• Ten ~ Stay In Touch Ya? •

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Oops -
Sorry not sorry .....

Lily's PoV
KB offered to take Amelia for the day so she could introduce her to Emma and Jill decided to tag along. Rach didn't know what to do with herself so she decided to go shopping for some new clothes or something, I don't really understand what she was talking about. I just smiled and nodded my head the entire time. They left roughly the same time so it was just myself, Lucas, Ma, Ellen and Keira left. Ellen and Ma sat down on either side of Lucas on the couch across from Keira and I. We had to tell him what was going on.

"Bubs, what your mum is about to say is really hard on all us and it's completely understandable and okay to be upset by it." Lucas looked at Ma in confusion and she took his hand in hers. She looked over at me and nodded my head. Keira our her hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently and I sighed.

"Yesterday, while I was gone, Ma and I were up the north to pay an unexpected visit to someone." I could see he was trying to piece together what was going on and it seemed to just click for him. His eyes widened and he redirected his gaze. I exchanged glances with Ma and she looked back at me in confusion. "What aren't you telling us Lucas?" He stood up and walked a few steps while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh, okay. Promise me you won't be mad?" I shot him a look and he looked at the ground sheepishly. When you say shit like that Lucas, of course I'm going to be angry. As if sending what I was thinking, Keira our her hand in mine and laced fingers together. "I may or may not have known where Lucy was this entire time and been meeting with her once a week when I was meant to be training. Well, technically I was, just I was training with her." He spoke so fast I almost didn't catch it. Almost being the keyword. I was just about to tear into him but the doorbell rang.

"This isn't over. Sit down and don't even think about moving a muscle." I shot him a look as if to disobey me and he sat immediately. I walked to the front door and opened it angrily. I looked at who was there and groaned. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Lucy looked at me in a frightened manner and took a step back. I opened the door wider and she looked at me skeptically. "You're just in time for a family chat. Come on. You're the reason we're having it so why not join us." She stepped in hesitantly and walked to the living room door slowly. I walked in and she followed me which caused everyone to look at us.

"Lucas here was just informing us all of your weekly encounters." I looked at Ma as she stood up and Ellen grabbed her arm pulling her down again. She looked from Lucy to Lucas and shot him a look. He visibly gulped and nodded his head quickly trying not to poke the bear even more. "So, why don't you do us the pleasure and elaborate more on these encounters Ms Bronze." I walked away from her and sat down to Keira again. Lucy sighed and sat down on the free couch. She looked over at Lucas and smiled sadly at him as she started speaking.

The room was dead silent after she stopped talking. They all seemed to be looking at me waiting for my reaction but I didn't give them one. "I'm pregnant." All eyes moved from me to Keira in a split second. We were all caught majorly off guard by it. Lucy stood up and walked out of the room and I heard the front door close. Keira was about to get up and follow her but I stopped her.

"I got her." I stood up and ran out of the house just as Lucy got to her car. "Lucy!" She looked back at me and shook her head as she opened the door to get in. I grabbed her hand just in time and she looked at me. "I got you Luce." Her face turned from pissed and hurt to my old Luce so quick it hurt my heart. She wrapped her arms around me securely and for the first time in a long time I felt like I was home.

"I can't stay here bubs. This isn't my home and it hasn't been for quite some time. I love you more than anything but I have to go. You have to let me go baby girl." I shook my head against her and when she tried to pull away I just held her tighter.

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