• One ~ Mum •

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Lily's PoV

I walked into the living room of our apartment and saw my now seventeen year old son sitting on the ground by the sofa with his three year old sister sitting between his legs as they watched TV. "Lulu wook! It's momma." I glanced towards the tv to see Rachel being interviewed before their game against America tomorrow. The game was in Utah so we decided to make a family holiday out of it and go visit some old friends and stomping grounds to show the kids where my professional career all began.

"I know bubba." I leaned against the doorframe and smiled softly at my kids interaction. When Amelia was born it took Lucas a while to warm up to her. He started staying over at Steph's more often and whenever Amelia had a crying fit he went down to Lucy's for a few hours. It was really tough on him going from an only child for so long to having a newborn in the house with all the attention. It took myself and Rachel nearly two months to finally get him to stay at home an entire week instead of running off to Steph and Lucy's. Ever since then he's been attached to her and is never far whenever she needs him. They're truly best of friends.

Despite keeping him out of the public eye for years, Lucas has got quite a following on social media. He plays with Man City Academy and built himself quite a platform before people ever found out who his family were and after that he just blew up. He's taking it all in his stride though and doesn't seem bothered by how popular he is. He's like Rachel in that way. He always prioritises Amelia and his family over everything and even forces myself and Rachel out of the house nearly every Saturday night so he can have some quality time with his sister. He still stays at Steph's often and even began calling her 'Ma' after I did it a few years ago on accident but it stuck with us both ever since. She doesn't seem to care that we call her that, if anything I'd say it reassures her that we love her.

"Are you guys ready?" I was bringing them to Amy's place to surprise her. She didn't live far from here and only took three minutes to drive. I was getting Amelia out of the car when I heard the front door opening. "Aunty Lily!" I looked over my shoulder to see Luke running straight to me and I set Amelia on the ground to go over to Lucas just as Luke reached me. Like Lucas, he was a head taller than me and very muscular that I hardly recognised him. He wrapped his arms around me securely and I chuckled softly before hugging him back.

"Lukey! You've gotten so old bud." He chuckled and loosened his hold around me. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek softly. "You turned out handsome Lu. I always had hope for you." He chuckled while shoving my shoulder gently.

"You picked a great time to visit. Ryan's in town as well and himself and Mom are just at the store but they should be back any minute if you want to surprise them." I smiled widely and nodded my head. I looked over at Lucas holding Amelia and motioned for him to come over.

"Luke these are my kids, Lucas and Amelia." The two boys gave each other a nod of the head as a greeting and I scoffed. "Boys these days." I grabbed Amelia from Lucas's arms and we followed Luke inside. He was catching me up on what's been going on around here and that managed to grab Lucas's interest so I let them talk while I played pass with Amelia.

When the sound of a car pulled up it grabbed all our attention and seconds later the front door opened. "Luke! What have I told you about your damn shoes in the ha-" Amy stopped abruptly when she walked into the kitchen to see us all gathered around. She dropped them bags and screamed before running towards me. I chuckled softly and met her halfway as she pulled me into a really tight embrace. "Oh my god. You're here! You're in Utah! Oh my god. Why are you here? How long are you here for?" I pulled away from her as she rambled so I hugged her again to shut her up.

"I missed you too Ams." I introduced her to my kids before Lucas and Luke went outside to play ball with Ryan while Amelia ran around after them trying to copy what they were doing.

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