02: Detention

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Third person's POV:

For the entire class, Yoongi, to Jimin's surprise, was a decent human being. Jimin was having a good time, watching the instructor give demonstrations on acting and playwriting.

"You guys are gonna be writing your own plays. I'll assign you each parters," the teacher said, making Jimin's happy mood turn into a bad one. She got through all of the names until there were only two left. "Min Yoongi and Park Jimin."

"What?!" Jimin asked, abruptly standing up.

"Jimin, just sit down," she said and Jimin did as told. "You guys will be working on these outside of school. When we're in class, we're gonna be making props for the fall play that will be held in November."

"What's it about?" A girl in the class asked.

"A forbidden love. Two people who are polar opposites, and hated each other in the beginning. By the end, they can't help but fall in love with each other," the teacher replied.

Jimin would've thought the way she described it was so beautiful, if it wasn't for Yoongi eating chips obnoxiously next to him.

"For the love of God!" Jimin yelled, making everyone look at him. "Do you have to do that right in my ear?!"

Yoongi nodded and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Are we okay?" The teacher asked.

"Yes. Sorry Ms. Lee," Jimin replied.

"It's fine. The play you and your partner will be writing has to come from the heart. Put both of your personalities together, and write a play that describes both of your characters. I'll pass out a paper with all of the information. Your script will be due Monday, August 31. That gives you six days to work on this, outside of class."

Jimin groaned and Yoongi had a smirk on his face at Jimin's misery.

"You know I make your life hell on purpose, don't you?" Yoongi asked.

"You know I don't care what I say to you, don't you?"

"That'll be your mistake in the end."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"You'll see in the future, Jimin."

After Ms. Lee handed out the papers, the bell rang, signaling the end of school. Jimin groaned once he remembered he had detention, and went to his locker to get his stuff.

"Sorry I left during lunch," Jungkook said, walking up to him. "I wanted to meet Yoongi-hyung's friends, but they don't seem very nice. Plus, it seems like you don't like him, and I choose to stick with you."

Jimin sighed and shut his locker, throwing his bag over his shoulders. "I have to get to detention."

"You have detention? What happened?"

"Nothing. Just go home," Jimin said, walking past him to head toward the detention room.

"That was rude," Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

Jimin opened the door to the room, and saw that it was only Yoongi and Ms. Lee in there.

"Ms. Lee, you're doing detention this year?" Jimin asked, walking to a desk on the other side of the room from Yoongi.

"Yes, I am. I'm gonna be leaving though to go help with something downstairs. You guys can start writing your play for Drama though." She walked out, leaving Jimin and Yoongi in the room together.

"At least our detention teacher's nice," Jimin mumbled, loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

"Yeah, I guess so," Yoongi said, grabbing his things and walking over to Jimin, sitting next to him. "I was thinking we can do something revolving social anxiety, since I know you have that."

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