• Six ~ Happy Birthday Pt 2 •

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Lily's PoV
Despite all of them being here with me to spend my birthday, they've respected my wishes on keeping it small and cosy so when Ma suggested we go down to the local football field for a small game we were all more than willing. Perks of being retired footballers is having a shed full of old cleats that were nearly worn and a variety of different sizes because of Lucas playing now. Luce went next door and brought over a box full of her and Ke's old pairs as well so we had more than enough for everyone.

I told them all to head down without Ma, Ellen and I and that we would meet them there. We were packing up most of the food to have a picnic with enough for all of us. Ellen filled the cooler with waters and juices to keep them cold while Ma and I loaded my car with the food. I had the biggest car of the three of us being it a seven seater so it was the best option. I put down the back two seats and laid out a blanket to place the cooler and wrapped food on it.

I also put in a few blankets, sheets and pillows so everyone would have a seat. Ma left for her place because she had a few sets of camping chairs and a small tent to shade people from the sun. Ellen and I loaded up the last of the stuff into the car before locking up with the house and headed towards the field. We were the only ones there but there still around thirty of us so we weren't a small group by any means.

Dad met us by my car and helped unload all the pillows and blankets. Ellen took the cooler and I set up the food in the back of my car. "Come on Mom, we have to beat aunt Luce and Aunt Kel. They're getting too confident." I chuckled softly when I saw Kelley shove my kid to the ground. I quickly changed into my cleats and laced up. They had split it to even teams and I smiled widely when I saw I had the 'less experienced' ones with me.

I glanced over at Ma a few meters away from me and smirked. Luce walked over to me and tossed me the ball and cockily walked away. I looked back at Lucas and winked at him subtly which made him smile widely. Despite being a defensive midfielder, Lucas takes after me a lot with his football skills and just like me, he doesn't have a stronger leg when it comes to playing which it makes it very hard for opponents to read his moves just like they struggled with for me.

I placed the ball on the ground and looked back at my team. It was all fun and games for the first hour and then the 'oldies' started getting tired and left the competitiveness to the youngsters. I joined them adults a while after and sat down behind Rach so she was between my legs and I held her close to me. "Have I ever told you how sexy you look carrying my baby?" Rach turned her head to look up at me and I looked at her in confusion.

"This is the first time you've acknowledged it as your baby." I looked away from Rach guiltily and saw Ma looking towards us. I let go of Rachel and stood up. I didn't want to address anything so I went to play with the others. I noticed Luce, Ma, Chris and Kel all joined in as well. Ellen and Keira were still playing and they both smiled widely when they saw us join.

"So, USA and everyone else v England?" We all agreed and split in to our teams. We were just about to start up again when I looked to my left to see a group of people joining us. I smiled widely when I saw Erin and Emma making their way towards us with Katie, Leah, Jordan, Beth, Daan, Jill, Caitlin, Lia, Kaz and Jill. We asked them to join and they were rearing to go. I hugged Leah, Jordan, Beth, Dan, Jill and Kaz before the game started.

"Oi Evans, you're going down." I looked towards Erin and she smirked. I stuck my tongue out at her before passing the ball back to Jill. We had automatically fallen in to a 3-4-3 formation and I smiled softly.

Luce.             Ma.            Leah.                
Jill.         Keira.           Jordan.        Kaz.   
Ellen.       Me.       Beth.

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