• Five ~ Happy Birthday Pt 1 •

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Lily's PoV

If there's one thing everyone knows about me is that I don't like celebrating my birthday. It's been a few days after the whole gender reveal disaster and things around the house have been quiet. The Americans decided to stay around longer as well as Lis and Viv but I wasn't complaining. It's always nice to have family around and as much as Rach avoids speaking to them all she always ends up snuggled up to me on the couch.

Ellen has insisted on taking Amelia for a few days to her place while things settle down but something tells me that we'll be seeing a little Ellen mini me running around soon enough. Same goes for Steph and the Bronze-Walsh clan. I mean, they're all basically mothers as it is helping me raise the two since day one but that's besides the point.

I knew the girls were planning something for my birthday. They weren't exactly the sneakiest people around but I wasn't going to say anything. I noticed how much brighter everyone seemed these past few days and how suspicious they were being but it took the attention off me and my birthday so I left them at it. Rachel has woken up early everyday this week before me, which is very unusual, and has made breakfast. If it isn't Rach making the breakfast it's Lucas.

This morning was the same only this time I was awoken by feathery kisses being left along my jawline. I opened my eyes groggily to see Rach leaning over me with a big smile plastered across her face. "Happy birthday beautiful." I smiled softly and brought my hands to her cheeks and pulled her down so I could kiss her properly. It quickly got heated as I sat up a little and Rach straddled me. Her growing belly pressed against my stomach and I smiled softly. As our lips meshed together I brought my hands down to her stomach and slowly wrapped my arms around her torso holding her close to me.

Once oxygen was deemed necessary we both pulled away slowly and slightly out of breath. "I could get used to waking you up like that." I chuckled softly and nodded my head in agreement. I kept my arms around Rach as she laid on top of me and I smiled softly. I looked over at the clock to see it was a little past eight am. I heard the front door shut signalling that Lucas and Levi left for their morning run so we had the house to ourselves.

Rach seemed to sense what I was thinking and got off me. She walked over to our closet and stripped until she had no item of clothing on. I stared at her in lust as she walked towards our bathroom. Once she reached the door she looked back at me and smirked. "Care to join me?" I licked my lips subconsciously and jumped out of the bed. I stripped as fast as I could and locked our bedroom door quickly so we had no intrusions.

I made my way into the bathroom and shut the door behind me before making my way to the shower where Rachel was standing under the water with her eyes closed. I got in behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I left feathery kisses along her neck and she shivered against my touch. I smirked but it quickly vanished when she turned in my arms and pushed me up against the wall.

I'm not one to kiss and tell but damn shower sex is so underrated. By the time we got out it was nearly nine. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a baggy white T-shirt while Rachel opted for a floral summer dress. I smiled gently as I leaned against the bathroom doorframe as she did her makeup. She looked at me through the mirror and smiled softly. "What?" She chuckled softly and I made my way over to her.

I hugged her from behind and leaned my chin in her shoulder. She leaned into my embrace and let out a content sigh. "Thank you." She looked at me in confusion and turned in my arms so she was facing me.

"For what?" She wrapped her arms around my neck and  smiled softly. I leaned forward and gently rested my forehead against hers. "Just for being you." She smiled widely and I kissed the tip of her nose tenderly. We stood in one another's embrace for a while just enjoying each other's presence in the quiet. That was until we heard the doorbell go off and I heard Ma's voice as she spoke to who sounded like Kel. I chuckled softly when Rach groaned and bury her face into my chest.

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