• Four ~ Gender Reveal •

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Lily's PoV

All the Americans had come for a surprise visit, well it was a surprise to myself and Rach because Lucas 'forgot' to tell us they were coming. Little shit. Rachel is four months pregnant and she's literally taking it all in her stride. As in she hasn't had any of the pregnancy symptoms. Legit nothing. You'd think she wasn't pregnant only for the baby bump she's supporting. I don't know how she's doing it but I thank the lord everyday that she stuck with me through my complicated pregnancy with Amelia.

The girls had come to visit for baby Corsie's gender reveal which is happening today. We were having a party today at the house and all of our nearest and dearest were invited. The Scotties and the Brits were all coming, even a few of the Dutchies but we were all excited. Amelia loved having all the attention on her and Lucas was outside with the boys aka Ryan, Luke, Darbs, Dad, Rachel's dad and Levi. Lisa and Viv had come for two weeks and were staying in London with mum and dad while Levi was staying with us. It's quite a full house we have but I wouldn't change it for the world seeing how happy Lucas has been these last few weeks.

His relationship with Rachel has been on the mend and they've been spending more one on one time together slowly trusting each other again. We've started a new little family tradition by having a movie night every Friday night and take turns picking the movie. Sometimes Lucy and Keira join us or KB, Ma and Ellen but the best times is when they're all here together. Lucas always ends up between Ma and KB while Amelia opts to sit with Luce and Keira occasionally but it's mostly Ellen she sticks with. They've got an unbreakable bond with each other and it's really cute. I made the right choice by choosing her as Amelia's godmother. Rach and I alway snuggled up together by the fire and enjoy the time we have with our family while the kids are still young.

We were having a football themed gender reveal party courtesy of Lucas. Rachel is hoping for another girl but everyone else is mixed on what they choose. All I ask is for our baby to be safe and healthy whether Little Peanut is to be a boy or a girl. I won't love it any less because of its gender. It was a little after three when everyone had arrived. Rachel grabbed everyone's attention by turning down the music and they gathered all around. I walked over to her side and placed my hand on the small of her back and looked at her with a soft smile.

"Thank yous all for being here to spend today with us, we really appreciate it. So instead of waiting any longer, bubs you wanna do the honour?" Lucas looked over at us and smiled widely while nodding his head. He grabbed the football and looked back at us. Everyone had their phones out recording and counted backwards from three. When they hit one Lucas kicked the ball as hard as he could and it shattered into pieces while surrounded by blue smoke. Everyone cheered but I turned to Rach and smiled widely when I saw her already looking at me. "I love you."

I leaned my forehead against hers and chuckled softly. "I love you too. Both of you." I kissed her lips gently and placed my hand on her growing belly. I caressed it gently as we both looked out at our families engaging with each other for the first time in a while. Rach leaned her head against my shoulder and I smiled softly before kissed the top of her head gently. We got separated after a while being dragged into different conversations but I didn't mind. It was nice to have a little catch up with my parents and Lis and Viv.

I walked inside after a while and smiled softly when I saw Ma sitting in the living room with Amelia. I made my way over to them and Ma smiled widely when she saw me. I sat down between her legs and leaned against her. She chuckled softly before wrapping her arms around me and holding me close to her.

"So baby number three huh?" I sighed softly as I leaned further into Ma. I felt her kiss the top of my head softly as I looked over at Amelia giggling at the tv.

"He's either going to make or break this family and I don't think I can go through it all over again. Ma, what if she leaves me again? What if she hurts my kids again?" Ma pulled me closer to her and I sighed softly. She didn't say anything for a while as we sat in silent with her holding me. She'd hold a little closer every now and again and kiss the top of my head softly.

"Hey, we're in the this together babe. We're a team you and I and we always have each other's back. So whatever you decide I will back you 100% and help you hide the bodies." I chuckled softly and shook my head at her comments. I placed my hands on top of Ma's and played with her hands as I leaned further into her embrace.

Amelia came over after a while and sat between my legs and I smiled softly. I held her close to me just as Ma held me. It was some much needed quality time I didn't know that I needed so much. Ma leaned her chin on shoulder and her grip would tighter ever so slightly every few minutes. Our bonding moment wasn't long lasting before we were interrupted. Jill walked into the living room with Jordan, Leah, Keira, Lucy, Kaz, KB and Ellen trailing not far behind her and I smiled softly. Ellen plopped down on the ground next to us and Amelia immediately went into her arms. She chuckled softly and smothered my daughters face in kisses as Amelia giggled loudly. Lucas even joined us as well at some point and sat on the other side of Ma and I.

Honestly, you wouldn't think that there was a party going on ten meters away with how relaxed we were just watching tv like it was just a regular Saturday evening in the Corsie household. It wasn't until Rach came looking for me that I remember that there was actually others here. I left the girls in the living room with Amelia and Lucas and joined Rachel outside.

I spent most of my time with the American girls and had a nice catch up with them. The Scottish girls joined us too at some point as well as Ma and the girls. "So, instead of beating around the bush, how did this happen?" I looked at Caroline and sighed softly. I felt someone place their hand on my back and turned my head to see Ma standing there smiling sadly towards me.

"I, uh, I cheated on her." I looked towards Rachel in confusion as she blatantly lied to them. I could see a few of the girls were in shock while others looked pissed. She looked towards me and shook her head discreetly. I made my way over to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her away from everyone and in to the house.

"Why are you lying?" Rachel looked down at our hands and slowly removed hers from mine. She looked away from me and took a few steps back.

"Because I don't want them to find out what really happened Lil, that's why's. I can still feel his hands on me and there's nothing I can do to get rid of the feeling." I looked at her sadly as she looked back at me with pain evident in her eyes.

"You are the strongest woman I've even known Rach. You've been through so much. Telling them the truth isn't going to make them treat you any differently. If anything it will make them respect you more." I stepped towards her but she stepped away from me. I sighed softly and stopped knowing that it's best to respect her space.

"I don't want them to treat me differently Lil. I don't want any of the pity looks and remarks. I'm ashamed of it okay. It's easier that they don't know." I stepped towards her again and took her hands in mine. I made her look up at me and I brought one of my hands to her cheek. I rubbed my thumb across it gently and admire my beautiful wife.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of Rach." Rachel dropped her hands from mine and stepped away. I sighed softly and was about to speak but the sound of people walking in caught our attention. Rachel looked over my shoulder in shock and I slowly turned my head to see Chris, Kel, Becky, Lisa, Kim, Emma, Erin, Ma, Luce and KB standing there. "How much of that did yous hear?" I looked at Ma and she nodded her head gently.

I turned back to Rachel and watched as she sat down on one of the sofas with her head in her hands. Erin walked over and sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. I don't know what she was saying but the small smile on Rach's face as she cried softly told me it was something comforting.

Chris came over to my side and hugged my sideways. I chuckled softly and leaned my head against hers. "She'll get through this baby girl. As long as she has you by her side she's invincible." She kissed my cheek softly before walked over to Rach. KB made her way to me then and pulled me into a tight embrace. I leaned my head against her chest and let out a deep sigh. She hugged me a little tighter and kissed the top of my head softly. I watched as the others all gathered around Rach and hugged her. This is what family is all about, coming together in a time of need.

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