09: Take It 🔞

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A/N: Kind of smut

*4 p.m.*

Yoongi and Jimin were sitting on the couch, wrapped in blankets and watching movies when Yoongi decided to check the time.

"Damn. We just watched dramas for seven hours straight," Yoongi said, pausing the TV and stretching. "What do you say we go take a nap?"

"What about the thing?" Jimin asked.

"Do you wanna do that now?"

"I don't know how to answer that."

"How about we eat pizza, do it, and then fall asleep?"

"That sounds good," Jimin said, nodding.

"Okay. I'll order the pizza." Yoongi grabbed his phone and went to the kitchen, leaving Jimin to his thoughts. His phone vibrated and it was once again his group chat.

Your dad's wondering why you weren't in gym and why you didn't come to tryouts.


This is why you got 4/100 on your english test. Who do you think?

Can you tell him I was sick?

He's also wondering why Yoongi wasn't there.

Can you tell him Yoongi was taking care of me?

Don't lie in front of Jungkook.

I'm sixteen!


You know what? My dad forced me to live in this house. He can figure it out himself. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

He put his phone on the coffee table just as Yoongi came back.

"I ordered the pizza," he said, sitting next to Jimin and slinging his arm around his shoulders. "What do you want to do until it comes?"

"I wanna talk about this," Jimin said.


"We've known each other for more than three years now, but we hated each other that entire time. Now, all of a sudden you want to have sex with me. I don't know if I can trust this based on the sequence of events."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything leading up to tonight has been because of pure hatred towards each other. It just doesn't seem logical for you to want to do it all of a sudden."

Yoongi sighed and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. "It may not seem like it, but I'm not a player. You can think that all you want, but it's not gonna change the fact that I've only ever done it with people I genuinely care about. I don't know why, but reading your story just made me feel this certain way about you. The fact that... You were able to come up with something like that, about me. I don't know. I just... God, this is so stupid. You hate me, and here I am trying to convince you to do it with me. I'm such a fuck-up."

"If you only do it with people who care about, I'll just go upstairs then." Jimin stood up and Yoongi looked up at him. "This is just lust that you're feeling. I don't want to be the person who ruins the list of people you have sex with."

"It isn't lust Jimin. I know we always say we've hated each other ever since we met, but I've never hated you. It hurts me when you say you've always hated me," Yoongi said.

"It shouldn't hurt you. I'm not worth your time anyway. I'm unpopular, and just the kid who's never even had any form of respect towards you." Jimin started walking away but Yoongi stood up and grabbed his arm.

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