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Thanks for coming! I know the opening is a bit vague, so here's the premise. An American corporation offers $100 000 to any individuals 18-25 who are willing to live in Alaska for a year without contact with the outside world. After a background check, a survey, a meeting with a government official, and a lottery, a thousand people are selected.

Your OC is one of the thousand.

Everything else depends on your OC. How do they meet? What do they decide to do? All that fun stuff.

I will probably be accepting nine applicants, but I might accept ten. Who knows? I'm usually undecided.


| If you have questions, feel free to ask me. My inbox is open at every second of the day because I'm a loser with nothing better to do.

| You'll be more likely to be selected if you are unique from other applicants. If there are like, five girls and one guy, if you apply with a guy you are more likely to be picked. The same goes for personalities! Try to keep the balance pretty even as far as characters go.

| Please be detailed! The more detail the better.

| Give me characters that are hard to deal with! I

| Also, expect that I could be in communication with you if you have been selected. While I draft the story, I will probably want to cross-reference things with you, maybe clear up any confusion I might have.

| If I'm not writing your character properly please feel free to message me. Also, the password is your dream house.

| Even if your character isn't one of the main characters, they will show up. The might even be super important. I'll have a few side characters, but probably not many.

| Three tags please and thank you. This isn't super important, but if you know anyone who might be interested please holler.

| Unless a ton of people apply, applications are closing the 10th of November. Hopefully, they will close early.

 Hopefully, they will close early

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NAME: (full and nicknames)

AGE: (18-23)



FACE CLAIM: (try to keep them close in age to their character)


BACKSTORY: (family, hobbies, etc.)



Why did they apply to join the experiment?: (money, glory, friend applied, escapism, etc)






Apply inline here --------->

Apply inline here   --------->

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Edison Darby

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Edison Darby

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Face claim: Max Barczak

Personality: Edison Darby tends to keep to himself. He's a quiet intellectual type, studying practically every hour of the day. Edison can be a bit elitist when it comes to intelligence (he went to Oxford after all), but he feels more aligned with the poor than the rich because of his lower-class upbringing. He values dedication, bravery, and though he loves books he does have a sense of adventure (hence archeology). Edison is honest to a fault, tends to keep to himself, and can be uncooperative. He generally has trust-issues, but he is calm and kind (though awkward). Overall, he holds his morals strongly and will fight for them no matter what.

Background: Edison grew up in Texas and hated every second of it. He hated the culture and the people. Edison was always an odd-ball in school, buried too deep into books as a form of escapism. He got beat up for being gay a lot. So, when he graduated, he applied to Oxford for archeology and anthropology. He moved there the same year he turned 18. After three long and hard years, he graduated. In June, he was forced to move back to Texas to begin applying for VISAs. He hasn't been having much luck.

Likes/dislikes/fears: working in the heat, books, travelling, dreaming/fiction, lazy days, the rain, dressing down/fading into history, being stuck in Texas, homophobia

Songs: Glory by Dermot Kennedy

Why did he apply to join the experiment?: He needed to get OUT of Texas, and quickly.

Any additional info or trivia: Edison is really old-fashioned and refuses to use technology. He also falls on the autism spectrum.

Love interest and death: both are okay!

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