Heroes vs three troublemakers part 2

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Soon, everybody start moving and the villains charge at them.

Cat Blanc: Time to bring my cataclysm up a notch. *He hand glow white and a white energy orb appeared on his hand.* Cataclysm! *He threw a cataclysm at Ryuko and Madame Roar, Madame Roar get her staff out and twirl with it and block the blast.*

Ryuko: Wind Dragon! *She turned into a huge gust of wind and blow directly at Cat Blanc, he screamed and hold on tight to a street lamp post and he suddenly start to lose grip and hit a billboard.*

Cat Blanc: Okay, two can play at this game! *He get his staff out and sword fight with Ryuko and Madame Roar

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Cat Blanc: Okay, two can play at this game! *He get his staff out and sword fight with Ryuko and Madame Roar. Anti-Bug go after Pegasus, Rena Rouge, Harmonizer, and Carapace.*

Anti-Bug: Get back here so I can get your miraculouses for Hawkmoth!

Rena Rouge: What's the old saying again? Oh yeah. *They face Anti-Bug.* Fat Chance! *Pegasus get his horseshoe boomerang out and he look around and see what he can use it at, then he threw it and it hit Anti-bug until it made her glasses fall out of her head and the lens cracked too.*

Carapace: Nice shot.

Pegasus: Thank you. *They go to Volpina next, Harmonizer pick up the glasses.*

Anti-Bug: Ughhhhh, my head. *She feel the top of her head and her glasses were gone.* My glasses! Where'd it go? *She looked around and she see nothing. Ladybug and Black Panther fight off Volpina.*

Volpina: What's so special about Marinette? She always get everything her way, what about me, huh? *She start swinging her flute at them,  Black Panther use his staff and fight her off too.*

Black Panther: Is there a way to get the akuma from her?

Ladybug: Keep going, I think I know. *Black Panther kick Volpina back and she skidded on her feet and charge at them.*

Volpina: Hold still so I can strike, you mangy cat! *Black Panther duck and Volpina fly over him and Ladybug twirl her yo-yo and wrap it around Volpina.* Ugh, let me go!

Ladybug: Not yet. *She unwrap Volpina and Volpina start to spin out of control and she hit Cat Blanc and Anti-bug and they all collapsed. But Cat Blanc wasn't gonna give that easily.*

Cat Blanc: You think your little hero sidekicks can stop us? Well let's see if they can stop me when I capture you, Ladybug! Cataclysm! *He fired an energy ball, Ladybug dodge the blast, but it came back and hit her behind her back, everybody exclaimed, Black Panther put on the snake miraculous and Sass appeared.*

Black Panther: (No one messes what's mine!) Sass, Plagg, unify! *He merge into Black Viper

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Black Panther: (No one messes what's mine!) Sass, Plagg, unify! *He merge into Black Viper.* Second Chance! *He slide the head back and bring back the time when Ladybug was about to be blasted by Cat Blanc.*

Black Viper: Ladybug, look out!

Ladybug: Huh? *Cat Blanc threw the energy ball at Ladybug and Ladybug dodge the ball, but it came back.*

Black Viper: Gotta get her attention. *He get out his rope and pull her out of the way and the ball hit Cat Blanc instead.*

Cat Blanc: Ugh, my power back fired! *Snake Noir unwrap Ladybug.*

Ladybug: What was that?

Black Viper: He was about to blast you.

Ladybug: How did... *He put her hands on her shoulders.*

Black Viper: Forget about that. Just stop him.

Ladybug: Right. *She play the flute and the sonic waves came and she made Anti-bug, Cat Blanc, and Volpina go into a trance.* Black Viper, your rope. *Black Viper twirl his rope and wrap them up in it and Ladybug grab Volpina's necklace, Cat Blanc's bracelet, and Pegasus lend Ladybug the glasses and she breaks them all until all three akumas start to fly off, Ladybug stop playing and put her flute away too.* No more evil doing for you little akuma. *She twirl her yo-yo up until it starts to glow.* Time to de-evilize! *She swing her yo-yo and caught the akumas.* Gotcha. * She sent them free as butterflies.* Bye bye little butterflies. *They fly away and Ladybug hold up the flute.* Miraculous Ladybug! *He threw the flute up in the air and made everything turn back to normal, the troublemakers were deakumatized.*

Chloé: Ugh, my head. What happened?

Adrien: And why are we tied up? *Black Viper untie them and they were free.* What happened?

Ladybug: You three were akumatized.

Lila: Whatever, I'm going home. *Lila walk away and Chloé walk away too, except for Adrien. Soon, Ladybug's miraculous start to blink.*

Ladybug: We have to transform back. We'll come back for you. Come on! *Everybody start moving and Adrien watch them leave and he look sad too.*

Hawkmoth: Ugh, you and your allies may have won the battle, Ladybug and Black Panther, but you didn't win the war! And I will get my miraculouses if I turn Paris against you all! *The window start to close.*


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