she didn't get startled by Adrien.* Hey, Marinette. Can I talk to you for a second?

Marinette: Uh, sure. What's up?

Adrien: (She didn't stutter or anything. What's up with that?) I just wanna say sorry that's all.

Marinette: Sorry? Sorry for what?

Adrien: 2 things: 1. For the way I've been acting lately. I guess my jealousy took the best of me.

Marinette: Adrien, I heard that apology so many times. If you're really that sorry, you shouldn't have done that. I'm still mad at you for what you did when the last time you visited me.

Adrien: I know, I know. And I regretted it all.

Marinette: Sure you have.

Adrien: And 2. This. *He kissed her and her eyes were wide open, she punched him in the stomach.* Oww! What was that for?

Marinette: You kisses me, you idiot! You know I have a boyfriend. Why is that so hard for you to understand that?

Adrien: I-I'm Sorry. I thought that I...

Marinette: Shut up! Just shut up! *She looked at Luka and his friends and he didn't see them kissed.* You're very lucky Luka didn't see you kiss me or he would kill from where you're standing.

Adrien: I'm sorry. Please just give me another chance.

Marinette: For the last time, no! Just get the 2 miraculouses from your house and leave me alone. *She walked away from him and he was broken.*

Adrien: (She punched me! No girl would ever do that to me before.)

Plagg: Bad move, kid.

Adrien: Let's just go get the miraculouses so I can return you back to Luka. *He go to the car and his bodyguard drive him home.* (I really did it again. Why do my emotions get the best of me?)

Nathalie: Adrien, are you alright?

Adrien: Huh, oh. I'm alright.

Nathalie: If something's upsetting you, you'll tell your father, right?

Adrien: Yes, Nathalie. *He looked sad and looked out the window too.*

Soon, in Marinette's room, she paced around a little bit and feel guilty too.

Tikki: Marinette, calm down. It's not that bad.

Marinette: Yes it is, Tikki. Adrien kissed me! He always do this.

Tikki: Well, you didn't kiss him back. You did tell him off a little bit.

Marinette: That's besides the point. It's like I'm talking to a 4 year old whenever he don't get it.

Tikki: He has been doing this before, I'm sure if you talk some sense into him, he'll finally get the picture.

Marinette: I hope so because I don't know how much longer I can take with him. *Soon, her phone ringed, Marinette looked at her phone and see who's calling her. Surprise, surprise, it's Luka.* It's Luka! I can't talk to him.

Tikki: What? You always talk to him.

Marinette: I can't tell him about the kiss. He'll hate me forever!

Tikki: No, he won't. Just tell him what happened. He'll understand. *Marinette inhaled and exhaled a little bit.*

Marinette: Okay. *She answered it.* Hello?

Luka: Hey, Marinette. What happened today? You were upset about something.

Marinette: Well, you see, I... it isn't easy for me to say but... *She inhaled and exhaled.* Can-Can you come over, there's something I have to tell you.

Luka: Okay. I'm on my way. *He hang up and Marinette sighed and covered her eyes too.*

Marinette: Oh, what have I done?

Tikki: Nothing, Marinette. You told him to come over. This could be a good thing.

Marinette: Or probably not. *She look guilty about what happened.*

In Adrien's house, Adrien sneaked in the hallway and he get Plagg out.

Adrien: Okay, Plagg, where do you see the miraculouses? *Plagg looked around and he see the Peacock one.*

Plagg: The Peacock one is there. *Adrien grab it and put it in his pocket and Plagg look for the Butterfly miraculous and he see it.* There. Get it before your father finds out. *Adrien grab it and put it in his pocket and go back to his room. In his bedroom, he get them out of his pocket and he looked at them.*

Adrien: Those are Hawkmoth and Mayura's miraculouses?

Plagg: Yep. It was right under our noses this whole time.

Adrien: I'll have to tell Luka I got them. *He get his phone out and call him.*

Luka: Hello?

Adrien: Hey, I got them. Where could I give them to you?

Luka: Just give them to me, I'm in Marinette's house. And let's just say... You're in trouble.

Adrien: Wha-wha-What? Why would you say that?

Luka: Just come to Marinette's house and I'll tell you.

Adrien: Okay. *He hang up and he gulped too.*

Plagg: Did he find out about the kiss?

Adrien: I hope not. I should've told her not to tell Luka about the kiss.

Plagg: Just go to her house. *Adrien go to the front door and go to Marinette's house.*

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