• Eleven ~ Lucy •

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A little short one for you x

Lily's POV
After our little getaway, Rachel had been acting very distant. She was leaving at 5 on the dot every evening and coming back later and later. I've found her passed out on the couch on numerous occasions and has started drinking more. I've had a lot on my mind recently so I couldn't care less what she's doing but when she came home around 2am last night absolutely smashed and hickeys forming on her neck that was my last straw. I called Ma but when she didn't answer I called the one person I knew would.

"Lil?" The grogginess of her voice hit different but I knew now was the time to be thinking like that and shook my head to get rid the thoughts.

"I need you." I got an immediate response and heard shuffling on her end the second she heard me say I needed her. Within the hour, despite it being a 90 minute drive, she walked through my front door. I had woken Lucas so he could pack a bag and it hurt me a little that he didn't even question as to why. He just hugged me and went to pack a bag. I went to Amelias room and packed as much I thought I needed before going to pack my own bags. I had placed them all by the door when she walked in.

I saw Lucas light up when he saw her and she went straight for him. She hugged him close and whispered something to him that I didn't catch. She came to me next and stood in front of me as Lucas walked out with a few of the bags. She looked over me as if checking that I wasn't hurt and I brought my hand to her cheek. Her eyes immediately met mine and she smiled softly. "Thank you for coming so fast." She shook her head gently as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

She leaned her forehead against mine and held me close. My eyes shut instinctively and I smiled shyly. "Thank you for calling me. Now, let's get going so I can get you all back to my place and get some rest." I nodded my head softly in agreement and sighed. She kissed my forehead gently before slowly letting go. She walked to the stairs and skipped up them to grab Amelia. I helped Lucas put the rest of the bags into Luce's car and shut the trunk while he put Amelias car seat into the car. I walked back inside just as Luce walked down the stairs with Amelia in her arms. She smiled softly when she saw me and looked down at Amelia.

I walked to the kitchen where Rachel was passed out agains the table and felt nothing but sadness. I grabbed a napkin and a pen so I could leave her a message for when she wakes in a few hours. I didn't tell her where or who long we'll be only that I took my kids to a safer place. I looked down at my wedding ring and slowly slid it off my finger, gently setting it down on the counter next to the note. I looked back at Rachel one last time before walking out of the house. Luce was waiting by the passenger door for me and opened it when she saw me coming. I kissed her cheek softly before getting in and she ran round to her side and got in.

The ride was silent and I looked over my shoulder to see my two babies sound asleep. Amelia had crawled out her car seat and into Lucas' arms. He cradled her close to his chest and had him arms around her protectively. I smiled sadly at the sight and Luce brought my attention away when she reached for my hand and brought it to her lips so she could kiss the back of it. I looked over at her and blushed which made her smile. She laced our fingers together and rest them on my leg. We spoke for a little while about nonsense and I hadn't even noticed I had fallen asleep until I felt my seatbelt being unbuckled.

I jerked awake and when I looked around only to see Luce I immediately relaxed. She smiled shyly and held her hand out for me to take. I reached for it immediately and got out of the car. "Lucas woke just as I pulled up so we brought everything in and showed him to their rooms. Everything's settled so let's get you to bed. I think Lucas is with Amelia in your room so you're more than welcomed to take the other spare." I nodded my head already knowing I wouldn't be going near that room. She showed me where the two were sound asleep in the bed and I smiled softly. I kissed them both gently before walking out of the room and shitting the door behind me quietly.

Luce was leaning against her bedroom door and I made my way over to her. I smirked mischievously which made her chuckle. She held her hand out and I reached for it immediately and let her pull me in. She shut the door behind us with her foot as I snaked my arms around her neck. We looked into each other's eyes for a few moments hoping the other would initiate the first mood but ultimately I knew it was down to me. I wasn't ready to be that intimate just yet so I pulled away from her slightly and reached for her hand.

I pulled her to the bed gently and got in under the blankets. She got in next to me and we laid facing each other for a while. She ran her hand through my hair gently and I subconsciously moved closer to her until I was up against her chest. I could feel her heartbeat and the rhythm was soothing. She held me close to her and kissed the top of my head every few minutes. I quickly fell asleep in her arms and felt safe and secure.

When I woke I was still in Luce's arms securely but we had managed to gain more guests. Amelia was snuggled between us and Lucas was on the other side of Luce also snuggled into her chest. The tv was playing softly in the background with some cartoons and the three of them giggled as they watched. Luce was the first to notice I was awake and gave me that million dollar smile of hers that made my heart flutter like a teenager. I sat up a little and leaned my head against her shoulder as Amelia moved fully into my lap.

I rubbed the top of Lucas's head gently and he looked up at me and smiled before turning his attention back to the tv. I lifted my head and looked over at Luce and studied her as she was completely drawn to the tv like the two. As if she could sense me looking at her, she turn her head to look at me. The second out eyes locked it felt it was just the two of us in a world of our own. I brought my free hand to her cheek and rubbed it softly. She immediately leaned into my touch and I brought my head closer to hers. I leaned in the remaining inches between us and brought my lips to hers. She immediately kissed me back and I felt her smile against my lips. She literally took my breath away and the kiss was so much better than I ever imagined it would be. It was truly breathless and had my heart racing.

In that moment I had all I could ever ask for. My two babies and someone who loved my kids just as much as they loved me. Lucy was that person. She treats my kids as if they're her own and always has. The bonds she has with them are unbreakable. I'm not saying I'm ready to fully commit to her at this moment, I mean I am still technically with Rachel but I'm not saying I'm going to stay with her. Rachel isn't the same person I fell in love with all those years ago and everyone can see it, even Rachel herself knows that.

Everything is all up in the air at the moment so I'm just going to take things day by day and if that means waking up every morning like this then sign me up. Something tells me the kids wouldn't mind it either. I don't think I've ever had a morning like this with them in a very long time. Not this content and peaceful anyways, myself or Lucas would always be on edge back at the house.

As if sensing what I was thinking, Luce reached for my hand and squeezed softly to bring me out of my thoughts. I looked over at her and she smiled softly. "I got you. You're safe now." Those words. Those three words meant so much to me I don't think she realised. I moved closer to her and she relaxed my hand so she could wrap it around my shoulder and hold em close to her. She kissed my forehead gently and I smiled softly. This was truly the most perfect morning I've had in quite a while.

It was a cute family moment that was worth taking a photo of so I reached for my phone and, ignoring all the missed calls and messages, I went straight to the camera and turned it to selfie mode. Luce chuckled softly and I grabbed the kids attention. We all had big beams and looked so genuinely happy that I set it as my screensaver immediately. "It's perfect." I looked at Luce and smiled while nodding my head. I turned my phone off once again and noticed the three of our phones was turned off which meant no one could reach us and disturb our day. I turned my attention back to the tv and just lived in the moment. This perfect moment, a memory I will cherish forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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