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They agree to reconvene in the afternoon after they have a better sleep than was managed on the hard floor of the bakery. It was Corbin's idea. After all, he had insisted on taking two-night watch shifts.

Corbin is the last to leave. He waits until everyone has dispersed into the early hours of dawn, staring at the girl who lies dead at the end of the room. This girl is somebody to someone. He can't just leave her on the floor of a bakery, from some other helpless idiot to find in the morning.

So, once everyone is gone, he lifts her up.


Viola makes it home with her blanket and curls up into bed. She still hasn't stop shivering. At least it means that her body is still working. The ability to be cold is practically intrinsic to the ability to be alive.

She shuts her eyes, forcefully and tightly. If her body doesn't want her to sleep, she will make it. Viola even clamps her jittery hands between her legs. The meat to her body has begun to fade away, almost eating at itself, so her thighs can't contain her body's shakes.

Though she wants nothing more than to spend time with someone, anyone that she has met recently, she can't. After all, someone might find out about secrets that were never hers to know, let alone keep. When Viola drinks, she becomes loose-lipped. Being high has the same effect on her body. Even sober, she has to constantly remember to swallow words that want to tumble out and spill on the ground.

She can't bear to be sober. Not anymore. Which means she has to smoke alone.

After an hour, Viola stands up. She digs through her drawer, grabbing a joint (she is still thankful that weed is legal in Alaska, otherwise the TMLT wouldn't provide it). She leans out her window, already missing a screen, and blows smoke out into the cold early morning air.


Since she and Viola parted ways at the gate, Pluto makes her way into her friend's apartment. At the bottom, she taps her way inside. She doesn't bother to knock at the door, instead of pushing the door open.

Only one person is asleep on the couch, which means it was a bad party. So, at least Pluto didn't miss anything exciting. Without bothering to take off her shoes, Pluto carefully manoeuvres over the spilt liquor towards Marc's room. Without knocking, she enters.

"It's already the middle of the day," She laughs, shutting the door a bit too loudly behind her.

Marc groans, pulling the covers up over his bare chest. Finally, Pluto kicks off her shoes. With her coat still on, she throws herself against the bed. It's difficult to slide up next to him, but she manages. She presses her still frozen cheeks against his warm bare chest.

"Watch it," Marc tries to recoil, but Pluto forces her arms around him.

He struggles in her grip, eventually pulling her hands off him and pinning them above her head. Pluto lets him see her eyes flicker down to his chest before she bites her lip. While he climbs off of her, she lets herself giggle.

Marc pulls the pillow over his head and hides from Pluto. So, she straddles him and runs her hands between his pecs. "Don't you want to know where I was?"

"No," Marc tells her. "I'm fucking hungover."

"Don't you want to know where I'll be going?" She asks, moving down against him. Slowly, she lifts the pillow off his face. Her lips graze his ears. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

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