10: Rumor

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*Wednesday, September 2nd, A day*

As soon as Jimin walked through the doors of the school, he realized things weren't right. There were too many people in the hallway, but not enough talking, more like whispering.

"Jimin," Hoseok said, grabbing his arm and pulling him around the corner into a not so crowded hallway. Jungkook was there too, waiting for them.

"What's going on?" Jimin asked. "Why is everyone acting so weird?"

"Because." Jungkook showed Jimin his phone. On it was a picture of Jimin and Yoongi in the hallway with their arms linked, another was them going into the closet together, another was them running out of the school together, and the last one was Yoongi buying all that stuff at the store.

"Wh-who took these?" Jimin asked.

"We don't know," Jungkook said.

"We have to get you out of Yoongi's house. This can ruin everything for you," Hoseok said.


"Delete the fucking pictures!" A booming voice yelled from around the corner. The three of them looked and saw Taehyung pinning a kid against a locker by his collar, almost lifting him off of the ground.

"I didn't take them!" The kid yelled.

"Don't lie to me you little piece of shit. You know how much Yoongi means to me, and if those pictures aren't taken down, and this ruins him, you're dead. Do you understand me?"

The boy frantically nodded and Taehyung let him go before walking over to the three.

"So, Jimin," he said, smirking. "I thought you would've taken today off. I heard Yoongi can be pretty rough."

"That's enough babe," Jungkook said. "We need to talk to Jimin, so go run along and bother Namjin."

"Ooh okay! Bye Kookie."

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, where's Yoongi?" Hoseok asked.

"He dropped me off down the street a little bit ago. He should've gotten here a while ago," Jimin replied, looking at all the students to try to find Yoongi.

He felt his phone vibrate and took it out of his pocket to see who it was.

Your father knows about us. I'm at home right now.

How do you know that he knows?

I assume that word between the students gets to the teachers too. When I pulled up to the school, I saw him give me a dirty look so I turned around. Can you get a ride back home?

Possibly. I'll see you then.

See ya.

"Yoongi's at his house. Hoseok, do you think you can drive me?" Jimin asked.


"I'm coming too," Jungkook said.

"No," they said in unison.

"I'm the one who first found out about this whole thing. Pleaseee."

Hoseok sighed. "Fine, but you're sitting in the backseat."

"Yay! Okay!"


Yoongi was pacing in his living room, looking on his phone for any new rumors or ways to delete the photos. But he soon realized it was hopeless, and the damage had already been done.

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