01: Charm

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A/N: This is my first time writing in third person's POV, so please, bear with me. It might suck. I'll see if I like it though. If I don't I'm probably gonna just switch to first person.

*August 25, Tuesday*

Third person's POV:

"Do you honestly think I would ask him out for you if I didn't think he was good enough for you?" Hoseok asked Jimin, who was currently stuffing books in his locker.

"Hobi, I've told you countless times that I don't like Seokjin," Jimin replied, slamming his locker and putting his bookbag on.

"He's a good person though. Pleaseee. I hate seeing you single."

"You're single too. I'm not talking about this, Hoseok. My love life isn't important to me. What's important is that I finish high school with all of my credits. I don't wanna end up like Seokjin and Yoongi and have to be here for an extra year," Jimin said.

He turned on his heel and started walking in the opposite direction when someone abruptly grabbed his shoulder and slammed him against the lockers.

"What did you just say about me?" Yoongi asked him, obviously being able to overhear his conversation with Hoseok.

"It's none of your business. Now let go of me Yoongi," Jimin snapped at him.

Yoongi was growing more irritated by the second. "You think you can talk to me like that? I can ruin your whole life. Right here. Right now."

"Please, do. It won't change anything," Jimin said.

"You stupid little-"

"Yoongi, come on," Seokjin said from a few feet away. "I'm sick of having to pull you off of people whenever you get into fights."

Yoongi groaned and pushed Jimin's shoulders against the locker one last time before walking away with his three friends.

"Jimin, you're an idiot," Hoseok said, walking over to him.

"Thanks for the help Hoseok," replied Jimin, rubbing his arm that got hit against the locker.

"Don't sass me. I've helped you more times than you can probably count."

"And you couldn't do it back there?"

"I'm intimidated by Yoongi. Him and his fine ass."

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled, hitting him on the arm.


"That's what you get for being a pervert. Anyway, we should get going to class. See you at lunch."

"See ya," Hoseok said, giving Jimin a small friendship handshake before they went their seperate ways.

Jimin went to his first block, which was coding. "Why couldn't I have a normal class to start my junior year?" He mumbled to himself before entering the classroom.

Five rows of computers were filling the room, and Jimin culdn't help but be attracted to the third row of seats. After setting his bag down by his chair, he sat down and turned the computer on, following the instructions written on the board.

After a lot more people flooded into the room, the teacher stood up and introduced himself. "This semester, you guys will be going on coding websites to practice coding different games like Minecraft, Temple Run, and online games like Y8 and things like that. Your grade is based off of-"

"Sorry I'm late!" Someone yelled, stumbling into the room. Jimin turned around and watched as a young boy with chocolate brown hair entered the room.

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