07: Awkward

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*Later that day, 5 p.m.*

"Now that we got all your shit in the house, do you think you can make dinner?" Yoongi asked. He and Jimin were sitting in his living room when Yoongi decided to just eliminate the awkward silence by making a rude remark.

"I'm not your maid," Jimin replied, pulling out his phone.

"Can you order food since you're on your phone?"



Jimin ordered the pizza and they both sat on opposite ends of the couch, waiting for it. Jimin's knees were pulled up to his chest as him and Yoongi sat in an awkward silence once again

"Did you read it?" Jimin asked. "The other pages, I mean."

Yoongi shook his head. "Not yet, no. Also, I know your other notebook is smut."

"Y-you read the other notebook?"

"No. I just know it is by how deep you were hiding it. And... I saw the title of your first story. I just haven't read it yet."

"Okay, just... Promise me you won't hate me after you read it. More than you already do I mean."

"Why would it make me hate you more?"

"It's just personal. You wouldn't understand why I write this type of stuff. It helps me deal with stress."

"I understand why you write it then. If it's something that helps you with stress, you should do it whenever you're stressed. You have a lot written though. How stressed are you?"

"Not that much. I don't know."

Yoongi scooted over and sat right next to Jimin, putting his hand on the nape of his neck and rubbing it gently. Jimin let out a quiet moan and covered his mouth.

"That was awkward. I'm sorry," Jimin said.

Yoongi chuckled. "It's alright. Here. Lay down on your stomach. I'll give you a massage."

"No, you don't have to. I'm fine. That would be awkward."

Yoongi sighed and shook his head, smiling. "You think everything's awkward. Just turn around. I'll massage your shoulders."

Jimin turned so his back was facing Yoongi and sat criss cross on the couch. "Hyung, I'm okay ahhh," Jimin moaned again once Yoongi's hands started massaging his shoulders.

"You're very vocal," Yoongi said, slightly smirking.

"I know. If just feels good, ahhh," Jimin said, making Yoongi chuckle.

"It seems like you're doing it on purpose baby."

"I'm not. If you would stop doing it so well, I wouldn't be so loud."

"I have two things to say. First, I could've made so many "that's what she said" jokes from that entire conversation. And secondly, why didn't you yell at me for calling you baby?"

"Oh no. You're ruining me," Jimin said, standing up. "You put me under your massage spell and I completely lost all of my senses."

"Are you forgetting something?" Yoongi asked, arching his eyebrow with a small smile.

"Oh yeah. Don't call me baby." Jimin walked to the kitchen and Yoongi chuckled.

"There it is." He stood up and walked to the kitchen after Jimin, sitting at the island while Jimin drunk a cup of water on the other side of it. "I have a question."


"Do you write smut about random people at school, or do you write it about people you like?"

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