• Two ~ You're What? •

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Lily's PoV

Lucas was asked to go hang out with Ryan and his friends so he went with them instead of coming to the game. He asked me of course because he knew Rachel would've said no but I wanted him to enjoy his time here instead of trying to start something that wasn't necessary. I know Rachel was a little pissed off at us seeing as Lucas always comes to her games despite their non talking phase but I've a feeling coming to the States has put an even bigger strain on their 'relationship' but that's something she needs to fix herself. I had Amelia with me in the VIP box and I brought Amy along for the game. A few past national team players were up there as well and I greeted them all.

"Well if it isn't Scotty herself. It's been a while kid, how're things?" I chuckled softly when Ashlyn walked over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. It was nice being able to catch up with them and Amelia was attached to Christen by the hip the entire time. That was until we were brought down to the field after the game and Amelia saw Erin. That's when we were all dropped. I chuckled as Chris pouted and I patted her shoulder.

"Cheer up Pressy. She does the exact same thing to me whenever she sees Erin. You get used to it after a while." I smiled softly at the sight of Erin on the ground with Amelia on top of her as they laughed. I looked around to find Rachel to see her making her way towards us. The girls had lost 2-0 but I know that's not why her body language was tense.

She didn't even kiss me like she normally does after games. I clenched my jaw and crossed my arms over my chest and turned my body away from all the cameras that were all over. "I keep giving you chance after chance to try mend things with Lucas but you don't. I just really don't understand why. I mean, what's actually stopping you? Is it me? Is it Lucas? This isn't going to work if you don't tell me Rach." Nothing was said between us for a while as we both stood in silence. I looked around as the two teams engaged in conversations with one another and some even swapped jerseys and others greeted old friends. Amelia was still playing with Erin and they managed to find a ball and a few others joined in on their little game.

I looked back at Rachel to see her already looking at me. "I'm going back to Glasgow with the team tonight." I looked at her incredulously and laughed sarcastically as I shook my head. I looked at her for a few seconds and sighed in defeat. "You know what Rach, just leave. Do whatever the fuck you want, it's not like you have two kids to think about or anything. I'm done with cleaning up the messes you make." She was about to say something but I walked over to Erin and Amelia came running towards me. I bent down to pick her up and kissed her cheek softly. "Ready to go sweet girl?" She smiled widely and nodded her head.

"Alright go say bye to momma with Erin okay?" Erin looked at me worryingly but I shook my head at her. I set Amelia down and Erin led her over to Rachel. I made my way over to the sideline and grabbed Amelia's backpack and jacket while she hugged Rachel.  She ran over to me after Rachel set her down and I smiled gently down at her. "Let's go get Lucas so shall we?" She nodded her head enthusiastically and held onto my hand.

We had just made it out of the stadium when I heard my name being called. I turned my head to see Amy jogging after us. Amelia giggled when she saw her and I smiled softly. "You're staying with me for the rest of the week. No ifs or buts about it." I was about to reject but she held up her hand to silence me. She picked Amelia up and started walking towards her car and I followed after them with a soft smile on my face.

I called Lucas to let him know what was going on and Amy texted Ryan to bring Lucas back to their place immediately so he doesn't do anything stupid. When we pulled up in front of Amy's place the garage door was open and the three boys were shirtless with sweat dripping off of them. There were a few boxing bags handing from the ceiling and they all had gloves on as they punched them with all their power. They all had headphones on and once we got out of the car and made our way towards them we could hear how heavy they were breathing.

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