• Three ~ Our Babies •

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Lily's PoV

I couldn't sleep at all that night so I decided to got out for a drive. Rachel was sound asleep in the bed and didn't even move when I slipped out of the bed. I drove around for hours that by the time I pulled up in my original destination it was nearing half five in the morning. I got out of the car and looked up to see her lights were on which wasn't unusual of her because of how much of a morning person she was. I was making my way up to the front door where the yard light turned on and she appeared at the front door in her dressing gown and a gentle smile on her face. "I was wondering when you were going to turn up. Come here baby girl." I stepped towards Ma and let her pull me into a hug. She led me in to the living room and we sat on the sofa.

She made me lay down and put my head in her lap as she ran her hand through my hair. "Lucas went to Lucy's last night to make sure Amelia was alright and if she had everything she needed. Luce let me know that he was passed out in the spare room on the bed next to her." I smiled softly at the mention of Lucas being the overprotective big brother he is. I sat up slowly and turned my body to face Ma. She reached over and took my hands in hers and rubbed her thumb over the back of them gently. "What happened baby girl?" I looked away from her to our hands and let out a shaky breath.

"She's pregnant with someone else's kid." Steph pulled me closer to her and I just let all my emotions go. I started bawling into her shoulder and she held me tight.

"It's okay I'm here. You're safe now baby girl, I got you." I don't know how long we stayed in the position for because next thing I know I feel something being put over me. I jerked awake and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Luce standing there. I lifted my head and noticed Ma was gone but the seat was still warm so she mustn't have been up long.

"Where's Lucas and Amelia?" Luce plopped down on the sofa next to me and I leaned into her embrace. She chuckled softly and wrapped her arm around me securely and kissed the top of my head.

"Leah's up visiting for a few days with Jord so they brought them out for something to eat while K had to run a few errands. I think KB joined their little date as well when they ran into her in town so at least they're in safe hands." I giggled at Lucy's pun but she didn't seem to understand what she said and that made me laugh even more. I think she was only smiling because I was but it was gone just as fast as it appeared. She seemed to tense up all of a sudden and I looked at her weirdly.

"What's going on Luce?" She looked away from me and sighed. That just seemed to confirm my thoughts that something had happened.

"Rachel stopped me while I was on my way over to tell you to come back. She said something about bringing the kids with you or something." I was about to reply but the front door opened and I turned my head to see Amelia running in.

"Moooooooooommmmmmmmm!" I chuckled softly and opened my arms for her to run to me. I picked her up and smothered her face in kisses as she giggled loudly. I looked towards the door and saw Lucas leaning against the doorframe watching us absentmindedly. I grabbed his attention and motioned for him to come over and he did so without a second hesitation. He plopped down next to me and I leaned over to kiss his forehead. "I love you bubba." I saw him trying to hide his smile and that made my smile grow.

"I know you don't want to but we gotta head home bubs. We need to have a family chat with mum okay?" He looked at me sadly and nodded his head reluctantly. I leaned over and kissed his forehead again before standing up with Amelia in my arms. I walked into the kitchen where the others were and they all looked over at me sadly. "I'm going to bring the kids back to the house. Need to have a talk with Rachel. If you don't hear from myself or Lucas in the next hour will one of yous stop by and make sure I haven't murdered her yeah?" Luce chuckled gently and nodded her head.

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