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"Calm down, Reg," Wren knows that his voice, though calm and sturdy, is nothing compared to the tidal storm that is Reagan.

The boy with starlight in his skin continues to burn. He is on the ladder in the library, practically swinging around the whole place. He searches for his favourite book, only fail to find a copy of it. Whatever, he doesn't expect Edison to understand contemporary classic novels any more than he expects the others to all come back alive.

"I am calm," Reagan insists, as he tosses down another book he'd like to read. They've got eight months left, and with Edison gone, there is no way that Reagan is going back to the Complex.

Wren picks up the book, carefully fixing the dust jacket. Not that he cares; Wren doesn't remember the last year he read a book. Still, he knows that once Reagan manages to bring himself back to Earth, he'll be embarrassed by his behaviour. "I thought you liked Noah."

"I'm neutral on Noah," Reagan begins to climb down. He can feel his legs wobbling. It has been maybe his whole life since he felt angry, and Reagan knows it's because he is petrified, but feeling anger is so much more pleasant than lying on the floor in trepidation.

He blows past Wren, and Wren rolls his eyes. "You know, you're kind of hot when you're angry."

Reagan turns around to glare at Wren but is betrayed by the rosy colour of his nose. "I'm fucking intimidating, Wren."

Now, Wren can't help himself. He takes a step closer to Reagan and puts his hand in Reagan's hair.

Reagan is caught enough off guard that he feels his body stiffen. He looks at Wren, at the curly mess of hair on the top of his head and dark eyes.

Then, they kiss each other.

Wren bites Reagan's lip and pulls him in closer. The two of them back up, until Wren has Reagan pressed against a bookshelf. The jolt is enough to knock down a few books, but luckily, none of them hit the boys. Instead, they fall down, like shooting stars.

Pluto knocks on a bookcase and saunters into the room. Wren pulls back abruptly, and Reagan's face tinges bright, bright red.

"Now, I don't mean to ruin anyone's fun, but I really need to borrow Wren," Pluto bats her eyelashes which are laced with her tears. Reagan just assumes that she's been drinking.

Wren looks at Reagan for approval, and when Reagan nods, he leaves.

In the hallway, Pluto pulls him aside into the bathroom, where three pregnancy tests sit on the counter. They are all lined up in a row, but crooked, left haphazardly by Pluto's numb fingers. Wren doesn't have to look at them to know that they are all positive.

"Well fuck," Wren sighs, placing his hands on his hips. There aren't words that come out of his lips, because he's only had pregnancy scares, not pregnancies. "I take it you can't tap an abortion."

"Nope," she pops the p, trying to play up her flirtation to keep her from panicking. Things are not less than ideal right now, even though she is living the life of luxury of a Gold. Pluto could very easily be giving birth in this house. She isn't ready for any of this, but she lacks choice in the matter.

"What's the plan?" Wren asks. He turns to face her, forcing himself to look at her wet eyes.

She shakes her head back and forth. "I don't know."


Harper and Corbin have secluded themselves in the lounge, which no one else dares enter. Harper had gone in first and was surprised to find that when Corbin joined, he sat on the couch next to Harper. It has been half an hour since the others left, and they both sit in silent contemplation.

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