• Eight ~ She Left •

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Lily's PoV

With all that's being going on lately, things are relatively calm here. Rachel's been doing well with all things considered. She spaces out a lot but always manages to bring herself back before she got lost in a world of her own. Amelia is unaware of all that's happened and Rach and I made it a priority that she wouldn't suspect anything. Lucas on the other hand, well that's a different story entirely.

He spent a few nights at Ma's but then the government put the entire country into lockdown so he's back home with us. Ellen offered him to go live with her for a few weeks while we're quarantined, with my permission of course, but he surprisingly declined her offer and stay here with us. We were quite surprised by it really.

It's hard not getting to see each other everyday but it's been affecting the kids the most. Seeing as KB was living alone we offered her to come stay with us so she wouldn't be lonely but deep down it's really for me to make sure she's okay. She's been through a lot lately so having her here is easing my worries. Of course the kids are thrilled she's here, Amelia especially, and with the help of technology and all that jazz were still able to uphold our weekly Friday night routine.

It helps that we all live in a close proximity to one another and with Luce and Keira a few house down it's been easier than I thought. Although we aren't exactly speaking, Lucas and I have fallen into an unspoken routine. We get up early in the morning for a workout, go for a run around the estate three times where we are greeted by Ma on our last lap with bottles of ice cold water waiting on the wall for us and we have a few minutes of chat just checking in to make sure she has everything she needed. I do one final lap around just to give Lucas some time with her and then we jog back home.

Normally by the time we get home Amelia is up and about doing all kinds of stuff. With the weather being so great lately Rach and I decided to cut down massively on the kid's screen time and our own as well. KB even joined in with us as well. We've out in the back garden most of the day doing little activities to keep them occupied and then in the evenings we go out the front and spend some time with Luce and Keira. There's never any cars passing by so Lucas, KB and Luce pass the ball to each other on the road.

The only one we don't see regularly really is Ellen. We FaceTime every evening right before Amelia goes to bed so she can say goodnight and I stop by the house once or twice a week to make sure she's okay and has everything she needed. My actual family on the other hand in a completely different story. My parents are staying home and have their food and necessities delivered to their doorstep.

When my grandparents died a few years back they left the house to me but I gave it to my parents. It was a bit smaller than their own place but it was way more convenient for them. They did a little renovation on the place last summer and dad even built himself a home gym in her shed out the back. They're not far from the city and there's shops just around the corner so if they every need anything they can pop around the corner. It helps knowing that Lis and Viv are roughly a twenty minute drive from them.

They were coming home for the summer anyways but when they heard the talks about the country going into lockdown they made the decision to come earlier. They still have their London apartment and I would normally take Levi for the few weeks they were home but he decided he wanted to stay with mum and dad. It kept Lucas entertained and out of the house for a few hours everyday. I'm pretty sure Luce, Keira, Ma and Ellen would meet them below at the local field more often than not.

"Lil?" I jumped at the suddenness of Rach's voice and looked down at my hands that were full of soap from washing the dishes. I rinsed my hands under the water and turned off the water. "You alright? You seemed pretty spaced out there." I looked over my shoulder at her and smiled weakly.

"Yah, I'm fine." She didn't look convinced but Lucas walked into the kitchen. He looked between the two of us weirdly before walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. I looked over at Rach and shook my head weakly so Lucas wouldn't notice and she sighed. "Hey bubs can you drive me round to Ellen's later? I've gotta collect some things things." He looked at me excitedly and placed his bottle on the island.

"Really? You'll let me drive?" I chuckled softly and nodded my head. His smile was beaming as he practically skipped out of the kitchen. I looked over at where he just left and my smile faltered. I saw Rach looking over at me worryingly and made her way to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me close to her. I let out a soft laugh and hugged her back. She kissed the top of my head gently and I leaned into her touch.

I heard giggling coming from behind us and lifted my head from Rach's chest to see Amelia come running in with KB hot on her heels chasing her. "Mommy. Save me. Aunty Kazza is mean." I chuckled as Rach released her hold around me so she could pick up our child that was sprinting towards us. Rach smothered her in kisses and Amelia kept saying yucky and asking KB to save her. The door bell rang and I chuckled at the sight before me one last time before making my way to the door.

I opened it to see the delivery man standing at the gate. "Your parcel Mrs Corsie. Have a nice day." I bent down to pick it up and smiled softly.

"Thanks Dave, you too." He waved one last time before getting in his van and driving away. I saw that the gate was open so I set the parcel down inside the house before walking over. I was just about to close it but I saw Narla laying on the path in front of Lucy's place. I walked over to her and knelt down to run her belly. "What are you doing our here all along bubba? Let's get you inside to your mummies. Come on buddy." She jumped up and walked alongside me as I walked up to Lucy's door.

I knocked on it before taking a few big steps back because you know, social distancing and all that. When no one came to the door I started to worry. I ran back home and grabbed my key to their house. KB and Rach looked at me weirdly but I didn't even stay long enough to let them question. I ran back down to Luce's and unlocked the door. Narla ran straight in and I smiled softly when I saw KB right behind me. She closed the door behind us as we walked in further.

"I really hope they're not doing the nasty and we're gonna have to witness it." I looked back at KB weirdly and she just shrugged her shoulders as she walked into the living room. I looked out the window and noticed that only Keira's car was here. I made my way upstairs and went to their bedroom door. I knocked on it lightly and opened the door slowly.

"Keira? Hunny?" I stuck my head around the door and saw her all bundled up in bed. I made my way over to her and gasped quietly at the sight before me. Her eyes were raw and puffy and her nose was red from wiping it. She looked up at me and teared up once again. "Oh baby. Come here." I got in under the covers next to her and pulled her close to me. She cried into my chest, no scratch that, it was one of those breathing taking silent wails when your in pain but you know there's nothing you can do.

"I'm here baby. I'm here." Her hands ball up pieces of my shirt as she held onto me tightly as if I were going to slip away from her. The bedroom door opened and KB stuck her head around, gasping quietly. "KB I need you to keep Lucas away and don't tell him anything, okay? Can you bring him around to Ellen's? She knows why I was meant to stop by." She nodded her head and ran out of the room. One thing about KB is, as much of a big sister she is for us, she's utterly useless at trying to comfort people. It's quite funny seeing how awkward she gets when people are crying.

It took a while but when Keira stopped crying I slid down so I was face to face with her. "What happened babe?" She took a deep shaky breath and looked away from me for a few seconds. I knew the two were having troubles lately with Kiera not being able to conceive and it was really starting to take a toll on them, especially Luce.

"She left. Said she couldn't do it anymore." Even though they were having troubles I never thought that Luce would actually walk out on her. I scooted closer to Keira and hugged her again as she cried silently. I ran my hand through her hair and soon enough she was knocked out. The crying must have drained her energy completely. I sent Rach a quick text to set up the spare guest room for Keira because I didn't feel comfortable knowing she was going to be here alone for a while. I carried on running my hand through her hair gently and leaned my cheek against the top of her head. I know I needed to try get in contact with Lucy some way and I had an idea as to where she could be.

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