• Seven ~ I Got You •

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Lily's PoV

I made my way into the room cautiously as if I took one wrong step something bad was going to happen. The sound of the heart monitor was the only thing reassuring me at this moment. I made my way over to the bed and sat on the chair. It took everything in me to stay strong and not break down when dull eyes of pain looked right back at me. I took Rachel's hand in mine and squeezed it softly.

I got on to the bed next to her and held her close to me. I ran my hands through her hair and kissed the top of her head every now and then. Rachel held on to me for dear life as she hugged me. It broke my heart seeing her this way. "You don't always have to be strong you know. Let me be strong for you for once baby. I got you. I'm always gonna be there for you when you fall." Rachel lifted her head off my chest and looked up at with with her watery eyes. I smiled sadly towards her and caressed her cheek gently. "We're going to get through this together." I saw a small smile make its way on her face and I leaned down so our foreheads were touching.

"How did I ever get so lucky to find you?" I took her hand in mine and laced our fingers together. I scooted down in the bed so we were face to face and smiled softly.

"Well you see, you and me, we're a team. I also may or may not have feelings for my teammate." She chuckled softly and it warmed my heart. I know we have a tough road ahead of us but we'll make it through. We always do.

"I think your secret is safe with me." I kissed her lips softly before kissing her nose and forehead gently. We stayed laying in that position for a while just looking at each other. I ran my free hand through her hair and it slowly put her to sleep as she snuggled closer to me. I felt myself drifting off to sleep and before I know it I was being woken up to someone calling my name. I opened my eyes groggily and saw Lucas standing at the end of the bed.

I looked down to see Rachel was still sound asleep clinging to me. I smiled softly and kissed the top of her head gently. I looked over at Lucas as he sat down on the chair across from the bed. "The baby. Is he uh is h-he uhm-" I sighed softly and looked at him sadly as I nodded my head. He looked away from me to Rachel and sighed deeply. "Fuck." I shot him a look and raised an eyebrow for his choice of words but he just shrugged his shoulders.

He didn't say much after that and just opted to play on his phone. I held Rach close to me as if she was just going to get up and leave. I've never felt the need to be this protective towards her before because it's normally her who's always so strong but now it's my turn to be strong for her. "I'm scared mom." I looked towards Lucas in confusion as he looked right at Rachel.

"Scared of what Bubs?" He looked at me sadly before looking back at her. He didn't say anything for a few seconds and I got worried. "Lucas?" He looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes that he tried to hide.

"This baby was going to make or break our family and I think you and mum knew that. This is going to break us even more mom. I'm scared she's going to leave us again." Rachel's grip tightened around me signalling she was awake but I didn't want Lucas to know that because he won't open up otherwise. "All this back and forth thing you guys have got going on these last few years has really had an affect me. I just, lately there are just, there are some nights I'm too scared to fall asleep because I don't know if you'll be there in the morning when I wake up." I looked at Lucas sadly and I felt the guilt building up inside of me.

I was truly at a loss for words and looked down at Rach to see a stray tear fall from her eye. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head softly as I thought about how to reply to Lucas. "I'm gonna spend a few nights with Ma." He walked out of the room before I could speak and I sighed.

The room was silent for a while, neither of us having anything to say. I moved from the bed to the chair but kept ahold of her hand. Doctors came in and out for a while before a nurse came in with discharge papers. I texted Ma to come collect us and around ten minutes later she walked into the room. Rachel had just gone into the bathroom to change when she entered so I walked over to her and she hugged me.

"He's still at home. I told him he had to wait until I got back with you before I take him back to my place. Luce and KB are keeping an eye on him." I sighed and nodded my head against her shoulder. She kissed the top of my head gently and held me closer to her but when the bathroom door opened I looked over at Rach. She looked over at us and smiled weakly before walking over to the bed. I was right by her side when she winced to reach for her shoes and much to her disapproval I put them on for her. Ma left to go grab the car and I thanked her before helped rach up off the bed.

"I can walk myself Lil." I looked at her and smiled softly. I leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

"I know but just because can doesn't mean you have to. And besides, this just gives me a perfect excuse of getting to have you in my arms." Her frown slowly turned into a small smile and I knew I had gotten through to her. I held her close to me as we walked through the hospital to the exit where Ma was eating for us with the car. I helped Rach into the passenger seat before jumping into the back.

We reached the house after a while and I helped rach out of the car. Ma walked in ahead of us but I stopped walking with Rach. She looked at me weirdly and I turned to face her. "I love you okay? And nothing will ever change that. If you want to make our family bigger then let's do it. I'll even carry the baby myself if that's what you'd prefer. We can start looking into IVF treatments or adoption, whatever you'd prefer. I know these next few weeks are going to be hard on the family, especially you but we're a team okay? I'll always have your back." She leaned in and kissed me gently as if to shut me up. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me.

"I love you too Mrs Corsie." I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead softly. We walked into the house and I saw Lucas sitting in the living room. I stopped walking and Rach looked at me weirdly. She followed my gaze and sighed softly when she saw what I was looking towards. "Should we talk to him now? Or wait a while for him to cool off?" I looked at her and softly softly.

"You go ahead into the kitchen while I got check up on him okay? We can talk with him once he's ready." She smiled weakly and nodded her head before making her way to the kitchen. I walked into the living room and Lucas looked up from his phone. When he saw it was me he placed it down on the sofa next to him just as I sat down.

"I'm not sorry for what I said at the hospital." I rested my elbows on my knees and leaned my cheek on my hands as I looked over at him. He glanced over at me before looking away again.

"I don't expect you to be son." He looked at me in confusion and I smiled weakly. I sat up straighter and scooted closer to him taking his hands in mine. "I'm actually really glad you said those things because it made us realise that we haven't been taking you and your feelings into consideration. I haven't been for a long time now and I'm so sorry. Ma's offer is still there for you to stay with a few days or if you want to go out of town I know mom and dad would love for you to spend a few days with them and then when you get home we'll all sit down as a family, me, your mum and you, and we'll talk." He nodded his head and I smiled softly. I kissed his forehead softly before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Mom." I stopped and turned to face Lucas again. He stood up and walked over to me. He caught me off guard by hugging me but I immediately hugged him back a little tighter. "I love you mom." I smiled softly and kissed his temple gently.

"I love you too bubs. So much." He let go after a few seconds and walked back to the couch. I smiled to myself and walked out of the living to the kitchen. KB, Luce, Ma, Rach, Keira and Ellen were sitting around the table and all turned their heads to look at me when I walked in. I saw Amelia at the island colouring in her colouring book and I smiled softly. I walked over to her and kissed the top of her head before making me to the free seat between Rach and KB and the conversation picked up again.

Rach hugged her knees close to her chest and leaned over to place her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and held her to me. I kissed the top of her head softly. Amelia made her way over to us and climbed her way up to my lap. I wrapped my free arm around her securely and kissed the top of her head. She snuggled her head under my chin and against my chest and I smiled softly leaning my chin against it as I held her close. I looked around the table as the conversation kept going and smiled softly.

Even though they weren't related by blood, these girls were family. My family. And I wouldn't change them for the world.

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