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Edison comes running.

They slept in piles on the floor that night. The Blues, that is, so only Corbin and Pluto really. Word reaches them that two Blues with guns have been abducted. For a second, Pluto worries that her roommates have reported her as taken as well.

Still, the Complex is packed. So, the group goes up to the roof, despite the snow, to have their discussion. After pouring through the book all night, Harper memorized all that he could to report back to the group.

"And so, it's based on a scale of compassion and narcissism," Harper explains to the group. "The higher you are, the less compassionate and more narcissistic. I don't understand how exactly the scale works, because I'm not a mathematician, but it's rather complicated."

Corbin holds his band in his hand. He is number 11, only one number off from being a Gold. How unlucky he is, yet how lucky at the same time. He could never stand to live the life of a Gold. He is lucky to have met them all.

His eyes flutter over to Harper, and he ducks his head down.

"I don't think it matters all too much," Wren points out. "Do all the Golds have a copy of that?"

Harper looks at Noah, who shrugs. Noah didn't really have the opportunity to discuss it with Edison.

"Well, if whoever did that to Viola..." Wren remembers that Viola said he wasn't comforting the last time they spoke. So, he keeps his lips pressed tightly together.

"Well, good luck scaring me," Pluto leans backwards, letting her hair rest in the snow. "Nothing scares me."

Corbin takes the book from Harper. Before he can ask, Pluto chirps out her number. He flips through the pages until he finds her.

"Fears: hurting others, her sister's wrath, dying alone, dying painfully-"

"We get it," Pluto snaps, but there is still a crooked grin on her face. "If you're so bold, why don't you read yours out?"

"Now, I don't-" Reagan protests, but Corbin is already flipping through the pages towards his name.

"Heights, loneliness, accidents, driving," Corbin says. He waves the book in the air. "We can do this all day. We should know what the Golds know about us."

Edison finally makes it. None of them spot him, but he spots them, perched on the rooftop. The only problem is figuring out how to get up to them.

"Do me!" Rinn calls out, a laugh in her voice. "945."

Jasmine almost laughs at her chipper tone. "You couldn't pay me to do that."

Corbin flips through the pages.

"I don't see how this is very productive," Reagan manages to point out. He leans in towards Wren.

"Only two," Corbin finishes. "Darkness and loneliness."

"I hate the dark," Rinn manages. Surely, she has more fears than that. Although, she has never been bothered by spiders or other tiny bugs. Death should terrify her, but it doesn't. She couldn't stand to lose her sister, right?

Noah hears grunting over the edge of the building. He gets up to look. From there, he sees Edison, leaping up from the side. Noah dangles his arms over the edge to help hoist Edison up.

"Who's that?" Wren asks, peering over. Once he sees Edison's face, he stands up. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

Corbin is about to stand, but Harper puts a hand on his leg, pushing him towards the ground. Though he doesn't want to, Corbin listens. Mostly because he doesn't want Harper to move his hand away.

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