11: Shadow

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A/N: Yoongi's Interlude: Shadow is such a banger 😪. Also, this is the last chapter. Upsetting, but I'm planning on making a new story that'll be Jungkook X Reader. This is just a short story to go in between the big ones like Stigma and the next one.

*The next day, September 3, Thursday, B day*

Drama spreads fast. There's no doubt about it. Getting dirty looks from everyone who's ever been attracted to Yoongi made Jimin realize this.

"So you finally came out of the closet? Out of the shadows?" A girl asked, walking up to Jimin who was taking stuff out of his locker.

"So?" Jimin asked.

"I thought you didn't like Yoongi. What happened?"

"Why is it any of your business?"

"I just wanna know."

"Jimin!" Jimin sighed, hearing his father's voice from down the hall behind him. "Come see me in my office."

"Gotta go." Jimin closed his locker before walking to the gym where his dad's office is. "What's up?" He asked, standing on the other side of the desk.

"I heard you're dating Yoongi. Is that true?"

Jimin looked down and nodded. "Yes. Sorry dad."

"I don't care who you're dating. You should be apologizing for missing tryouts. I changed to the hockey coach, and you ended up not coming."

Jimin chuckled. "I'm sorry. Are tryouts still open?"

"Next Wednesday. Get to first block now."

"Thank you. Bye."


Jimin sat in his usual spot next to Jungkook and Hoseok, not minding all of the people around them leaving by his presence. Yoongi's probably the most feared person at this school, and since Jimin's dating him, it gives him the same status as "a badass bitch".

"Jimin, meet my new boyfriend," Hoseok said from across the table as a senior named Jackson sat next to him.

A/N: Yes, it's the Jackson.

Jimin had seen Jackson around before, but never really paid attention to his stunning visuals. His chocolate brown hair was messy, but done neatly at the same time, his jawline was sharp enough to cut diamond, his facial features in general were amazing, and he had dark brown eyes that gave off an earth-spinning kaleidoscope of pure beauty.


"Jimin, snap out of your trance," Jungkook said, snapping his fingers in front of Jimin's face. "Dang. Already cheating on Yoongi?"

"It's not cheating," Jimin defended.

"It's okay. Hoseok did it to me for a week until he finally got the courage to ask me out," Jackson said,earning a light punch on the arm from Hoseok. "Ow!"

"Don't expose me and I won't hit you."

They all started laughing until a group of girls walked over. Not phased by Jimin's presence, they all started crowding Jackson and leaning over him, obviously trying to seduce him in any way.

"Come on Jackson. Let's leave these idiots to their own shenanigans," one of them said.

Jungkook snorted and the girls finally noticed Jungkook and Jimin sitting there.

"Oooh you two are cute," one of them said. Two of them sat by Jimin and Jungkook and started leaning up against them, making Jimin get really uncomfortable.

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