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  It has been three months. The wind no longer gently kissed cheeks; it set them aflame.

In her bed, Viola shivers. Despite the three blankets on her, she can't stop feeling cold. It takes over her whole body, stealing away her ability to control herself. She has tried a hot shower, she has tried soup, and nothing seems to be working.

Though she knows why she is shaking, she can't help but hope to prevent it some other way. After all, there are certain things which are unavailable to her. Things that can't be tapped for.

Her contact has gone missing. She's got no idea what has happened to him. He always hid his band, preferring anonymity, so who knows where he has gone. Maybe he got jumped by a bunch of colourless. Everybody in the apartments has been talking about them since they seem to be becoming increasingly active these days.

Always waiting. Always watching.

Eventually, Viola resolves that there are only really two options for her. To die, sooner rather than later, or to go and try to get another blanket. She can't remember the last time she got one since the days and the nights feel one and the same to her. They have clocks, but they don't have calendars.

It's worth a try.


Noah's wet feet nearly slip on the linoleum floors of the hallway. He clings to his towel tighter, not just to keep it covering him, but because even inside the complex he can feel the chill. It's been getting colder, and it is only October. By January, he imagines that when he'll leave the communal bathroom, his footprints will freeze behind him.

Finally, he makes it back to his room. He taps his wristband on the pad next to the door, though he doesn't hear the click of the lock.

So, he does the only thing that makes sense. He taps again. The lock remains unclicked, so Noah gently pushes on the door. It gives in to his weight, creaking forward.

Noah blows out a sigh, scratching his head as he walks in. One of his roommates has a habit of leaving the door slightly ajar, which means the lock can't engage. It hasn't bothered Noah enough to say anything.

Even though it really bothers him at night, when the temperature drops.

Thankfully, there are no roommates here. Noah gently closes the door and begins to get dressed. He grabs the only clean shirt he has left (he was lucky enough to get five shirts) and his pair of pants. They are beginning to smell, so he'll have to talk to his roommates about getting the laundry tap soon.

After Noah pulls his socks on, he opens the drawer to get his shoes. Inside, he finds a small sheet of paper.

Sorry. :(

Noah bites his lip. He takes the paper, curling it into his fist and squeezes his eyes shut. His shoes have been stolen. Thankfully he tapped them three months ago, but he can't help but wonder if he'll be able to tap them again today, and how he will be able to go to the store in only socks.


The breeze digs into his skin, but Corbin doesn't need to pull up the collar of his coat. His face is burning with anger as he darts across the road. From here, he can see his roommates gathering in front of the apartment across the road.

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