Confronted by Adrien

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After the movie was over, the credits were rolling and Luka tapped on Marinette's shoulder, her eyes start to open and she yawned.

Marinette: I fell asleep, didn't I?

Marinette: I fell asleep, didn't I?

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Luka: Not too long. Let's go. *They both get up and leave the cinema, but it wasn't too long for Adrien to show up.*

Adrien: Stop right there

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Adrien: Stop right there. (There she is. And with Luka. I hate him!) *His bodyguard stopped the car and Adrien ran out of the car and he ran after them.*

Marinette: Do not tell me how it ends. I want to see the ending by myself.

Luka: Alright, I won't say anything.

Marinette: Good. *Then he smirked at her and decided to say it.*

Luka: At the end, Luke...

Marinette: Stop it! Not another word! *She covered his mouth and Luka removes her hand from his mouth and laughed about it.*

Luka: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Marinette: Not funny!

Adrien: Hey guys! *They both turned around and see Adrien.*

Marinette: Uh, hey Adrien?

Adrien: Where are you guys going?

Luka: I'm taking Marinette home?

Adrien: Oh, yeah. I was by her place asking where she was at and... you were with him.

Marinette: Okay? Let's go. *She hold Luka's hand and keep walking, Adrien sighed and he keeps following them, Marinette turned around and she sees Adrien behind them.* Is there something you need?

Adrien: N-no, not really. Just wanted to say that I... I...

Marinette: Look, if you're not gonna say anything, then stop forcing yourself to say anything. Let's go. *She and Luka keep walking and Adrien sighed and he go back to the car.*

Adrien: Okay. One more time. Take me to Marinette's house. After that, I can go home. *His bodyguard drive to Marinette's house. From there, Marinette and Luka stopped at the doorway and Marinette touched the doorknob.*

Marinette: Do you wanna come in?

Luka: Okay. *But then, the car pulled up and Adrien get out of the car again.*

Marinette: (Ugh not him again). What do you want, Adrien?

Adrien: Can I just talk to you real quick? Please? After this, I'll leave you alone.

Marinette: Can you head inside. This won't be long.

Luka: Alright. (Hope you know what you're doing.) *Luka opened the door and went inside her house.*

Marinette: What?

Adrien: You ignored my calls and stuff. What's up with that?

Marinette: Seriously? I find it annoying! You can't keep calling me, texting me, and leaving voicemails like this, Adrien. You rejected me, I like someone else, and now this? What more do you want?

 You rejected me, I like someone else, and now this? What more do you want?

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Adrien: Can't you see? I love you! I'm in love with you. I know I messed up pretty bad, I just wanna make things right for both of us. Please? Give me a chance.

Marinette: Sorry, Adrien. I just don't feel the same with you anymore. I thought I wasn't over you, but now... I am. Sorry. *Adrien looked sad about that.* I actually thought we would be friends again, but after this, not anymore.

Adrien: No, no, no! Please, let me be the better person! *He get on his knees

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Adrien: No, no, no! Please, let me be the better person! *He get on his knees.* I know you're Ladybug.

Marinette: Get up, Adrien. I am not Ladybug. And quit saying that I am! I am nothing like her!

Adrien: Yes you are. *He touch her face.* You are Ladybug. Please let me make this right for you, for us. Please? I'm begging you. *He lean in to kiss Marinette, but she push him away.*

Marinette: This isn't right. I'm done with this. And please, delete my number, social media accounts, and everything that involves communication. I can't handle it anymore. Good night. *She go inside her house and close the door. Adrien looked sad and he go to the car and his bodyguard drive off back to the mansion.*

Adrien: (What's wrong with me? I thought she was the one for me, but she wasn't. It doesn't matter! She can ignore my calls and other stuff, I will never stop loving her even if she rejects me more than once. You will be mine, Milady. One day you will be mine.)


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