• Nine ~ Well And Truly Worth It•

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Lily's PoV

It's been a while and none of us have heard from Lucy, not even her family. It's like she's fallen off the face of the earth. Keira's doing okay but she still has her off days so she usually takes Lucas up on his offers to train or spends the day with all of us but she still joins us on our Friday movie nights. They've all seemed to be getting on fine about Lucy missing and it's almost like they've forgotten all about her but I haven't. Every time the phone rings I pounce on it hoping it's her but I'm always left disappointed. I know it shouldn't bother me this much but she left without saying anything and that's why it's bothering me so much.

I was informed to leave the kids at home with Rach today to have a bonding day with just them. Surprisingly it was Lucas who requested it and told me to go entertain myself for a few hours doing whatever. I left them an hour ago and I haven't heard anything which I'm going to take as a good sign so I'm not too worried. I didn't know what to do with myself so I decided to meet Ma, Ellen, Jill and KB for some coffee. They were already there when I walked in and I smiled softly when I saw Jill stand up and wave me over.

I hugged them all before going to order my coffee and joining them at the table again. I sat down next to Ma and she smiled softly at me. "So, what's been happening with you Lil? I feel like I haven't seen you or the kids in ages." That was true. Rach and I decided to spend two weeks in Scotland with her parents and then a week in London with mine. Lisa and Viv were home with Levi so I thought it would be nice for Lucas to spend some time with them.

"Ah nothing really. We just took the kids to visit Rach's parents for a few weeks and Lis was home with her family so we took a trip to London too. What about you guys? Anything happen while we were gone?" The four of them looked between each other with a look and I furrowed my brows. Ma placed her hand on my knee and that's when I really started to worry.

"I have a kid." I nearly choked on my coffee and looked at KB in confusion. I looked over at Ma and she nodded her head gently. I looked back at KB and reached for her hand. She explained how she gave her up for adoption nineteen years ago and how her daughter showed up on her doorstep last week out of the blue. "Her name is Emma and she looks exactly like how I imagined she would." I smiled softly towards KB as she spoke about Emma so fondly.

"She sounds incredible KB. I can't wait to meet her some day." KB looked down at her watch and smiled widely as she looked up at me again.

"How about now? She's on the tube here and should be here any minute." I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically. We all followed KB out of the cafe and towards the tube station. She stood at the entrance nervously and I stepped up next to her and took her hand in mine supportively. She looked down at me and smiled softly while squeezing my hand gently.

After a few minutes she let go of my hand as a girl approached us. KB walked towards and they embraced one another awkwardly. I looked at Jill, Ellen and Ma and they smiled fondly at the interaction. The two made their way to us and Emma smiled at us nervously. "Emma, these are some of my closest friends Ellen, Steph, Jill and Lily. Ladies I'd like you to meet Emma." We all smiled softly towards hers and I stepped towards her. She smiled widely at me and I stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"It's lovely to meet you Emma and I can't wait to get to know you better." She smiled widely and nodded her head. I smiled widely when I noticed KB smiling fondly as she watched four interaction. We spent the day getting to know Emma better before we left her spend some overdue bonding with her mom. I offered to drive Ma home and we said bye to the girls before making our way to the car. The drive was silent for the most part. We both seemed to be consumed by our thoughts.

"I need you to take me somewhere and it's gonna take a few hours." I looked over at Ma worryingly as she typed furiously on her phone. I pulled in at the gas station on the side of the road and parked the car at a pump.

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